Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 337 Nan Xiner, a girl from southern Xinjiang who is pink and black! Tianming guessed it righ

Wan...wan Gu died after eating his heart?

Damn it! this too tragic?

This was the first time Lin Tianming heard how the original owner died in his previous life!

In fact, both Wang Yanran and Tian Shui also knew how Lin Tianming died.

It's just that during his interactions with them, they didn't think about this issue in front of him.

Therefore, even if Lin Tianming had the ability to eavesdrop on his heart, he would have no way of knowing the cause of death of the original owner in his previous life.

If this southern Xinjiang girl hadn't appeared in advance this time, triggering Feng Lan's past life memories, and he happened to be there, he would probably have to wait much later to find out the cause of the original owner's death.

Although this girl from southern Xinjiang may not be the murderer of the original owner in the previous life, Lin Tianming can already figure out how the original owner died.

The original owner had tricked Feng Lan and Wang Yanran in his previous life and had no choice but to stay in the imperial capital, so he fled to Donghai City where Teacher Tianshui was.

After deceiving Teacher Tianshui's feelings, he fled to Southern Xinjiang again, hoping to continue to deceive the girl from Southern Xinjiang.

Who would have thought that a girl from southern Xinjiang could plant a love poison without the original owner's knowledge.

Once the original owner betrays their relationship, the Love Gu will be triggered.

After the original owner tricked the girl from southern Xinjiang and wanted to run away, the love poison broke out. In the end, his heart was eaten by thousands of poisons and he died, and his body was chewed to pieces by poisonous insects...

Just thinking about it like this made Lin Tianming feel a little numb.

It’s not good to offend anyone, it must be a woman who knows the art of witchcraft!

Don’t you know that the witch girls in TV dramas are all yanderes with pink and black faces?

Once you are suspected of having a change of heart, you will definitely end badly!

You are on the verge of death every day, because you don’t know which words you say will irritate this sickly girl, and she will directly turn into evil, torture you, and kill you brutally...

In reality, if you encounter this kind of profession, there is a high probability that it is a yandere girl, so you must stay away!

The premise of all this is that this girl from southern Xinjiang is really the murderer of the original owner in the previous life.

But even if it wasn't, Lin Tianming felt that the plot was pretty much the same, just with a different girl.

"Here we come, that girl Nan Xin'er wearing traditional costumes from southern Xinjiang! She is so beautiful and pure, and her smile is as innocent as a crescent moon. I like her smile so much!"

"I watched it on videos before, but I didn't expect that there is no beauty filter in reality. Instead, it looks more beautiful and fairy-like. This is the real little fairy!"

"Oh! Mom, I'm in love! This girl from southern Xinjiang, Nan Xiner, has no impurities in her eyes, just like stars!"

While walking with Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan, I heard the excited voice of discovering the real girl from southern Xinjiang.

Lin Tianming was instantly stressed.

Regardless of whether the other party was the culprit who killed the original owner, Lin Tianming did not want to come into contact with this kind of witch and Gu master girl.

It’s not that he read too many novels of this kind on Blue Star before traveling through time, and that he had label-based discrimination against witch girls.

But life is too precious and he doesn't want to gamble!

Even if the other party is really the real culprit who killed the original owner, Lin Tianming has no idea of ​​attacking the other party.

I'm afraid that the sickly girl will wake up one morning, either in the freezer of the refrigerator or in a well, so cold that I want to cry!

"Are they so pretty? They all look like crazy. Brother Tianming, let's also go and see that girl from southern Xinjiang, Nan Xiner. I want to see if she smiles innocently and has stars in her eyes!"

It happened that at this time, Ye Qingxue also became interested in the girl from southern Xinjiang, Nan Xiner.

Feng Lan frowned. Although she was a little worried that the girl from southern Xinjiang was related to Lin Tianming's death in his previous life, she did not speak to stop Ye Qingxue.

[Let’s go and have a look. If it’s really the murderer who killed Tianming in the last life, I have to keep an eye on her in this life to prevent her from poisoning Tianming! 】

Lin Tianming really didn't want to go, but Ye Qingxue was particularly interested in Nan Xiner, a girl from southern Xinjiang, so he could only be dragged by her to see Nan Xiner.

