Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 396 Tianming was promoted to level 49! The maximum copy limit of Hand of God is twenty skill

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tianming had stayed in the Heavenly Capital of Beiyin Territory for a month.

Because it is no longer possible for everyone to play directly in one day, the tight schedule to advance to the top 32 did not end until yesterday.

Today, the schedule for the top 32 to advance to the top 16 will begin.

Starting today, each contestant only needs to play once, and the winner will advance directly.

Lin Tianming was a contestant on the first day of the competition, and his game was also scheduled to be the finale.

In fact, the Beiyin Territory officials did not want Lin Tianming to be the finale at all.

However, in order to maximize the traffic, the climax of today's competition still had to be handed over to Lin Tianming.

The competition for Alice to advance to the top 16 will be held on the last day, which is also the finale.

During this period, the officials of Beiyin Territory also figured out who should appear at the finale of each day to maximize the daily traffic.

Top geniuses like Lin Tianming, who are over 40 levels, try to stagger the game days as much as possible.

Today's competition has started, but Lin Tianming did not come.

He made his final appearance, and it wasn't his turn for a while. He had more important things to do, and he was still in his room.

The more important thing is that he is about to break through level 49.

Jiang Han didn't go to the competition site, so he stayed in Lin Tianming's room to guard him.

After Lin Tianming completed the forty-ninth level breakthrough, she would take Lin Tianming to the scene.

[This kid... The breakthrough of Hand of God Copy has a very obvious reaction. It seems that his Hand of God Copy will probably unlock a new upper limit! 】

Lin Tianming heard Jiang Han's voice and believed that her experience and judgment would not be wrong.

When he reaches level 49, he will directly sense the copying ability of God's Hand to see what changes there are.

As Lin Tianming continued to practice, his level aura soon reached the peak of level 48.

Launching a powerful impact on level 49, Lin Tianming's level aura was overwhelming, directly breaking the shackles of level 48 and successfully reaching level 49.

When the level aura gradually stabilized at level 49, Lin Tianming could clearly feel that his all-round combat power had increased a lot.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough to level 49, kid Tianming. There are not many opportunities for you to find during the competition. I haven't trained you to your extreme potential for a long time. This period should be the period when your cultivation speed is the slowest. I didn't expect you to be able to do it again." It’s really good to reach level 49!”

Hearing Teacher Jiang Han's congratulations to him, Lin Tianming chuckled: "It's not all the foundation you laid for me in the early stage, Teacher Jiang Han. Even if I slack off for two months during the competition, I can continue to improve!"


[But I like what you said, kid Tianming! 】

Jiang Han said something glib, but in his heart he liked what Lin Tianming said.

After a while, Jiang Han said: "Little fool, please carefully feel your God's Hand copying. I was observing from the side just now and found that your God's Hand copying ability seems to have changed in some way. See if there is any improvement. ?”

There was no need for Jiang Han to remind her. In fact, Lin Tianming had just learned about it through her voice.

However, Lin Tianming still pretended to know, nodded, and immediately began to sense the changes in his God's Hand copying ability.

Sure enough, as Teacher Jiang Han said, after he was promoted to level 49, his Hand of God copying had undergone new changes.

Lin Tianming's God's Hand copying ability has not changed for a long time since he was promoted to level 40.

During this period, his spiritual ascension power, genetic ascension power, and mechanical ascension power have all been greatly improved.

The Hand of God plundered and also plundered different special thunder powers for him.

After waiting for so long, he was very happy to have the ability to copy God's Hand improve.

After feeling it carefully, Lin Tianming suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"The upper limit of skills copied by Hand of God has been directly increased from ten to twenty!"

Jiang Han also showed a satisfied smile when he heard this, and analyzed his God's Hand copying and plundering for Lin Tianming.

"It's been a long time since you've improved. It's normal to improve so much all at once. But from what I've observed about you, the higher the level, the less effective your God's Hand copying is, so copying the Super Forbidden Curse is still somewhat useful.

On the other hand, your God's Hand plunder has been very successful recently, plundering a lot of thunder power, so that your combat power at the same level has skyrocketed.

