Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 430 Tianming’s power bank Meng Xiyue! Just waiting for you to beat me and break through leve

"What? Meng Xiyue from Jiuzhou... actually broke through level 50?"

With the exclamation of a senior executive from the Northern Yin Region, there was an uproar at the scene.

The exclamations of the Beiyin Region's top brass were also captured by live broadcasts from all regions around the world.

For a time, people from all over the world were shocked.

"Tomorrow is the final. Meng Xiyue from Jiuzhou broke through level 50 in the semi-finals... She is trying to defeat the Black Thunder God Lin Tianming at level 49 and represent Jiuzhou in the final against Alice from the Beiyin Region. ah!"

"The competition is finally reaching its climax, and it's getting more and more exciting! There's probably no suspense in this semi-final. Meng Xiyue, known as the goddess of beast control, will probably beat the Black Thunder God Lin Tianming!"

"Originally, I thought that Alice from the Northern Yin Region would definitely crush her all the way and win the championship... Now that Meng Xiyue from Kyushu has broken through level 50, will Kyushu have the last laugh, or will the Northern Yin Region have the last laugh? It’s getting more and more confusing!”

As the news that Meng Xiyue broke through level 50 before the semi-finals spread around the world, her topic discussion also skyrocketed in this short period of time.

It has dominated the hot searches on major social software platforms in all domains around the world.

Almost everyone believed that she would be able to defeat Lin Tianming, who was at level 49, and advance to tomorrow's finals.

Today, Lin Tianming, who was originally the most talked about contestant in Kyushu, was reduced to a background at this moment.

"This guy Meng Xiyue... no wonder I haven't seen her in the past few days... she probably practiced secretly on her own, and she only broke through level 50 when there was a great opportunity!"

Ye Qingxue, who was beside Lin Tianming, looked a little angry.

[If I had known that I would also find time to return to Kyushu during the competition, enter the secret realm to find some opportunities in my past life, and break through level 50! 】

[Brother Tianming will not really lose to Meng Xiyue and fall into the semi-finals, right? 】

Although Ye Qingxue also felt that Lin Tianming's battle was in doubt, she still cheered for Lin Tianming.

"Brother Tianming, come on, even if Meng Xiyue breaks through level 50, Qingxue believes you can win!"

The other goddess reborns at the scene also lost confidence in Lin Tianming's battle the moment they saw Meng Xiyue showing off her level 50 aura.

Lin Tianming touched Ye Qingxue's little head to cheer him up: "Thank you, Qingxue, I will cheer for you."

Before Lin Tianming came on stage, Jiang Han also said: "Little Tianming, just do your best."

Lin Tianming nodded to Jiang Han, and then jumped onto the ring where Meng Xiyue was without fear.

[Tianming, let me, the reborn goddess of beast control, take over the burden for you in this life and defeat Alice! 】

Meng Xiyue's confident voice was also understood by Lin Tianming.

He knew that when Meng Xiyue showed her strength at level 50, no one was optimistic that he could beat Meng Xiyue.

But after the brief shock of seeing Meng Xiyue break through level 50, he felt ecstatic in his heart.

That’s right… it’s ecstasy!

Before he came this morning, he deliberately took the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion given to him by the gene-ascending god Qinglei Fairy in an attempt to break through to level 50.

It's a pity that he is still a little bit behind.

Being blocked and unable to get up or down.

But this was what he expected.

There are no other big opportunities, and there is no special devil training given to him by Teacher Jiang Han every day. His current speed of superpower training has slowed down a lot.

But he must also take the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion today to try to break through level 50.

Even if his active cultivation failed, he still had a second plan.

That was today's semifinals, with the help of Meng Xiyue's strength to break through in the battle.

Because he had not reached the breakthrough point, he forcibly took the fifth-level angel fever gene potion, which accumulated a lot of medicinal effects in his body that could not be absorbed.

Now he was just stuck at the peak of level 49, and was in a panic.

Just waiting for Meng Xiyue to help him clear the way while fighting him in the ring, and help him absorb further breakthroughs.

But he was actually quite worried on the way here. Meng Xiyue, who was at level 49, was still too weak.

There is no way to help him absorb the effects of all genetic potions and directly break through level 50.

Now Meng Xiyue's level has been raised to level 50, and her combat power has been improved in all aspects.

For Lin Tianming who urgently needs a power bank, this is a good thing!

"Tian Ming, just give up. You and I are both from Kyushu, and we usually have a good relationship. I don't want to hurt you. You can't beat me only at level 49."

Lin Tianming smiled when he heard Meng Xiyue's persuasion to surrender.

"How do you know if you can beat me without fighting? Xiyue, come here! If you can't beat level 49 even if you're not level 50, it's going to be a joke!"

In order for Meng Xiyue to be determined to beat him up and use him as a power bank, Lin Tianming also deliberately used words to stimulate her.

Sure enough, Meng Xiyue, who was provoked by him after failing to persuade her to surrender, turned cold on the spot.

"Tianming, do you still think that I am only at level ten now? Since you are so eager to fight, then I will grant your wish and completely defeat you in this arena today!"

While speaking, the irritated Meng Xiyue directly released the divine beast Lihuo Bird.

[The beast-controlling skill in the Shinto realm—Lihuo Fentian! 】

[You forced me to do this, Tianming! 】

[I hit you too hard and hurt you, don’t blame me! 】


In an instant, the divine beast Lihuo Que launched Lihuo Burning Sky, shrouding Lin Tianming in it.

Lin Tianming also unleashed his peak combat power of level 49, using the Phoenix Flame Shield to protect his body.

This move from you is what I’ve been waiting for, Xiyue!

Under the might of Level 50 Lihuo Fentian, Lin Tianming's Phoenix Flame Aegis could even absorb flames to enhance his own defense.

