Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 378 The most harmonious day for the reborn goddesses! If only it could stay like this in the

"Brother Tianming, you were so handsome just now, you should slap those people from the Northern Yin Territory who look down on others hard!"

In the Jiuzhou rest area where the competition was held, Ye Qingxue was always glued to Lin Tianming as usual.

He also waved his little pink fist, with a very relieved expression.

Lin Tianming knew Ye Qingxue's clinging character very well.

When he and Feng Lan were sparring before, Ye Qingxue also asked him to whip Feng Lan hard and cut Feng Lan.

That's what she is!

Normally it would be fine if she kept it to herself.

It's somewhat inappropriate to say it directly now, and also when Alice is here.

Lin Tianming promptly reminded Xia Ye Qingxue.

"Qingxue, Alice is here too, let's not talk about such unhappy topics!"

"Eh? Then... okay..."

The topic of laughing at the Northern Yin Territory was interrupted, and Ye Qingxue drooped her little head, looking listless.

Lin Tianming helplessly rubbed the hair on her forehead, and her face changed again at the speed of light, regaining her energetic smile.

"Hehe, brother Tianming must always pamper me like this!"

Nearby, there are also other goddess reborns who were trapped this time.

They all accepted Jiang Han's invitation and were ready to try Jiang Han's craftsmanship.

However, this rest area was not equipped with a kitchen for their room. If Jiang Han wanted to cook, he had to make a temporary open-air stove.

You also have to purchase ingredients, which can be said to be very troublesome.

Fortunately, Jiang Han notified the people in Beiyin Territory. Beiyin Territory was quite considerate this time and quickly purchased the outdoor stove, tableware, and ingredients that Jiang Han wanted.

In the open area outdoors in the rest area, Jiang Han had already started cooking.

Feng Lan and the others came over curiously, lending a hand from time to time, helping with washing dishes and so on. They were still very attentive.

This scene is very much like a shy girl meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time, trying their best to show off their advantages in front of Jiang Han.

Ye Qingxue was the only one with a big heart and was still clinging to Lin Tianming as usual.

With so many people waiting for dinner to begin, Jiang Han did not cook dishes such as chicken soup that took a long time and took two hours to simmer. They were all dishes that could be stir-fried and cooked quickly.

Meng Xiyue marveled at Jiang Han's fluent cooking skills: "Teacher Jiang Han is so amazing, he can actually cook so many dishes!"

Feng Lan rarely opened her mouth: "This time we take advantage of the morning light, and we can also taste Teacher Jiang Han's cooking skills together!"

Nan Xiner also fully agreed with this: "Yes, it's all thanks to Tianming!"

Lianghua was helping to break the cauliflower. Although her movements were clumsy, she still showed great effort.

[I have to perform well, not to be embarrassed, and to leave a good impression on Teacher Jiang Han! 】

[There is a saying in Kyushu that once a teacher is always a father, Teacher Jiang Han is Mingjun’s teacher. If I build a good relationship with her, maybe I can defeat the others and be with Mingjun! 】

[Wait a minute... Teacher Jiang Han is a woman, that means she will be a mother for life! You should treat Teacher Jiang Han as Mingjun’s mother! 】

Lin Tianming, who was nearby, heard Lianghua's inner voice and became a little nervous.

Teacher Jiang Han was indeed his mentor, but Jiang Han was not old enough to be his mother.

Jiang Han is only a few years older than senior Hua Yufei, and not much older than Lin Tianming, so being his god-sister is not too much!

He doesn’t recognize this mother!


Lilith, who was helping to cut green peppers, accidentally cut her finger.

When Lin Tianming saw this scene, he also walked over with Ye Qingxue.

"Lilith, forget it. You don't usually cook. You can help wash the vegetables or break the cauliflower. I'd better let Teacher Jiang Han do the cutting by herself!"

Jiang Han, who was cooking, noticed the situation here and said: "Children Tianming is right, you are all here as guests, there is no need to help me so much, just wait patiently, I can handle it on my own! "

"Oh well……"

Lilith was a little frustrated.

Whether it was her previous life or this life, the first time she cut vegetables ended in failure.

Originally, she wanted to learn some Kyushu cooking techniques from Jiang Han and then cook them for Lin Tianming.

It seems I’d better forget it!

"Sophia, can you help Lilith heal her? A broken skin shouldn't consume too much of your strength, right?"