"I'm very grateful for everyone's likes...but please calm down...I...I came to the Imperial Academy to wait for the special flight to Beiyin Territory tomorrow...I'm not here to hold a fan meeting..."

Soon, Lin Tianming heard the weak voice of a girl in front of him.

The unique appearance of a yandere girl is weak and easy to bully, and she is innocent.

Once the disguise is taken off, that frightening morbid expression...

Although Lin Tianming didn't want to think too much about that, he still couldn't help but think of the image of yandere girls in the novels, movies, and TV dramas he had read.

"Miss Nan Xiner, I like you, can you give me your autograph?"

"Miss Nan Xiner, I also want your signature. Can you sign it directly on my hand? I won't wash my hands for a week after signing!"

"Go away, don't wash your hands for a week, do you want to stink others to death? Miss Nan Xiner, look here, can I take a photo with you?"

Seeing these people's enthusiastic performances, Lin Tianming was not in the mood at all.

But under Ye Qingxue's pull, Lin Tianming was forced to see the true appearance of Nan Xin'er, a very popular girl from southern Xinjiang.

Just like those people said just now, this is the first time Lin Tianming has seen a girl with such clean eyes. Her eyes are as beautiful as stars.

And her smile is like a crescent moon, and when paired with southern Xinjiang clothing with a hint of ancient style, she has an innocent beauty.

"Thank you for your likes. Signing is okay, but I still hope that everyone will come in order. I will sign up to twenty and then I have to leave. Please don't block the way here. It will not affect the normal passage of others. !”

Hearing Nan Xiner's gentle words of consideration for others, Lin Tianming subconsciously thought of someone.

That is his teacher Tianshui.

But Tian Shui is really as gentle as water, and this girl from southern Xinjiang has more of an innocent and beautiful image.

If he hadn't just heard Feng Lan's voice saying that Nan Xiner was probably the murderer of the original owner, Lin Tianming would not have thought of Nan Xiner as a sickly girl.

"I don't look very good either! Brother Tianming, look at the stars in my eyes. Does my smile look more innocent than that girl from southern Xinjiang?"

Ye Qingxue's words about competing with Nan Xiner for charm suddenly sounded in his ears. Lin Tianming naturally knew how to answer this proposition.

"Our Qingxue has more than just stars in her eyes. You have a sea of ​​stars in your eyes, and your smile is very cute!"

Satisfied with Lin Tianming's praise, Ye Qingxue smiled: "Brother Tianming, let's not look at her anymore and go shopping elsewhere!"

Lin Tianming wanted to stay away from Nan Xiner, who was very likely to kill the original owner in his previous life. When he heard Ye Qingxue's proposal, he agreed.

"Okay, Qingxue, I listen to you!"

When Feng Lan saw that Lin Tianming was leaving, she quickly followed.

Lin Tianming and the three of them walked for a while on the campus of the Imperial Academy, and then went out to play together again.

Just like yesterday, the three of them played together until midnight before returning.

After sending Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan back to the girls' dormitory, Lin Tianming also returned to the boys' dormitory where he lived alone.

When Lin Tianming walked into the boys' dormitory, a figure walked out of the woods.

If Lin Tianming were here, he would definitely find that this person is Nan Xiner, the popular girl from southern Xinjiang during the day.

At this moment, Nan Xiner's little face was filled with a sickly blush, and she didn't look innocent at all.

"Husband, I finally found you..."

"I feel so lonely in Southern cold...Every night I am in Southern Xinjiang, I miss you...missing you makes me go crazy..."

"I really couldn't bear the day you came to southern Xinjiang and met me in my last life, so I took the initiative to find my husband..."

As if she thought of something that made her happy, Nan Xiner's whole body started to tremble with excitement.

The sickly little face also turned redder.

He also let out silly laughter from time to time, which made people shudder.

"In this life, I will definitely let my husband fulfill your promise to me, stay in southern Xinjiang forever, don't go anywhere, and stay with me forever... forever..."

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