Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 382 Alice and I are different, very difficult to talk to!


Alice wanted to explain something to Lin Tianming, but Lin Tianming blocked her mouth with his index finger.

"Don't say anything, just do what you think is right first!"

Under Lin Tianming's reminder, Alice also remembered that the most important thing now was to save people.

She nodded her little head heavily, and in the next moment she stopped the members of the Mechanical Cult who were arresting people for experiments.

Three members of the Mechanical Cult were stopped by Alice, and the ordinary person who was running away quickly fled to the next street.

On the way to escape, you can still hear his thanks.

"Thank you, superhero, I'm leaving first, you have to be careful!"

Lin Tianming couldn't help but laugh when he heard the ordinary person who successfully escaped called Alice.

These people from the Northern Yin Territory seem to have a deep understanding of the superhero image in the movie, and they call them superheroes at every turn.

However, Lin Tianming felt relieved again when he thought that superhero movies were made by people from the Northern Yin Territory.

The three members of the Mechanical Cult just watched the person they wanted to catch run away, and each of them looked at Alice with ferocious eyes.

"Little sister, doesn't it feel great to be a superhero?"

"But have you ever thought about what you will do next after becoming a superhero in a flash?"

"Now we happen to be short of a lab rat with mechanical prosthetic legs. Since you like being a superhero so much, then you can come with us!"

Faced with the unscrupulous behavior of three members of the Mechanical Cult arresting people on the street, Alice frowned.

To be honest, she was really tired.

She had just cut off the arms of two Gene Sect members, and she really didn't want to do it again.

If she could directly persuade these three members of the Mechanical Cult with words, she could save some trouble and go back to the venue of the competition with Lin Tianming as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Alice directly revealed her identity as the eldest lady of the Shenghui family.

"I am Alice, the eldest lady of the Shenghui Family. You should go back to the Mechanical Cult now and remind your senior management that during the Global Academy of Advanced Awakeners Competition, please stop arresting people for experiments.

Do you know how embarrassed I, the Northern Yin Territory, will be if we ruin the official image of our Northern Yin Region and be seen by people from other regions? "

However, Alice took the initiative to reveal her identity as the eldest lady of the Shenghui family, but the three members of the Mechanical Cult in front of her did not believe her.

"The eldest lady of the Shenghui family is the number one genius in the history of our Northern Yin Territory. How can a lowly commoner like you just pretend to be so?"

"That's right! I stopped my Mechanical Sect from enforcing the law on the street. I felt guilty and scared, and wanted to use my identity as the eldest lady of the Shenghui family to scare us away. Do you think we would believe it?"

"I advise you, a lowly and disobedient commoner, to come with us, so that we don't have to use force to take you back and hurt you!"

Lin Tianming saw on the sidelines that the three members of the Mechanical Cult did not believe in Alice's identity, and knew that they were going to suffer.

Lin Tianming is still very confident in Alice's strength.

Just as Lin Tianming expected, when the three members of the Mechanical Cult reached out to grab Alice, their arms were chopped off by the mechanical doll's machete and fell to the ground.

One of them had a mechanical prosthetic arm, and there were electronic sparks when it fell to the ground.

The other ones that fell to the ground were real arms, and blood was flowing freely.

"My... my arm... you... how can you be so strong?"

"Could it be... is what she said true? Are we really so unlucky... that we can meet the eldest lady of the Shenghui family, Alice, when we go out to arrest someone for experiments?"

"'s her! Look at that mechanical doll holding the silver mechanical's the mechanical doll of Alice, the eldest lady of the Shenghui family!"

Lin Tianming almost laughed like crazy when he saw their arms cut off one by one and then realized that they had met the real Alice.

In order to confirm that the person in front of them is the real Alice, the price they paid was too heavy!

But Lin Tianming has no sympathy for these bullies.

Don’t they like to sacrifice themselves for glorious mechanical evolution?

Now that both arms are broken, they can provide three valuable new data to their great mechanical technology cause when they return!

Originally, their mission was to capture one person for experimentation, but now they had three more experimental data out of thin air. What a profit!

The more he thought about it, the happier Lin Tianming smiled.

Later, he couldn't help but cover his stomach, which hurt from laughing.

The three members of the Mechanicus Cult, who were suffering from the pain of a broken arm, found out that the person in front of them was really Alice. They didn't dare to offend Alice at all, so they had no choice but to let it go.

I was feeling extremely frustrated and had nowhere to vent, so I happened to see Lin Tianming laughing not far away.

Even if he laughs, he still laughs to the point where his stomach hurts.

All the other ordinary people around here were scared away because they were chasing the man just now, and they were the only ones left.

Lin Tianming laughed heartily here, obviously laughing at them.

They can't defeat Alice, they can't offend the Shenghui family behind Alice, and they can't handle Lin Tianming, who looks like an ordinary person at first glance?

"That brat over there, if you smile again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

"Even if we lose both arms, we are still people with awakened powers. We can still deal with you, an ordinary person who takes pleasure in misfortune!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to this guy? Just go up and teach him a lesson!"

As soon as Alice heard that these three members of the Mechanical Cult dared to transfer their anger to Lin Tianming after being taught a lesson by her, she immediately became even more angry.

[My reputation in the Northern Yin Region has been ruined by these bullies! 】

[If you can't beat the strong one, you will draw your knife and swing it at the person they think is easier to bully. What a great skill! 】

[Ming Ming must have an extremely bad impression of Beiyin Territory now, and he will never allow these guys to continue to tarnish my image of Beiyin Territory like this! 】

Just when Alice had made up her mind and planned to punish the three members of the Mechanical Cult more severely, Lin Tianming took action directly.

"Alice and I are different... I... am a very hard-to-talk type of person!"

The three members of the Mechanical Sect did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and did not take Lin Tianming's words to heart at all.

Just when they were about to approach Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming suddenly stamped his foot, and a thunderous trampling power tore up the street ground under his feet, directly hitting the three of them.

Accompanied by screams of being electrocuted, the three members of the Mechanic Cult soon turned into three charred corpses.

Alice originally just wanted to teach these three members of the Mechanical Cult a few more lessons. After all, they were all from the Northern Yin Territory.

But now that these three members of the Mechanical Cult from the Northern Yin Territory were dead, she really didn't expect Lin Tianming to be so ruthless.

After a brief daze, thinking of what they had done, Alice could only say that they deserved it.

Because he couldn't defeat her, he wanted to transfer his anger to ordinary people.

But they didn't expect that the ordinary person Lin Tianming in their eyes was a person with awakened powers whose strength was not inferior to that of Alice!

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