Lin Tianming pulled Lilith to Sophia and asked Sophia to help treat Lilith.

Sophia did not refuse, and a flashing ball of light enveloped Lilith's fingers.

In just a moment, the broken skin wound healed on its own.

"nailed it!"

"Thank you, Sophia!"

Lin Tianming and Lilith thanked Sophia for her help in unison.

Seeing Lin Tianming looking for someone to treat Lilith, Ye Qingxue acted like a doormat throughout the whole process, her face bulging with anger.

[Isn’t it just to break the skin... As for being so nervous! 】

[How about I accidentally cut my skin and ask Brother Tianming to find someone to treat me? 】

[No, no, no... It's boring to find someone to treat me. The broken skin won't have much impact. Just let Brother Tianming give it to me with his mouth... and blow it on me! 】

Ye Qingxue's heart-wrenching remarks made Lin Tianming want to laugh a little.

Sometimes, he really couldn't keep up with Ye Qingxue's wonderful brain circuit.

At this time, Alice watched Jiang Han cooking for a while and suddenly came over: "Ming, do you want a lollipop?"

While talking, Alice still had a lollipop in her mouth, looking like a cute silver-haired elf full of energy.

Lin Tianming met Alice by chance at Holy Cross College before, and saw her sitting on a bench watching videos with a lollipop in her mouth.

It can be seen that Alice really likes eating lollipops.

Just like Huang Yiyi has a special liking for ice cream.

Lin Tianming did not refuse: "Okay!"

Once she heard Lin Tianming agreed, Alice happily took out another lollipop and handed it to Lin Tianming.

However, before Lin Tianming reached out to grab it, Ye Qingxue, the little vinegar spirit, grabbed the lollipop.

"Brother Tianming doesn't like sweets, so I'll eat them for you!"

After saying that, Ye Qingxue made a demonstrative face at Alice.

Alice immediately got into a fight with Ye Qingxue.

"This is not for you, give it back to me!"

"If you don't give it, I will eat it in front of you!"

With that said, Ye Qingxue started eating.

Alice was furious: "I'll fight you!"

When Ye Qingxue saw this, she was even more proud that she had succeeded in making Alice angry.

[It makes you want to snatch brother Tianming from me, I’ll make you so angry! 】

[Want to seduce my brother Tianming with sugar-coated bullets? Don't even think about it! 】

Ye Qingxue, who was extremely happy, turned around and ran away.

Alice also chased after him angrily.

Lin Tianming was originally worried that they would actually fight.

But when he saw that Alice did not use her extreme speed to chase Ye Qingxue, he knew that the two of them were joking.

It just so happened that the two most energetic guys ran away, so he could have a rare moment of leisure!

Looking around the scene, Lin Tianming felt that everyone was either chasing and playing or chatting happily. Lin Tianming felt that he had never had such a wonderful day.

It would be even better if these reborn goddesses could be so harmonious every day in the future!

After Jiang Han had finished cooking all the dishes, everyone, including Lin Tianming, served them to the table together, enjoying the first sumptuous meal after getting out of trouble.

The pleasant meal time was over, and everyone stayed for a while longer before gradually leaving one by one.

Lin Tianming followed Jiang Han to her room on the top floor of the rest area.

He originally wanted to go back to his room to sleep, but he followed Jiang Han when he heard that he had something to do with him.

"Teacher Jiang Han, why did you call me here alone?"

Faced with Lin Tianming's question, Jiang Han said: "That girl from the Wang family has been contacting me like crazy these past two days, almost blowing up my phone. I said I would reply to her message when you are safe. Please contact her now to make sure she is safe." !”

While talking, she threw her mobile phone to Lin Tianming, and took the initiative to initiate a video call with Wang Yanran.

Upon hearing this, Lin Tianming quickly caught Teacher Jiang Han's cell phone.

As soon as the connection was established, the screen of Teacher Jiang Han's mobile phone lit up, and Lin Tianming's extremely familiar Hua Yufei's house came into view.

The next moment, Wang Yanran's beautiful face, which was also very familiar to Lin Tianming, came into his sight.

But her expression was full of anxiety and uneasiness. It was obvious that she was really worried about Lin Tianming, who had lost contact in the past two days.

"Teacher Jiang Han, how is Junior Tianming? Should...should be...hmm? Junior Tianming!"

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