Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 380 The dangers of genetic sect! The crisis of disintegration under the prosperity of the No

The day after escaping.

St. Ann's Avenue, the Capital of Heaven.

Lin Tianming and Alice are enjoying the prosperity of Tianzhi here.

"Ming, this is St. Ann's Avenue in the Capital of Heaven. In addition to being prosperous, it is also one of the famous attractions in the Capital of Heaven. Every year, many tourists from all over the world come here. If you look in that direction, there is Most of the people from the Central Saint Region are here for tourism!”

Under the sunshine, Alice, who generously introduced her to Lin Tianming, looked like a lively and lovely silver-haired elf.

Lin Tianming still likes Alice like this.

He said: "It's really good. It's really worth visiting here!"

Alice saw Lin Tianming's expression of enjoyment, and she became even happier.

She worked as a travel guide for Lin Tianming today and took Lin Tianming out to play in order to eliminate Lin Tianming's prejudice against the Beiyin Territory.

Although the top officials of the Northern Yin Territory have gone too far in many things, they ultimately cannot represent the majority of people in the Northern Yin Territory.

Northern Yin Territory still has a beautiful side that makes people yearn for it!

"Ming, the five-star strawberry sundae in that store is super delicious. I used to come here often to eat strawberry sundae whenever I had free time. Shall we go and try it together?"

With a sunny smile on her pretty face, the elf-like Alice took Lin Tianming's hand, and ran to the store she mentioned with Lin Tianming regardless of whether he agreed or not.

After ordering two strawberry sundaes, the two of them went on St. Ann's Street to appreciate the local customs.

Originally everything was according to Alice's plan, taking Lin Tianming to appreciate the beautiful side of the Northern Yin Territory, but at this time they happened to pass by a building with an external screen.

The super large screen also happened to switch to the scene where the top management of Beiyin Region held a press conference and made a public apology in front of the whole world.

Many people stopped on the street to watch the news of this important incident in the largest global competition in recent times.

Lin Tianming was naturally no exception. He wanted to see if Beiyin Territory would confuse the audience and kept talking nonsense.

Alice was quite happy at first, but when she saw the news that ruined her plans, she felt a little bad.

[I originally wanted to stop Ming from thinking about those bad things... This news was released at the wrong time! 】

[I hope this won’t affect his mood when he comes out to relax! 】

Lin Tianming already knew Alice's reason for taking him out to play through her voice.

He would agree to go out with her even if he knew it, but that was because he didn't care about it as much as she thought.

He has always been clear about grievances and will not impose his grievances with the high-ranking people in the Northern Yin Region on others.

After stopping here for a while, Lin Tianming was quite surprised to hear that Beiyinyu's public apology was unexpectedly sincere and did not mean to fool him.

"This time he was quite sincere and did not fool around. It seems that it was right to put some pressure on the top management of Beiyin Territory yesterday!"

When Alice heard that he was not angry, she stroked her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she, a person from the Northern Yin Territory, was a little surprised that the top management of the Northern Yin Territory was so honest this time.

In fact, the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory have already had a serious crisis of trust in their Northern Yin Territory.

Ordinary people in the Northern Yin Territory generally do not believe what the officials of the Northern Yin Territory say.

Because the high-level officials of Beiyin Territory are trying to trap people, and they won’t even let their own people go.

People in the Northern Yin Territory are also aware of various incidents such as the Gene Sect and Mechanical Sect arresting people for research, as well as various accidents.

This is why people from the Northern Yin Territory generally do not believe what the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory say.

Although they are all family members, there is a very serious crisis of trust.

People from other regions, because they don’t understand the specific situation of the Northern Yin Region, mostly think that the people in the entire Northern Yin Region are the same as the official Northern Yin Region in the news.

As she thought about it, her mind wandered a little, so Alice quickly stopped there.

Now that her biggest worry is gone, she can continue to take Lin Tianming to appreciate the customs and customs of their Northern Yin Territory!

"Ming, let's go shopping there again. There are many fun and delicious places there. I come here often and I'm familiar with it!"

When Lin Tianming heard Alice's energetic invitation, he naturally would not refuse.

Next, Lin Tianming, led by Alice, also had a day of fun on St. Ann Avenue in the Capital of Heaven.

As Alice said, there are too many places to play here.

The sun was setting and there were still many things they had not experienced yet.

Lin Tianming promised Jiang Han to go back early. Although he still had some unfinished thoughts, he still stopped there.

He still remembers the various instructions Jiang Han gave him before he came out.

He said that the Northern Yin Territory was not at peace recently, and that the Judgment Church, the Yellow Clothes Church, and the Deep Sea Church had frequent activities, so he must go back before nightfall.

There was nothing he could do, he had let Jiang Han worry about him twice in a row during this period, so it was better to be honest.

"Alice, let's go back early. We'll be here today, and we'll hang out together next time!"

"Okay, Ming!"

Alice smiled brightly and energetically and agreed to Lin Tianming's proposal.

She had so much fun with Lin Tianming today. It was her most important task today to make Lin Tianming forget about the unhappiness brought to him by the top management of Beiyin Territory yesterday.

Now that it has been successfully completed, she is naturally willing to accompany Lin Tianming back.

On the way back, Alice did not forget to ask Lin Tianming to give them a score for the Northern Yin Territory.

"My Northern Yin Territory is pretty good, right, Ming?"

"It's really good. Although yesterday was a bit unpleasant, at least Alice, you let me see that there is a beautiful side to the Northern Yin Realm."

When she heard Lin Tianming's high praise for her, Alice's face suddenly turned red.

[Ming...Ming actually thinks so highly of me? 】

[Why do I see that Northern Yin Territory also has a beautiful side... He... He is so good at talking! 】

Just when the blushing Alice wanted to say something, they encountered something unpleasant again on their way back.

"Please...let me go...don't...don't use that medicine on me again...I...I don't want to become a monster...I don't want to!"

"Don't want to? Don't you want to pay back the money you owe? Are you qualified to say you don't want to! Take the medicine that my genetic sect gives you regularly every month, obediently dedicate yourself to the great cause of science, and you can still lie down and Make money and pay off all your debts. You actually said you don't want such a good job?"

"Please...I...I don't want the drug testing job provided by your Genetic Sect...let...let me go! I will find a way to pay back the money myself, I don't need you to help me pay back the money!"

"It's not up to you. Since you agreed, you must continue this job! Otherwise, wouldn't the medicine we invested in you for six months be completely useless?"

Alice's face suddenly turned ugly when she saw people from the Gene Sect arresting people in broad daylight.

[These people from the Gene Sect are too arrogant! 】

[The last two months have been the Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition. In the Capital of Heaven, you dare to be so arrogant and arrest people as guinea pigs. I don’t even dare to think about the torture that ordinary people in other parts of the Northern Yin Region are suffering now! 】

[I spent a whole day today wiping the butt of you scum who ruined the reputation of my Northern Yin Region, and restored the image of my Northern Yin Region in Ming's heart. Now it has been ruined again because of your bad behavior! 】

[This group of people must not be allowed to continue doing evil! 】

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