Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 341 The Deep Sea Church of the Yellow Clothes Church appears in the Capital of Heaven! The u

The Gene Sect is one of the official forces in the Northern Yin Territory.

As soon as they heard that the Gene Sect people were arresting people, everyone on Liberty Street fled in panic.

It is obviously an official organization, but when civilians see the Gene Sect, they avoid it even more than people from the Guilty God Organization.

That was because they all knew that the Genetic Sect secretly arrested people for genetic modification.

Even if they are one of their own, in the eyes of the Gene Sect, they are still experimental subjects who provide experimental data.

In order not to become a guinea pig, they naturally avoided it.

As the world's number one awakened force, the Northern Yin Territory seems beautiful and powerful, but they also have their own dark side.

Lin Tianming had no idea of ​​taking action for the time being. He wanted to observe from the side for a while.

Nan Xiner was in a bad mood at the moment.

She finally had a chance to be alone with Lin Tianming, but someone was disturbing her mood.

It affected her tryst with her former husband, and she really wanted to kill everyone who was chasing him.

However, because she wanted to maintain a normal side in front of Lin Tianming, she could only restrain her emotions.

It's a pity that Lin Tianming couldn't eavesdrop on her thoughts.

If he could hear her desire to kill at the slightest disagreement, Lin Tianming would definitely run away immediately.

If he can't offend the sickly girl, why can't he hide from her?

"Tianming, let's go somewhere else to play? If these people are fighting, it will affect our date too much!"

Listening to Nan Xiner's suggestion, Lin Tianming shook his head: "Look at the situation, those two people have problems and don't look like good people."

"What does that have to do with us?"

Of course it does!

If those two believers of the Creepy God really want to make some conspiracy to destroy the world, they will be finished if they have to stay in the Capital of Heaven for two months!

Although Lin Tianming had a bad impression of the people of the Gene Sect, he still couldn't sit idly by and ignore the matter when it concerned his own safety and the safety of those around him.

He said casually: "You don't understand, just watch it first."

Nan Xiner only had Lin Tianming in her eyes.

No one else is important to her.

As long as I can bring Lin Tianming back to southern Xinjiang, I will stay with her forever.

Even if the world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with her.

Like Lianghua, she has a full affection for Lin Tianming and doesn't need Lin Tianming's strategy.

But her character is different from Lianghua, very sick.

Seeing that Lin Tianming was very interested in the person he was chasing, Nan Xiner could only stay by Lin Tianming's side.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Tianming and Nan Xin'er, the two Believer God believers were quickly surrounded by people from the Gene Sect who came to support them.

Although they were besieged, the members of the Yellow Clothes Church and the Deep Sea Church did not panic.

"Since you are chasing after me, let me show you the price you will pay for trying to stop us!"

The members of the Yellow Clothes Church shouted violently, and a strange and evil aura surged around them.

The members of the Deep Sea Church beside him no longer concealed the demonic energy that had already penetrated deep into their bones.

Under the influence of the leakage of demonic energy, the two followers of the Ghost God gradually lost their sanity and their expressions became distorted and crazy.

But they did not die tragically in madness like ordinary people.

Instead, his power surged several times under the erosion of demonic energy.

"No, they are using demonic energy similar to monsters to enhance their own strength. Kill them quickly!"

"Let's do it together, their auras are rising too fast!"

"Kill them now, otherwise if they continue to increase in power, we will all die here!"

Facing the members of the Yellow Clothes Church and the Deep Sea Church whose power suddenly surged, the members of the Gene Sect felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The two followers of the Creepy God laughed maniacally, not caring that they themselves were also suffering damage from the erosion of the demonic energy.

In their opinion, it is worth exchanging this damage for powerful strength!

"You want to kill us now? It's too late! Let you see how strong our members of the Yellow Clothes Church are!"

"If you want to blame, blame us for insisting on provoking us. Don't think that the Northern Yin Territory is the territory of your genetic sect. We are afraid of you. You can't understand his existence at all, and you can't understand how powerful we who believe in him are! "

"If it weren't for our grand plan, we, the Deep Sea Church, could easily destroy the Northern Yin Territory, Jiuzhou, Xiluo Territory, and Zhongsheng Territory, these self-righteous big forces like you!"


While the two Believer God believers were laughing maniacally, they also launched a fierce offensive against the Gene Sect members who surrounded them.

In an instant, most of the Gene Sect members who surrounded the members of the Yellow Clothes Church and the Deep Sea Church were killed or injured.

At this moment, these two believers of the Ghost God, blessed by demonic energy, were like devils in the eyes of the remaining members of the Gene Sect.

"We must notify the Gene Religion Headquarters and send high-level awakeners to save the situation!"

"We can resist these two guys without the blessing of demonic energy, but with the blessing of demonic energy, we are no match for them!"

"Quick, be sure to notify the high-level awakened ones, otherwise they will all come to die... Be sure to hurry... Uh-huh!"

Before the member of the Gene Religion who wanted to notify the high-level awakened ones to come to the rescue could say anything, his body was torn into pieces on the spot, and his death was extremely miserable.

"Scream as much as you want! The killing time has come!"

"This is the result of provoking us, the official force of the Northern Yin Territory, the Gene Sect? It's nothing more than that!"

Hunted and hunted by members of the Yellow Clothes Church and members of the Deep Sea Church who were demonized, soon all the members of the Gene Sect on the scene died until only the last one was left.

"Don't... don't come here... you... you devils... monsters... demons!"

Looking at the two followers of the God with distorted expressions walking towards him step by step, the legs of the last remaining member of the Gene Sect became paralyzed.

He fell to the ground and kept retreating, with a look of horror on his raised face.

"Die! I told you not to chase us just now. If you insist on chasing us, this is what will happen!"

"Now that you've seen this side of us, we definitely can't let you go back alive. This will affect our plans!"

Seeing that the last member of the Gene Sect was about to die tragically on the spot, an aura that made the two Believer God believers feel extremely dangerous was approaching them quickly.

The two of them subconsciously turned around, just in time to see a starlight dragon radiating starlight, sweeping towards them with endless starry fury.

"Who is actually carrying out a sneak attack?"

"You provoked the person you least should have provoked!"

The two crazy believers of the God of Creation gave a cold shout, and used their respective skills to resist immediately.

However, what they didn't expect was that the starlight dragon, which was filled with the wrath of the stars, was so powerful that it instantly penetrated their all-out defensive skills.

And its power did not weaken at all, and continued to attack them with overwhelming force.

At this moment, even if most of their sanity was eroded by the demonic energy, their remaining sanity still gave them the fear of death under the wrath of this powerful starry sky dragon.

"Wait...wait a minute, don't kill me!"

"I...I can't die yet! Quick...stop!"

The Starlight Dragon, which was engulfed in the anger of the stars, did not listen to any of their pleas for mercy.

Directly using the power of the endless stars, their bodies exploded into countless stars the moment they were hit, and they died tragically on the spot.

In the eyes of the members of the Gene Sect who were also horrified, a dragon-marked angel in charge of the stars appeared in front of him.

"I...did I see an angel?"

This person in the form of a star-dragon angel is none other than Lin Tianming.

Lin Tianming looked helpless as he watched the two followers of the Strange God turn into stars and die tragically.

"It seems that the attack was a bit harsh. I originally wanted to keep him alive for questioning..."

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