Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 426 Tianming fights against Lianghua! The blood moon is coming! Lianghua transforms into an

The moment he saw Alice using the Thousand Silk Killing Formation to block Feng Lan, Lin Tianming's heart was in his throat.

Once Alice fully uses this trick, the trapped person will be riddled with wounds and die!

Fortunately, after Alice completed the blockade, she didn't continue.

Feng Lan did not go to extremes and chose to admit defeat in the face of absolute crushing strength.

Seeing Feng Lan recognize the situation and admit defeat, Lin Tianming also breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s good!

Alice is now one level ahead, and is definitely unbeatable by other participating goddess reborns.

As Alice powerfully defeated Feng Lan, people from all areas on the scene also showed shocked expressions.

"Beiyin Territory is worthy of being the overlord-level awakened force. This Alice has never used her full strength from the beginning to the end. She has been giving way to Feng Lan from Kyushu, and she can easily control him!"

"The top eight in this competition are more outrageous than the last, but the strongest one is from the Northern Yin Region! Alice from the Northern Yin Region is the only one who is level 50, so she has a high chance of winning the first place!"

"The strong are always strong... The foundation of the Northern Yin Domain is far beyond comparison with other domains... Lin Tianming, the most popular member of Kyushu in this competition, is only level 49. He had previously fought against Sophia, who was level 49. It’s hard to tell, he defeated Sophia in the end, but also fell to the ground in a coma after the game, I don’t think he can beat Alice from the Northern Yin Realm!”

Everyone at the scene was praising Alice for defeating Feng Lan, which Ye Qingxue simply couldn't bear.

She believes that her brother Tianming will definitely win against Alice!

Just when she was about to speak for Lin Tianming as before, Lin Tianming, who understood her heart, held her down.

"Ignore them, Qingxue."

While Lin Tianming held down Ye Qingxue, Feng Lan also stepped down and returned to his side.

After hesitating for a moment, Feng Lan lowered her head and whispered to Lin Tianming: "I... lost..."

"It's okay, Feng Lan, just leave it to me. You've done a great job!"

Under Ye Qingxue's jealous gaze, Lin Tianming said while gently stroking Feng Lan's forehead to calm Feng Lan's emotions.

Feeling the warmth of Lin Tianming's big hands, Feng Lan felt much better.

"Tianming, you have to work hard next!"

"I will."

After replying to Feng Lan, Lin Tianming looked at Lianghua: "It's our turn to go on stage, Lianghua."

Hearing this, Lianghua showed a smile as beautiful as a cherry blossom, and then boarded the ring with Lin Tianming.

[Am I deliberately showing weakness and losing to Mingjun? 】

[Or are you serious about fighting him? 】

Lianghua didn't want to fight Lin Tianming.

She was very fond of Lin Tianming and had thought about it for a long time.

If the two met in this competition, she would definitely admit defeat.

It was only when Lin Tianming asked her to come on stage to spar with him just now that she didn't just give up and admit defeat.

Lin Tianming heard her reluctance to fight, and also said: "Lianghua, we are in the ring now, don't think about our usual relationship, do your best, and let me see your true strength!"

When Lianghua heard this, her beautiful eyes met Lin Tianming's.

Feeling Lin Tianming's determination to compete with her, Lianghua took a deep breath, and her beautiful eyes also released a determined fighting spirit.

"As you wish, Mingjun!"

As she spoke, Lianghua's eyes bloomed with pink light of soul, and she began to take advantage of Lin Tianming.

When Lin Tianming saw this, he released his strongest spiritual ascension skill not to be outdone.


The two sides' soul power attacks directly hit each other's souls. The moment they collided, they turned into physical bursts of golden and pink light.

Soul storm!

Psychic storm!

At the moment when Lianghua's soul-grabbing power and Lin Tianming's soul-grabbing power offset each other, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding and displayed similar skills.

The pink soul power and the golden soul power materialized into a storm, and violently collided in the center of the ring.

If this arena hadn't been able to withstand the power of the top awakened beings, the exploding soul storm and psychic storm power would have definitely turned a large number of students in the audience into demented fools.

"These top eight players really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp! This... the soul power of these two people has reached the level where it can be manifested!"

"Lin Tianming is too weird... Why does he use different supernatural skills every time he changes his opponent? From a thunder player to a mechanical player... and now he is so good at soul attacks! Isn't there something he can't do? ?”

"He has also used fire attribute skills before... This is too versatile... Doesn't his God's Hand copy the opponent's skills? But the few photos he used do not feel like Lianghua's skills. Does this mean that Is this golden soul power his own?"

All the eliminated contestants in the audience were excitedly talking about the wonderful battle in front of them.