If this continues, when you truly reach the level of a top awakener, your life-saving skills of copying super-level forbidden spells will become dispensable to you who has already gained various abilities at that time. "

Lin Tianming felt the same after listening to Jiang Han's analysis of the Hand of God's abilities he had developed along the way.

This copy of God's Hand is more like a life-saving skill in the early stage.

To really grow into the later stages, you still have to rely on his plunder.

At that time, the killing move that copied the super forbidden curse in the early stage would become dispensable for him with various abilities.

He can copy the Super Forbidden Curse at the first level, giving him the theoretical possibility of defeating the top awakened ones at the first level.

In the beginning, he also relied on the hand of God to copy and resolve crisis after crisis.

But since his level reached level 40, the level has become higher and higher. The hand of God's plunder, which had little performance in the early stage, began to gradually show its amazing growth.

He plundered all the special thunder power of the Thunder Palace for him, and also lifted the upper limit of the ban for him and learned new skills in the Shinto field.

Coupled with his equally high growth of genetic ascendant power, mechanical ascendant power, and psychic ascendant power.

The number of times he can use the Hand of God to copy is almost handful.

The original owner in the previous life was only the Hand of God.

The three powers to ascend to the Kingdom of God are only available to him as a time traveler.

It can be said that his growth potential is stronger than the original owner who only has the Hand of God.

"Okay, little kid Tianming, we should go to the scene, lest we be late. Those people from Beiyin Territory are dissatisfied and want to find opportunities to make things difficult for us!"

His thoughts were interrupted by Jiang Han's words. Lin Tianming calmed down and went to the competition site with Jiang Han.

At the competition site at this time, because other contestants played too fast, Lin Tianming's game could actually start.

His opponent today is still a first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory, and he is also a level 28 genius.

You must know that Yongyu, a second-year student at the Imperial Academy, is only at level 29 after completing the first-year Global Academy of Advanced Awakeners competition.

In another month, if this 28th-level first-year student from the Beiyin Region can be promoted to the 29th level, he will be a genius comparable to Yongyu.

If it were not for the reborn goddesses and the intrusion of the time traveler Lin Tianming, this first-year student from the Beiyin Region would definitely be one of the strong contenders for the first place in this competition.

The game could have been finished early, but because Lin Tianming was busy with breakthrough training and did not show up, it was delayed for ten minutes.

However, there are still three minutes left before the scheduled game time.

Therefore, as long as Lin Tianming could arrive before then, it would not be considered late.

But the senior officials of Beiyin Territory can’t wait any longer.

They already hated Lin Tianming, who had brought shame to their Northern Yin Territory this month, so they seized this opportunity and started.

"I've been waiting for ten minutes. What's going on with Lin Tianming from your Jiuzhou side? If he can't come, he will be considered a forfeit!"

"That's right, you don't think that because he is famous now and is the most popular figure in the world recently, he can be late as he pleases, right?"

"Let's just declare our Beiyin Territory side to be the direct winner in this game, and Lin Tianming will be eliminated! He is so young and has no sense of time. He is extremely lazy. This time he was eliminated because of being late. It can be regarded as teaching him a lesson. He should change while he is still young. His bad habits!"

The words of the Beiyin Territory senior officials who wanted to count Lin Tianming as the loser immediately made people on the Kyushu side angry.

Just when they were about to start arguing with Beiyin Territory, Lin Tianming's familiar voice rang out.

"Isn't there still three minutes until the official start? Can't the big shots in the Northern Yin Territory even afford this time?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene looked in the direction of the sound.

Lin Tianming's leisurely figure also caught their eyes.

The person who received the most attention today was finally here. The live broadcast cameras from all over the world were all focused on Lin Tianming, for fear of missing his arrival.

The upper management of Beiyin Territory, who had just announced that they wanted to eliminate Lin Tianming, all had their mouths twitching.

He wouldn't come sooner, he wouldn't come later, but he just showed up after they thought he might not be able to come, after saying what he just said...

This Lin Tianming... must have done it on purpose!

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