Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 367 Upgraded two levels in a row! Tianming broke through level 47! Following Alice is indeed

When Lin Tianming followed Alice into the area near the seal restriction, he and Alice disappeared from the secret scene.

Because the secret place under the seal has never been discovered before, it is a blind spot in the surveillance screen.

At the venue where the competition was held, Jiang Han saw Lin Tianming and Alice disappear like this, and she couldn't help showing a worried look.

"Why did this child suddenly disappear in Tianming?"

The teachers on the Kyushu side were also confused, but they still spoke to calm Jiang Han's mood.

"Teacher Jiang Han, don't be nervous. With the strength of that kid Tianming, he will be fine!"

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Han, this secret realm of the Crimson Sea is so big. Maybe this child went to an area that has never been explored before to look for opportunities. When he gets the opportunity, he will come out and he will be fine!"

"Indeed, he is accompanied by the genius Alice from the Northern Yin Territory, so it's not a big problem!"

Hearing them mention Alice from the Northern Yin Territory, Jiang Han became even more worried about her precious student Lin Tianming out of her distrust of the Northern Yin Territory.

It would be dangerous if Alice received a task from the top management of Beiyin Territory and wanted to harm Lin Tianming in order to prevent her precious student from growing up!

Although Jiang Han thought so in his heart, Jiang Han had no basis after all, so he could only wait and wait.

If the Crimson Sea Secret Realm is closed on this first day and Lin Tianming has not come out yet, she will definitely ask people from the Northern Yin Territory!

The people in the Northern Yin Territory were also a little confused at this time and had no idea what was going on.

"There are still unexplored areas in the Crimson Sea Secret Realm? Why is Alice missing?"

"Who knows! It shouldn't be possible, right? Every year before the Crimson Sea Secret Realm opens, we will send top awakeners to inspect it to make sure there is no danger of exceeding the trial level before they come out!"

"But the problem is, Alice has now entered an area that we cannot lock through the surveillance screen. If she encounters danger there, she cannot be teleported out! She is the most talented person in the history of my Northern Yin Territory. There can’t be any mistakes!”

"This...may be true? But now that the secret realm has been opened, there is no point in worrying... Let's wait until the secret realm is closed. If she can't come out, we will send people in to search!"

While high-level officials in the Northern Yin Region and Kyushu were worried about the safety of Alice and Lin Tianming, audiences from all regions around the world were also puzzled as to why they had disappeared.

"It's strange...the two people who are the most talked about...haven't I seen them for a long time?"

"The most topical? Which two?"

"It's Lin Tianming from Kyushu, and Alice from Beiyin! I haven't seen the two of them since just now. I'm still waiting for them to create some famous scenes again. Woolen cloth!"

"That's right... the pictures of the two of them have disappeared since just now, and now they are all pictures of other awakened people... Obviously Lin Tianming is better at organizing things. The other contestants follow the rules and are not as interesting as Lin Tianming! "

"Indeed...Lin Tianming is strong and handsome, and he also has an interesting soul. This person is so interesting. If I have a friend like this in my life, it will definitely be full of fun!"

"Being friends with Lin Tianming? Stop dreaming. He is a top genius at level 40 or above in the first grade. The only people who can talk to him are Sophia from the Middle Saint Realm or Alice from the Northern Yin Realm. , they are all almost top-notch geniuses!”

"Don't forget, there is also Lilith, the number one genius in our Ciro Territory! She is also at level 43, and she just got the opportunity. If nothing happens, she will definitely break through level 44!"

These viewers have wronged Lin Tianming.

He has a very good relationship with his level 20 roommate Chu Yunfei, and they often visit offline stores in the Imperial Capital.

Who said you have to be at the same level as him before you can talk to him?

Yongyu, who is a second-year student at the Imperial Academy in the Imperial Capital, has a good relationship with him.

Normally, Lin Tianming is still a very approachable person, without the arrogant genius attitude of looking at people through his nostrils.

At this moment, in a place where no one in the world can see, Lin Tianming and Alice are enjoying the happiness that only the two of them can experience.

"Ming, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's cooking!"

"Cooking...can you cook in this sea water?"

"You don't understand this, right? We can't eat sea soul grass, Longquan sea turtle meat, Longquan sea turtle eggs, and fluorescent spiky fish. It's best to have a whole pot of Malatang or hot pot!"

"But we don't have a pot..."

"If you don't have a pot, just make it yourself. Find some bigger rocks!"

"Oh, okay……"

At Lin Tianming's urging, Alice began to work as a coolie for him and found a lot of big rocks.

Under Alice's gaze, Lin Tianming quickly used these big stones to build a simple large stone pot.

Then he threw in some Sea Soul Grass, Fluorescent Water Spur Fish, Longquan Sea Turtle, and beaten sea turtle eggs.

Then, under the gaze of Alice with her little mouth wide open, Lin Tianming started to shock and sear the sea water with Yang Fire Thunder.

Soon, the temperature of the seawater near the cauldron rose sharply.

Seeing this, Alice finally understood why Lin Tianming could cook in the sea.

Although the technique is very rough and does not look like a chef at first glance, it is enough for them who practice directly after eating.

It didn't take long for Lin Tianming to prepare this multi-ingredient meal.

"Okay, let's call this thing Sea Soul Turtle Fish Stew!"

Seeing that Lin Tianming excitedly named the dish he cooked, Alice murmured in her heart.

[It looks like that...but I don’t know how it tastes...]

I took a bite without any expectations, and it tasted surprisingly delicious.

[Perhaps it’s because they are all ingredients that improve the efficiency of cultivation. They are full of supernatural power and are delicious when stewed casually! 】

With this thought in mind, Alice began to eat voraciously.

Lin Tianming saw Alice eating so happily and hoped to eat more to improve her training efficiency. He also joined in.

"Save some for me, Alice, half for each person, don't eat it all by yourself!"

After enjoying the stew of sea soul turtle and fish, there was still a lot of sea soul grass, fluorescent water-spined fish meat, and Longquan sea turtle meat and eggs.

But Lin Tianming and Alice, who couldn't eat for the time being, had already started their practice.

After absorbing the full supernatural power brought by all the food in the body, the two of them continued to absorb the remaining energy contained in the opportunity.

However, they did not make it into a dish to eat, but directly absorbed and absorbed the superpower training energy during the training process to carry out level training.

With the help of the rich water attribute power that flooded the entire area, the two people's cultivation efficiency reached the peak of their cultivation here.

This practice leads directly to the time when the Crimson Sea Secret Realm is about to be closed.

After consuming all the huge supernatural powers provided by opportunities, Lin Tianming and Alice both upgraded two levels in a row, from level 45 to level 47.

Feeling that there was more than a little bit more power in his body, the corners of Lin Tianming's mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, his choice to follow Alice in this secret realm of the Crimson Sea was the most correct one!

Without her, he wouldn't have been able to level up two levels this time.

She is his lucky star!

Lin Tianming looked at Alice, who also slowly opened her eyes, and patted her shoulder with a smile.

"Alice, next time you come up with something good, take me with you!"

When she heard that Lin Tianming wanted to take advantage of her in the future, Alice gave him a blank look.

"don't want!"

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