Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 390 Find a playmate for the mysterious boy! Fiona’s younger brother, Myne, is a perfect fit!

The screen saver wallpaper incident just now made Lin Tianming a little embarrassed, but fortunately Lilith didn't mind.

What even surprised Lin Tianming was that Lilith seemed to have a better impression of him because he used her swimsuit photo as a screen saver wallpaper.

Is this all part of your calculations, little Myne?

After sighing in his heart for Xiao Myen's assists, Lin Tianming also sat on the edge of the bed with Lilith, and the two of them watched the Halloween amusement park photos next to each other.

There are single photos, double photos, and three-person photos. Because we played for a whole day, the number of photos is much more than before in Shenwu City, Xiluo Territory.

While looking at the photos, Lilith's blushing face was also full of happy memories.

From time to time, she would make a few comments, and her tone of voice was full of joy.

Through the photos, she relived the beautiful memories of that day at the Halloween Amusement Park. While Lilith was nostalgic, she also looked forward to more sweetness with Lin Tianming in the future.

Lin Tianming and Lilith were almost done talking, and Fiona and Jiang Han were almost done talking about their business.

Seeing Lilith and Lin Tianming talking and laughing, Fiona said: "Lilith, what are you and Lin Tianming from Jiang Han's family talking about, are you so happy?"

"No...nothing...Teacher Fiona..."

Lilith shook her head guiltily, but did not dare to say more about her and Lin Tianming.

Fiona could tell that her precious student was interested in Lin Tianming, but she did not reveal it.

Thinking of what Jiang Han had said to her, Fiona said: "This child Green is from the Northern Yin Territory. Normally, it would be better for people from the Northern Yin Territory to take him, but considering that there may be collusion within the Northern Yin Territory, He is a traitor to the Guilty God Organization. After communicating with Teacher Jiang Han, I decided that we in the West Luo Territory would watch over this child."

Green had already been dealt with by Lin Tianming before he came, so he had no objection when he heard this.

He believed that Lin Tianming would not harm him.

Because Green felt an extremely warm feeling in Lin Tianming.

It was obviously the first time we met, but it was like a relative reunited after a long separation, and they were extremely cordial.

It was this sense of intimacy that made him believe in Lin Tianming as a child.

Huang Yiyi finally chose to follow Lin Tianming because of the inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Lin Tianming heard the result of the discussion between Fiona and Jiang Han, and he also asked.

"Teacher Fiona, like Teacher Jiang Han, you should also meet with senior officials from various domains from time to time, right? Have you considered the candidates to lead Green?"

Lilith also nodded slightly, wanting to see what her teacher Fiona would say.

When talking about the candidate, Fiona smiled and said: "The suitable candidate is right in front of me."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tianming and Lilith were both stunned.

After a moment, Lin Tianming came to understand and looked at Lilith.

Lilith also said: "Teacher Fiona, the suitable person you mentioned...could it be me?"

Fiona nodded noncommittally.

"Well, there is also the one next to you. After all, he is the one who brought us here. He has to come and see the kid Green from time to time. Otherwise, I guess the kid will run away after following you for a long time."

Upon hearing that he also wanted to visit Green from time to time, Lin Tianming didn't have any objections to this.

This is just like visiting Huang Yiyi at Hua Yufei's home from time to time to ensure that Green is emotionally stable around Lilith and will not run away.

"No problem, this plan works!"

Seeing that Lin Tianming agreed to this plan, Jiang Han also said: "The child Green is young. I feel that he should be given a playmate of about the same age who usually plays with him."

Fiona had a headache after hearing Jiang Han's suggestion.

There are no kids of this age among the contestants in their Silo Region this time!

Lin Tianming suddenly had an idea and immediately thought of another suitable candidate.

"Teacher Fiona, your brother Myne is very suitable!"

After Lin Tianming reminded her, Fiona also remembered that she had brought her brother Myen with her this time.

Myne's age is exactly the same as that of the mysterious boy Green.

If two children can play together, there should be a lot of topics to talk about.


It's just that she is very worried that if this mysterious boy Green accidentally goes crazy and loses control, her brother Myen is so young and has not yet awakened, and may die tragically on the spot.

Through Fiona's expression, Lin Tianming could tell what she was worried about.

Despite his young age, Lin Tianming was certain that this boy was much more emotionally stable than Huang Yiyi, who exploded at the first touch.

With Lilith watching over her, it wouldn't be a big problem for little Myne to be the playmate of the mysterious boy Green.

In order to reassure Fiona, Lin Tianming said: "Teacher Fiou, this child has very stable emotional control. When I let Myne play with him, if Lilith is present, there will usually be no problem!"

Lilith also joined in persuading Fiona.

"Teacher Fiona, please rest assured, I will protect my brother Myen!"

They both said this, and Fiona thought for a moment before agreeing.

"Well, let's give it a try first, Lilith, and Lin Tianming from Jiang Han's family, you have to protect Myen!"

Lin Tianming also agreed: "Don't worry, Teacher Fiona!"

After discussing how to properly arrange the mysterious boy Green, Green left with Fiona and Lilith.

Before leaving, Green looked back at Lin Tianming with some reluctance. He still preferred to be with the friendly Lin Tianming.

In order to let the child go with Lilith and Fiona at ease, Lin Tianming also comforted Green a few words.

After promising to visit Greene early tomorrow morning, Greene left with peace of mind.

After temporarily settling the matter with the mysterious boy Green, Lin Tianming stayed with Jiang Han for a while before going downstairs to his own room to rest.

However, Lin Tianming didn't know that there was another person in his room at this moment.

This person is Nan Xiner who comes every night.

"Where did my husband go tonight? He came back with me...why did he disappear again not long after?"

"My husband is so naughty... Xin'er... Xin'er really wants to talk to her husband..."

"It doesn't matter where you go tonight...Xin'er can find you..."

With a sickly blush on her pretty face, Nan Xiner couldn't find Lin Tianming in his room. She was about to use her ability to lock Lin Tianming, but she found that the door was opened.

She also hid her aura for the first time.

When she saw that the person who came back was Lin Tianming, Nan Xiner's pretty face once again showed an expression of obsession with Lin Tianming.

My husband is finally seems that he feels Xin'er's longing for her!

Because of Nan Xiner's special methods, Lin Tianming did not feel her presence.

After a tiring day, Lin Tianming fell on the bed and went straight to sleep.

In order to let him sleep more soundly, Nan Xiner also used some special methods to help him sleep.

In just a moment, Lin Tianming fell into a deep sleep as he fell on the bed.

Nan Xiner climbed up like a hungry wolf that couldn't wait any longer.

Her jade hand gently brushed Lin Tianming's sleeping face, and Nan Xiner, who was fascinated by it, let out a sick laugh.

"Husband... Xin'er will also love you very much tonight..."

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