Although Lianghua was also amazing, Lin Tianming's endless new tricks every time he changed opponents shocked them even more.

People from all over the world who are watching the live broadcast are also amazed by Lin Tianming's almighty fighting ability.

Soul spark!

Spirit spark!

There was another collision of similar skills, and the cold power of death from the underworld suddenly surged around Lianghua.

[Forbidden Spirit Control Technique—Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night! 】

The next moment, the powerful soul power and the power of death in the netherworld condensed into countless resentful spirits, screaming like undead, and attacked Lin Tianming directly.

Lin Tianming learned this trick from Lianghua before leaving Donghai City, and he also immediately launched the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts.

Under the gaze of most people from all regions around the world as if they had seen a ghost, the attacks of Lin Tianming and Lianghua canceled each other out again.

[Forbidden Spirit Controlling Technique—Tian Ling! 】

Lianghua screamed in her heart, the huge statue of the Goddess of the Spirit was modeled after she became a god in her previous life, and was formed from the power of her soul.

This move is similar to Lilith's Dark Demon Statue.

Lin Tianming also used similar skills he learned from teacher Jiang Han.

Thunder of divine punishment!

The blue light of thunder that touched the realm of Shinto condensed into a huge thunder god statue like Lin Tianming.

The statue of the Goddess of the Spirit and Lin Tianming's statue of the God of Thunder directly faced each other, and the power they erupted instantly knocked them back together.

With their respective idols dissipating, the two have fought evenly so far, and it's hard to tell who will win right off the bat.

[Forbidden Spirit Control Technique—Tian Huan Wu! 】

With the speed boost of Tian Huan Wu, Lianghua's figure suddenly became extremely fast.

Just when she was about to rely on her speed advantage to suppress Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming, radiating golden light and thunder, appeared in front of her.

At a speed faster than hers, he blasted golden light thunder at her that she couldn't dodge.

Although the power of the golden light thunder is not as good as the extreme attack of Ziji Lei, it still possesses powerful power.

Lianghua, who was hit perfectly, was knocked away on the spot.

Before Lianghua could stabilize her figure, Lin Tianming appeared directly above her again.

Face to face, looking at each other at close range, he smiled at her.

"Lianghua, your speed is greatly improved with this move, but you can't reach the ultimate speed. You can't beat me!"


Another golden lightning bolt forcibly stopped Lianghua from flying backwards, causing her to fall heavily onto the ring.

[Mingjun... is still so strong...]

[If I didn’t use that trick, I’m afraid we would be here today…]

[As a reborn combat power at the same level is far greater than that of my previous life...that move is too powerful...let's forget would be bad if it hurts Mingjun...]

Reluctantly getting up from the ground, Lianghua hesitated whether to use her secret trump card.

After some thought, she decided to call it a day as she didn't want to fight to the death with Lin Tianming.

"Mingjun, I..."

Lianghua was about to say she would admit defeat when she was interrupted by Lin Tianming.

"Lianghua, you probably still have some trump cards that you can't use, right? Let me see your strongest move!"

As soon as these words came out, Lianghua froze on the spot.

[How does Mingjun know that I still have trump cards? 】

Without giving Lianghua any time to think, Lin Tianming continued: "Come on, Lianghua, fight me without reservation, so that you can have fun!"


Seeing that Lin Tianming wanted her to show her full strength, Lianghua stared at him for a while, and then her eyes narrowed.

[Since Mingjun wants to fight with me with all his strength, then naturally I cannot let Mingjun down! 】

【Oniwujin! 】

As Lianghua activated Onimushin, her aura began to rise rapidly.

Whether it's speed, attack, defense, or other abilities, Lianghua has been improved in all aspects.

A scarlet blood moon phenomenon appeared over the arena, causing the entire arena to be enveloped in a blood moon night.

Lianghua's beautiful eyes were also shining with the light of the scarlet blood moon, and her beautiful body slowly floated into the air.

Its combat power, which received all-round bonuses, continued to skyrocket, and soon surpassed the ultimate level of forty-nine and entered a higher level.

"Mingjun, this is how I try my best. Are you sure you want to fight me like this?"

Feeling the all-round combat power suppression from Lianghua, Lin Tianming showed no fear in his eyes, and his fighting spirit became stronger.

"Why don't you dare?"

Standing proudly on the spot, Lin Tianming's confident voice sounded, and at the same time, the power of shining stars burst out from his body.

The dragon's roar resounded across the sky at this moment. Lin Tianming grew angel wings on his back and entered the gene-ascension form of the star-dragon-patterned angel.

The strength of his flesh and blood body skyrocketed, and Lin Tianming's all-round combat power also increased rapidly.

"It would be interesting to defeat you like this, Lianghua!"

The starry sky dragon is angry!

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