Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 344: Halloween Amusement Park encounters the Deep Sea Church! Still protected by the power o

Lin Tianming didn't know that while he was frantically earning Lilith's favor points, he had been targeted by Ye Qingxue and the four of them.

After Ye Qingxue was held down by Feng Lan, Meng Xiyue and Nan Xiner for a while, her mood was no longer as impulsive as before.

But seeing Lin Tianming and Lilith having so much fun, Ye Qingxue still pouted her little mouth.

"Within three minutes, I want all the information about that woman!"

Feng Lan replied with three words in seconds: "Lilith."

Ye Qingxue didn't hear clearly for a moment and asked again: "What kind of silk? Squid silk?"

Meng Xiyue added: "It's Lilith. I looked carefully and found out that she is the number one freshman in the Ciro Territory. She has SSS-level dark attribute talent."

After learning Lilith's identity, Ye Qingxue was slightly stunned.

After a moment, she waved her pink fist again.

"It doesn't matter who she is, so what if she is the number one first-year student in Xiluo Territory? If she snatches my brother Tianming, she will be beaten without fail!"

"We see now that the little boy Myen does not look like the child of Tianming and Lilith. Perhaps the relationship between Tianming and Lilith has not developed to such a close level..."

Nan Xiner also added.

In front of others, she is still quite a normal person, not looking like a sickly girl at all.

After their repeated reminders, Ye Qingxue also realized that the relationship between Lin Tianming and Lilith was not at the point of having children as she had initially imagined.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxue's anger disappeared a lot.

Just when she wanted to continue saying something, Meng Xiyue reminded everyone.

"The target has moved, do you want to continue following it?"

"That's for sure. Even if it's not that kind of relationship, we have to watch over Brother Tianming and not let them develop that kind of relationship during this date!"

Ye Qingxue was the first to pass the resolution. Nan Xiner and Feng Lan also wanted to continue taking a look, but they both nodded and passed.

In this way, under the secret observation of Ye Qingxue and the four girls, Lin Tianming and the other two changed back into their regular clothes and continued to enjoy the date leisurely.

"Brother, sister Lilith, you can bungee jump there, let's play with that!"

When she heard that she was going to bungee jump, Lilith frowned: "Myne...can you stop choosing such dangerous projects all the time?"

Hearing what Lilith said, little Myen drooped his head and looked a little listless.

Lin Tianming could not leave his great hero Xiao Myen alone, so he immediately expressed his support for him.

"It's okay, we are all people with awakened powers. If anything happens while playing this, we can tell the truth. Lilith, if you are scared, you can hug me tightly, just like before!"


Lilith didn't know what was wrong with her. As soon as Lin Tianming said that he also wanted to play and he held her together, she agreed.

She agreed, but Ye Qingxue in the dark didn't agree and was about to jump out.

Fortunately, Feng Lan and the others were there to hold them, otherwise the scene would have been frozen by Ye Qingxue and no one would be able to play.

After taking safety measures, Lin Tianming and the other three also had a thrilling bungee jump.

Lilith screamed so loudly during the bungee jumping that she held Lin Tianming tightly with her jade hands.

Lin Tianming also cherished the opportunity that Xiao Myen had won for him and protected Lilith.

After experiencing the thrilling bungee jumping, little Myen was clamoring to play the roller coaster again.

Lilith was a little dizzy now, and when she heard that she was about to ride the same exciting roller coaster again, she couldn't help but press closer to Lin Tianming.

But this time she didn't suggest not playing.

In fact, she also liked the feeling of being protected by Lin Tianming while playing exciting projects.

It seemed that as long as Lin Tianming was protecting her, she would not be afraid of any danger.

Immersed in this strange experience, Lilith's affection for Lin Tianming continued to grow.

Next, after queuing up, Lilith got on the roller coaster and had a thrilling scream of letting go.

This is also the longest time Lilith has vented her emotions since her rebirth.

She was obviously scared at first, but as the process continued, she felt the strong warmth given to her by Lin Tianming's big hands. She felt particularly safe and quickly enjoyed the feeling of riding a roller coaster.

She and Lin Tianming even took a few selfies on the roller coaster.

After getting off the roller coaster, Lilith, who was gradually getting into the mood, also had an excited expression on her face, and was no longer as restrained and nervous as she was at the beginning.

Seeing that she finally let go, Lin Tianming was naturally very happy.

Because only when she completely lets go is the easiest time to increase her favorability.

Later, Lin Tianming and the other three experienced different rides in the Halloween Amusement Park.

Since the Halloween amusement park is very popular and there are queues for basically all the rides, Lin Tianming and the other three didn't play much all morning, and it was already noon.

"Brother, sister Lilith, let's go to the Halloween restaurant for a buffet. There are many delicacies that can only be eaten in the Halloween amusement park!"

Listening to Xiao Myen's suggestion, Lin Tianming nodded directly in agreement: "Then let's go to the Halloween restaurant. It happens to be in the amusement park. You can continue playing after eating. Lilith, what do you think?"

"Just come after discussing it, Tianming!"

Lilith, who had completely let go, also showed her obedience to Lin Tianming. Now she even accepted the feeling of being held in Lin Tianming's arms.

Through observing Lilith's thoughts, Lin Tianming could feel that even if they were walking in the amusement park, her affection for him was slowly rising.

This is a very positive start for Lin Tianming.

But if he knew that Ye Qingxue's favorability was slowly falling in the dark, he would probably burst into tears.

"Brother Bad Tianming...Brother Bad Tianming...You are having fun, but I am not!"

In the Halloween restaurant, Ye Qingxue hid in the seat where Lin Tianming didn't notice, looking straight at Lin Tianming.

When she saw Lin Tianming and Lilith feeding each other affectionately, Ye Qingxue's whole body was filled with chills.

"Damn it...I want...oooooo!"

Just as she was about to storm off the scene, Ye Qingxue was gagged by the cake Meng Xiyue stuffed into her mouth.

"Eat what you have, and be careful to restrain your powers and don't hurt innocent people!"

At Meng Xiyue's reminder, Ye Qingxue restrained the cold air around her.

The passers-by who were passing by nearby were frightened by Ye Qingxue just now. After seeing her restraining themselves, they quickly passed by and stayed away from their table.

"Don't tell me...the desserts in this Halloween restaurant are quite delicious!"

As if her anger had subsided temporarily because of the delicious food, Ye Qingxue directly picked up the dessert cake from Meng Xiyue's plate and ate it by herself.

Meng Xiyue rolled her eyes at her: "Ye Qingxue, if you want to eat it, go get it yourself, really!"

Having said this, Meng Xiyue didn't bother with Ye Qingxue and got up to get some more desserts.

"Give me some more of that flavor you just fed me, I love it!"

Listening to Ye Qingxue's voice coming from behind, although Meng Xiyue was annoyed, she still helped Ye Qingxue, who was in the late stages of cancer, to bring more food.

Feng Lan didn't always eat sweets like Ye Qingxue, but still took a lot of dinner food.

She was eating her meal in silence when she suddenly frowned and looked to the side and behind her.

Noticing the change in her expression, Nan Xiner also looked to their side and behind.

Ye Qingxue, who was sitting directly opposite the two of them, saw their movements and looked in front of her in confusion.

When she saw a mysterious man wearing the clothes of the Deep Sea Church, Ye Qingxue's originally uninterested expression became serious.

Meng Xiyue, who came back with the new buffet food, also noticed the member of the Deep Sea Church on the way back.

She also knew about the Deep Sea Church in her previous life.

This breath...

They are the top leaders of the Deep Sea Church who are protected by the power of the strange god!

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