Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 353 There is a traitor in the Northern Yin Territory who colludes with the followers of the

At this moment, Lin Tianming was laughing like crazy.

Although the atmosphere seems to be very tense now, Jiang Han will go on a killing spree if he is not careful.

But Lin Tianming was not worried at all.

Because he was certain that Teacher Jiang Han was deliberately scaring these top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory so that they would not embarrass him.

He could hear Teacher Jiang Han's thoughts very clearly at this moment.

She has no intention of defeating the enemy here.

Look how scared these top awakened people in the Northern Yin Region are!

Jiang Han continued to maintain his unyielding attitude, putting pressure on these seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory.

"If you didn't collude with the Guilty God Organization, why did your people arrive so late and didn't even give these children a chance to contact the people of Kyushu and Xiluo Territory?"

Faced with Jiang Han's continued oppression, the seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory had no time to think about anything else at the moment. They could only explain as much as possible to make Jiang Han calm down.

"This... is all a misunderstanding... We didn't expect that a member of the Deep Sea Church would cause such a big stir!"

"Yes, Jiang Han... you... you have to believe in us, and you must not hurt the harmony between Beiyin Territory and Kyushu because of this!"

"If we knew it would cause such great damage, we would have come a long time ago... We really did not collude with the Guilty God Organization!"

Jiang Han seemed to be less angry after listening to the explanations of the top awakeners in the Northern Yin Territory.

However, she continued: "For the crisis created by the Deep Sea Church in Shenwu City in the Western Luo Region, both the Western Luo Region and I, Jiuzhou, have shared such important information with you, why don't you pay attention to it?

Look at today, you didn't pay attention at all, and it almost caused a disaster. If these children hadn't divulged the truth, all the tourists in this Halloween amusement park would have died!

Now is the time for the Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition. When something like this happens, how can people from other regions trust the security of your Northern Yin Region?

If a few more young students from various regions die, how should you, the Northern Yin Region, explain it to each region?

If we can't even provide basic safety guarantees, we'd better not hold this Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition and let the Northern Yin Territory play by yourselves! "

Jiang Han suddenly raised the topic to such a high level that the seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory were all sweating profusely.

"Jiang Han, this is indeed our negligence. We apologize to you... Please don't be so excited. From now on, I, Beiyin Territory, will definitely pay attention to this matter of the Deep Sea Church!"

"Um...Jiang Han, today's matter is indeed something that I, Beiyin Territory, did not consider... We assure you that we will take strict precautions during the next period of time to prevent such incidents from happening again, and provide all those who come to participate with The safest guarantee for geniuses from all fields in the Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition!"

"Yes...Jiang Han, you should be satisfied with what we have done, right? If there is anything else that you think our Beiyin Territory has done improperly, feel free to give us your opinion, and we, the Beiyin Territory, will definitely make positive improvements!"

Seeing these seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Realm, they no longer wanted to care about what had just happened. Lin Tianming had a fun attitude throughout the whole process, silently enjoying Teacher Jiang Han's performance.

"I hope you can really keep your word. After all, this is your Beiyin Territory. I, Jiang Han, am only from Kyushu after all. I only hope that my students from Kyushu will always be safe in your Beiyin Territory Tianzhu in the past two months. As for how to improve your Northern Yin Territory, you should discuss it slowly among yourselves in private!"

Jiang Han's tough words made the seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory nod in agreement.

"Yes, yes, please rest assured, Miss Jiang Han. In the next two months, I, the Northern Yin Region, guarantee that this kind of thing where geniuses from all regions encounter threats from the Creepy God Organization in our capital of heaven will never happen again!"

"Miss Jiang Han, please enjoy your time in our Beiyin Territory's Heavenly Capital these two months. We, Beiyin Territory, will definitely protect the safety of all students who come to compete!"

"Since Miss Jiang Han has nothing else to add to this matter, can you..."

Jiang Han saw the way one of the top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory hesitated to speak, and she knew what the other person wanted.

She said directly: "Don't worry, as long as my children in Jiuzhou can stay in your capital of heaven safely for two months, I can keep the things happening here a secret for you, and I won't let it make a big fuss and affect you in Beiyin." domain’s global reputation.”

Jiang Han's words completely relieved the seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory.

"Thank you Miss Jiang Han for your understanding. Do you want us to send someone to take you back to the venue of the competition?"

"No, you should take care of the aftermath here. I will take these children back myself. They were frightened just now and have no trust in you."

Jiang Han's merciless words made the seven top awakened people in the Northern Yin Territory a little embarrassed, but they could only continue to smile at Jiang Han.

"Then Miss Jiang Han, please go slowly, we won't send you off."

Under the watch of seven top awakeners from the Northern Yin Territory, Jiang Han waved to Lin Tianming and the others, and took them away from here.

On the way back, Lin Tianming smiled at Jiang Han and said, "Teacher Jiang Han, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would definitely be caught in a small dark room for interrogation by people from the Northern Yin Territory!"

When talking about this matter, Ye Qingxue, the five goddess reborns, and Xiao Myen all expressed their gratitude to Jiang Han obediently.

Jiang Han hesitated for a moment, then slowly started communicating with Lin Tianming and his party.

"When you encountered this matter, I also lacked some consideration. I didn't expect that the Northern Yin Territory paid so little attention to the Deep Sea Church.

The Deep Sea Church created such a big crisis in the Shenwu City of the Western Luo Territory before. Both Jiuzhou and the Western Luo Territory shared the information truthfully. It is really inappropriate for them to be so lax when encountering such a thing.

Okay, you little guys, tell me, what exactly did you encounter in the Halloween amusement park? "

In response to Teacher Jiang Han's question, Lin Tianming knew everything and shared with Jiang Han the experience of their battle with the high-level Dark Priest of the Deep Sea Church.

Ye Qingxue and the other goddess reborns also added some details that Lin Tianming ignored during this period.

They still have full trust in Jiang Han.

After carefully listening to the information shared by Lin Tianming and his party, Jiang Han's face became serious.

"The person who did evil in the Capital of Heaven this time was one of the leaders of the Deep Sea Church again... And the person who finally rescued the Deep Black High Priest was a person from the Judgment Church... This is another one after the Deep Sea Church and the Yellow Clothes Church. I don’t know what kind of mysterious organization they believe in.”

After talking to himself for a moment, Jiang Han, who was meditating on keywords, took a deep breath.

"It seems that during the Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition, there may be undercurrents in the Northern Yin Region, and the Shen Shen organizations will unite with each other. If they are planning a conspiracy similar to the Shenwu City in the West Luo Region, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with...

There is also the official power of the Northern Yin Territory. Judging from the information you provided... the more I look at it, the more it looks like there is an insider colluding with people from the Shen Shen Organization.

Even if I don't take him seriously, he won't show up just after you have solved the crisis, and then insist on making things difficult for you and denying you contact.

If I hadn't come just now, that traitor would definitely incite others to kill you and silence you!

Tianming children, and you girls, try your best to stay at the venue where the competition is held recently. If you go out for anything or encounter anyone suspicious, you must be the first to contact me! "

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