Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 335 Geniuses from Kyushu gather! The Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition is about to

Although they haven't seen each other for more than a month, Lin Tianming hopes that things will remain the same for Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue.

But when he saw that the two of them were still the same as before, Lin Tianming didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

"The two of them are still the same...they are really numb, ugh!"

Sighing helplessly, Lin Tianming was about to go over and pull them apart, but he was shocked by the powerful auras emanating from each of them.

"Is this...a Jida attack? Holy shit! Qingxue...Qingxue actually understands Jida attacks like me?"

"And this is... the ultimate speed! After Feng Lan was hit by my extreme speed, did he also realize the extreme speed after returning?"

"These two monsters...are really chasing me closely. If I'm not careful, I will be overtaken by them!"

Looking at Ye Qingxue, who was unleashing a powerful attack, and Feng Lan, who was extremely fast, Lin Tianming had to admit that they were worthy of being reborn goddesses.

This growth rate is not slower than him at all!

"Feng Lan, I didn't expect you to realize the ultimate speed, but just based on this, you can't beat me, Ye Qingxue!"

"You talk so much!"

Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan were fighting each other, and neither of them wanted to give in.

Although they were all shocked that the other had understood the ultimate in different fields, this did not affect their Taoist hearts that they believed to be invincible.

Lin Tianming watched for a moment and decided to pull them away while they were not injured.

"Qingxue, Feng Lan, you two, stop fighting. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. Don't start fighting as soon as we come up!"

While talking, Lin Tianming appeared between Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue.

Facing Feng Lan's flurry of wind swords and Ye Qingxue's ice attack, Lin Tianming transformed into a dragon-marked angel in charge of the stars.

The Judgment Star Sword was lowered and smashed their two Shinto field offensives in the center.

"Brother Tianming!"


Lin Tianming also smiled when he saw that the two of them were quite obedient this time and did not continue to fight to the death like they did in the ice and snow secret realm.

"Okay, everyone, be good and don't start fighting whenever we meet. The impact will be too bad!"

Ye Qingxue put away the power around her and quickly approached Lin Tianming.

Although they hadn't seen each other for more than a month, her movement of holding Lin Tianming's arm was still as skillful as before.

"Hehe, brother Tianming, what's your new skill? You can actually turn into an angel!"

After Feng Lan dissipated his power, he looked at Lin Tianming curiously.

"It's just some small skills. Let's not talk about it for now. Since you are all back, let's go get something to eat together!"

Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan did not live until the arrival of the three major ascension kingdoms in their previous lives, so Lin Tianming did not plan to tell them about genetic ascension for the time being.

Even though Ye Qingxue and he had entered that secret realm, they still knew too little about it.

When the time comes, they will understand.

Ye Qingxue heard Lin Tianming's suggestion and nodded happily: "Okay, brother Tianming, we haven't been to the food street outside the west gate for a long time. Let's go there again today!"

But when Ye Qingxue noticed that Feng Lan was still there, she shook her hands holding Lin Tianming's arm and started to act sweetly.

"But... I don't want to be with her. Brother Tianming, can it be just the two of us?"

Lin Tianming has the ability to eavesdrop on people's thoughts, and he knows very well the reason why Ye Qingxue acts like a baby.

But he still didn't get what she wanted.

"It just so happens that Feng Lan is coming back at this time today. Since it's such a coincidence, it's better for everyone to come together."

Seeing Lin Tianming say this, Ye Qingxue pouted her little mouth.

"Okay then... hum, I'm warning you, Feng Lan, don't compete with me for brother Tianming! Don't call brother Tianming your boyfriend!"

It's okay that she didn't warn Feng Lan. Feng Lan, who had always been a man of few words, responded to her warning: "Tian Ming has always been my boyfriend, even if I don't call him."


Before Ye Qingxue could storm away, Lin Tianming quickly covered her mouth and held her down.

He looked at Feng Lan at the same time and said: "Feng Lan, we are finally reunited, please don't irritate Qingxue."

Feng Lan's expression didn't change at all, but she still nodded.

Lin Tianming was relieved to temporarily calm down these two unruly guys.

Next, he took the two of them to the food court. Lin Tianming also paid attention to the voices of Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan at all times to ensure that they were both in a relatively stable state.

Perhaps it was because food was an irresistible temptation for girls. After Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue arrived at the food court, they stopped arguing on the surface and had no conflicts in their hearts.

Seeing the two of them enjoying the joy of delicious food and being at peace with each other, Lin Tianming was rarely at peace.

This is the first time Lin Tianming has seen the two of them so harmonious since they got along with Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan.

I really hope they can get along as well as they do now, so that he can feel completely at ease!

Perhaps it had been too long since they had seen each other, so Lin Tianming played with Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan until late at night.

If he hadn't pulled the two of them, he estimated that the two of them would have continued to be crazy today.

Feng Lan leaned on Lin Tianming's left shoulder, her reddish face breathing evenly after being drunk.

Even though she was drunk, she was still as calm and calm as when she was not drunk.

Ye Qingxue is not as calm as Feng Lan.

The drunken little face leaned on his right shoulder, muttering something from time to time.

"Asshole... bastard Feng Lan... no... I won't let you succeed..."

"Brother Tianming is should give up as soon as possible!"

"Hehehe...Brother brother Tianming...hehehe..."

Lin Tianming felt a little ashamed when he heard Ye Qingxue's outrageous remarks when he was drunk.

A good reborn Ice Goddess, but she doesn’t have the temperament of a goddess at all...

Kindly dragging Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue downstairs to their dormitory, Lin Tianming was directly looked at by the dormitory aunt with vigilant eyes to guard against wolves.

He is such a good person!

He complained in his heart, but Lin Tianming didn't say anything more and went back to his own boys' dormitory to rest.

The next day, Teacher Jiang Han urgently notified Lin Tianming to go to her place.

Lin Tianming was a little tired after being tormented by Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue last night and having to get up early today.

However, he still went to the Thunder Awakening venue to find Jiang Han obediently.

Who would have thought that at the Lightning Awakening venue, he not only saw Jiang Han, but also Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue.

"Brother Tianming, morning!"

Listening to Ye Qingxue's clingy greeting like his little girlfriend, Lin Tianming also replied: "Good morning."

Feng Lan smiled slightly at Lin Tianming and didn't say much.

Jiang Han saw that Lin Tianming had also arrived, and she explained the reason for calling them here so early.

"Today is the day when all the first-year geniuses from Kyushu's Higher Awakened Academy gather. This time, our Imperial Academy, as in previous years, has ten quotas for the Global Higher Awakened Academy competition.

You three are the first-year students of our Imperial Academy, so I called you here alone to inform you.

Today, first-year elites from other colleges in Kyushu will also gather at the Imperial Academy in our imperial capital as scheduled.

After the first-year geniuses from all the colleges have gathered, tomorrow we will take a special plane to the Capital of Heaven in the Northern Yin Territory to participate in the annual Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition! "

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