Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 387 The supreme state of mind reappears! Tianming gets promoted! No more fear of ghosts and

It was probably similar to what he had guessed. The boy who created this strange and frightening illusion was the strange god who judged the church's beliefs!

Coupled with the fact that Canxing of the Judgment Church rescued the dark high priest with the Cross of Judgment, Lin Tianming can be sure that the Judgment Church may be the biggest mastermind behind the recent undercurrents in the Northern Yin Territory.

Perhaps the Church of Judgment wants to create a scene of world destruction in the Capital of Heaven in the Northern Yin Territory just like the Church of the Deep Sea did in the Shenwu City of the West Luo Territory!

Moreover, the Deep Sea Church also appeared at the same time as the Yellow Clothes Church some time ago...

And the monsters from the land of disaster that invaded the secret realm of the Crimson Sea...

Lin Tianming couldn't help but his eyes darkened when he connected a series of strange events recently.

Perhaps the crisis Beiyin Territory will face this time is far more terrifying than any strange incident he encountered before!

The mastermind of the Judgment Church, assisted by the Yellow Clothes Church, the Deep Sea Church, and the monsters from the Land of Disaster.

In addition, there are traitors in the Northern Yin Territory acting as internal agents...

A little afraid to think further, Lin Tianming stopped here for now.

The most urgent task now is how to get rid of this strange and frightening illusion!

He still remembers it to this day...

The first time he encountered Huang Yiyi, he was able to escape from the strange and frightening illusion only because Huang Yiyi ran away on his own.

At that time, he had triggered his highest state of mind, which was the most difficult to trigger. Motivation is better than things. He could only get rid of crazy thinking, but could not get out of trouble.

If Huang Yiyi hadn't realized that she was a deceitful god, and had clearly trapped him, but was scared away by him as a prisoner, he would never have been able to escape from the trap in his entire life!

There was also the second encounter with the mysterious man known as the master of the gray deep sea...

It was also because the mysterious man had no interest in him at all, so he let him go directly...

It can be said that the two escapes from strange and frightening illusions were due to luck, not his own strength.

When he thought of this, Lin Tianming felt uncertain.

This time... can he be so lucky?

It's exactly what you're worried about.

The maddening thoughts began to invade his brain.

In just a moment, Lin Tianming shed tears of blood.

When faced with a life-or-death crisis, he immediately unleashed his power of psychic ascension.

However, surrounded by the light of spiritual ascension, Lin Tianming still could not protect his mind.

Crazy thoughts constantly invaded his brain, causing him to lose his sanity bit by bit.

If anyone is around Lin Tianming at this moment, they will definitely find that his expression is the same as that of those followers of the Creepy God when they are crazy.

Extremely twisted and crazy, with a hideous face and tears of blood flowing.

The reason why he was able to remain rational amidst Huang Yiyi's strange and frightening visions before was because Lin Tianming triggered the supreme state of mind where the heart is more important than matter.

This supreme mental state of spiritual ascension has always been passively triggered.

It has never been actively triggered by him.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to rely on his own power of spiritual ascension to resist the erosion of the will of the Evil God.

If he wants to survive, he must once again trigger the supreme state of mind where the heart is better than things!

The mind is stronger than matter, the spirit can soar...

The mind is better than things...the mind is better than things...the mind is better than things!

Why doesn't it trigger?

Lin Tianming was really about to go crazy, so he hoped to first trigger the supreme state of mind where the heart is more important than things to save his life.

As for how to get out of trouble completely, let's talk about regaining our senses first.

But it just doesn’t trigger!

Thinking that he had encountered so many crises, and that the supreme state of mind that was more important than matter had been triggered only a handful of times, Lin Tianming felt numb.

Most of his sanity has been eaten away by crazy thoughts. Sometimes Lin Tianming looks crazy, and sometimes he grits his teeth to maintain the last trace of clarity.

At this moment, he felt as if his mind no longer belonged to him, and only complete madness and relief could let him rest.

Even so, Lin Tianming still has an extremely strong will to survive.

And as he got closer to death, his desire for life grew exponentially.

On the contrary, he stopped thinking about the matter of mind over matter, and became more and more eager to live. The power of spiritual ascension around him began to explode into a powerful force that he should not have had now.

Continuing to maintain this passive desire for survival, the power of spiritual ascension that exceeds Lin Tianming's current limit continues to skyrocket.

The moment Lin Tianming touched the edge of death was also the moment when his consciousness of survival was strongest.

At this moment, the power of spiritual ascension around him underwent a qualitative transformation.

The supreme state of mind that the heart is better than things, successfully manifested itself again when Lin Tianming was extremely eager for something that was not the heart more than things.

The moment he entered the supreme state of mind where the mind is more important than things, the crazy thoughts that almost tore Lin Tianming's soul and body disappeared.

"Finally... I finally recovered at the last moment of my life... This... this was too thrilling... If I hadn't entered the state of mind where the heart is more important than things... I... wouldn't I have been dead just now?

When can this state of mind over matter be freely triggered? I'm really afraid of not triggering a complete burp, but it's better to take the initiative to control it! "

After taking a few breaths, Lin Tianming thought that he could only avoid madness, but he had not yet truly escaped from the trap, and his eyes darkened again.

"We must find the boy's identity in this strange and frightening world of illusions, so that we can get out!"

Just when Lin Tianming regained his senses and planned to find the boy, he found that everything in the world began to fall apart.

This... what is going on?

When something like this happened before, it was a sign that he was about to escape from the weird and frightening vision.

But before, he relied on Huang Yiyi to escape, and the mysterious man let him go, and he got out of trouble.

This time he hasn't gone to find that mysterious boy just now!

Lin Tianming watched in confusion as the fearful scene around him continued to collapse, and he subconsciously raised his head.

The strange bloody night and the terrifying huge eyeball are also gradually collapsing in an irreversible trend.

This is indeed a sign of escape from the strange and frightening vision!

But...but why was he able to get out of trouble so easily this time?

Could it be that the mysterious boy took the initiative to let him go?


As if thinking of something, Lin Tianming looked at the light of spiritual ascension still surrounding him.

This light of spiritual ascension is still the highest state of mind in which the heart is superior to matter!

This is the first time that he has been able to maintain the supreme state of mind that is more important than things for such a long time!

After careful sensing, Lin Tianming also found that the spiritual spring water in his body was maintaining the state of mind over matter.

The spiritual ascension god who was backlashed by him before said that the supreme state of mind of spiritual ascension is more important than matter, and can make what you desire become a reality.

He had just entered the supreme state of mind where the heart is more important than things through the will to survive.

Under normal circumstances, the light of psychic ascension should degenerate into the normal power of psychic ascension.

But now, maintained by the spiritual spring water, he is still in a state where his mind is stronger than his things.

And now he is eager to get out of trouble, and the state of mind that is more important than things has not disappeared, so he will continue to realize his wish to get out of trouble?

Before Lin Tianming could figure this out, his consciousness returned to his true form due to the shattering of the strange and frightening illusion.

And the moment his consciousness returned to his true form, the supply of spiritual spring water that had been consumed in a short period of time also stopped.

When the psychic spring water stopped maintaining the state of mind over matter, Lin Tianming once again fell back to the normal state from the supreme state of mind over matter.

This scene already told Lin Tianming the truth without having to think about it.

His guesses just now were all correct!

It is precisely because during the Poseidon Festival that his spiritual ascension power transformed and sublimated, and he entered a higher level of spiritual spring water.

Today, he can maintain the supreme state of mind where the mind is better than things for a while longer, and it will not dissipate as soon as it is used up.

This also means...

In the future, when he encounters the strange god again, as long as he enters the state of mind that is stronger than matter, he will no longer be afraid of falling into the other person's strange and frightening illusion!

Transform my thoughts into what I get...

The mind is stronger than matter, the spirit can soar...

This way of spiritual ascension... is truly amazing!

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