But it still collapsed on the spot under the power of Li Huo Fentian!

The terrifying power of Lihuo burned Lin Tianming's skin with burning pain.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Lin Tianming was still a little dazed after being burned like this.

In fact, he could also use psychic transformation to evade, but in order to stimulate the effect of the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion accumulated in his body, he would definitely have to endure the damage from Meng Xiyue's skills.

Although it was painful, Lin Tianming could still feel it clearly.

The accumulated effect of the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion was really absorbed by him little by little under the impact of external forces, helping him to break through the last bottleneck of level 50.

good, very good!

Let the storm come more violently!

Meng Xiyue saw Lin Tianming's painful look. She was still a little bit unbearable even though she had just made up her mind to beat Lin Tianming severely.

She gave a sweet cry: "Tianming, why don't you admit defeat?"

" long as I don't fall to the ground...I haven't lost!"

While talking, Lin Tianming thought to himself.

You should be more ruthless, Xiyue!

Beat me hard, this strength will absorb the effect of the medicine too slowly, and you can't break through at all!

Will it be used as a power bank?

Seeing that Lin Tianming was like this and still stubborn, trying to rely on willpower to hold on, Meng Xiyue was completely angry.

"Tian Ming, you are too stubborn. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you lose to me this time. Since you don't want to step down and admit defeat, then I will knock you off the stage!"

"Lihuo Que, use the bird feathers to burn him severely. I'll see if he admits defeat!"

Lin Tianming was under even greater pressure under the attacks of Li Huo Fentian and Que Yu Liuhuo, two major beast-controlling skills in the Shinto realm.

But the speed at which he absorbed the effects of the stasis medicine also doubled!

The process was painful, but thinking that he was one step closer to breaking through level 50, Lin Tianming relied on his willpower to continue to receive Meng Xiyue's attack.

"Cang Hai Beast, rush him off the ring!"

As soon as the Canghai Beast appeared, it launched the terrifying Canghai Dragon Storm, trying to rush Lin Tianming off the ring.

But Lin Tianming still continued to hold on where he was.

Meng Xiyue now feels sorry for Lin Tianming's injuries, and is also angry that he is holding on so hard to not step down.

"You're so stubborn, Tian Ming, I broke through level 50, so what happened to you that allowed me to win and advance to the finals? Desolate Tiger, use Desolate Slash to chop him off the ring!"

"Yuehan Guying! I don't believe you can continue to stay in the ring like this!"

With another scream, Meng Xiyue summoned the ice attribute beast Yuehan and launched an attack on Lin Tianming.

Facing Yueying Guhan's power in the Shinto realm, Lin Tianming felt that he was one step closer to breaking through the final bottleneck of level 50.

While feeling ecstatic in his heart, Lin Tianming endured the pain in his body and yelled at Meng Xiyue.

"Not enough...not enough! Didn't you eat? Meng Xiyue, do you want to knock me off the stage just like this? I think you are a high-level but low-power parallel import at level 50!"

Originally, Meng Xiyue was still very distressed that if Lin Tianming continued to hold on like this, his body would be seriously damaged.

Being further stimulated by Lin Tianming, Meng Xiyue felt that her heartache for Lin Tianming was in vain.

[Sure enough... you are still as hateful as in your previous life...]

[Have you finally exposed your true nature? Lin Tianming! 】

[Heavenly Soul Devours! 】

Being so angry that she completely lost her mind, Meng Xiyue summoned the soul attribute divine beast Tianhun Beast without any reservation, and launched the Heavenly Soul Devour on Lin Tianming.

After using this move, Meng Xiyue began to absorb all the divine beasts she summoned.

The Lihuo Bird, Canghai Beast, Desolate Tiger, Yuehan, and Heavenly Soul Beast, the five major attribute beasts turned into streams of corresponding attribute power and submerged into Meng Xiyue's body.

Under the extremely shocked gazes from all over the world, Meng Xiyue sprouted blazing wings of flame on her back, and slowly flew into the sky, looking down at Lin Tianming from a high position.

The spiral spike-like Earth Sword appeared in the palm of her left hand.

The sword of ice like a sickle moon also appeared in the palm of her right hand.

The beautiful eyes reflect the water attribute energy fluctuations of the Cang Hai Beast.

Behind her head, there were also five soul fires floating.

When Ye Qingxue in the audience saw this scene, she, who already felt sorry for Lin Tianming, immediately shouted angrily.

"Are you crazy, Meng Xiyue? Brother Tianming couldn't hold on anymore, and you absorbed the power of five awakened beasts to deal with him. Do you want to kill him!"

Except for Nan Xiner and Jiang Han who saw what Lin Tianming wanted to do, the other goddess reborns were also extremely angry at Meng Xiyue for doing this.

Meng Xiyue, who absorbed five attributes and fought in person, directly launched five Shinto field skills with different attributes on Lin Tianming.

The power is far greater than before!


"That's it...hahaha...yes...that's right...that's it...the coming! Hahaha!"

Meng Xiyue had suffered a unilateral attack for so long, and this last blow was so powerful.

Lin Tianming finally reached the point where he could fully absorb the effects of the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion accumulated in his body.

At this moment, he could still clearly feel that he was about to smash the bottleneck door that bound him and forcefully enter the real level fifty!

He really loves Xiyue's power bank!

While Lin Tianming was laughing maniacally, Ye Qingxue in the audience completely collapsed.

"It's over... Brother Tianming seems to have been beaten... into a fool by Meng Xiyue!"

Except Nan Xiner and Jiang Han saw that Lin Tianming was about to use Meng Xiyue's power to break through level 50.

Others at the scene, as well as audiences from all over the world, also felt that Lin Tianming had been stubbornly holding on to the stage and was directly beaten by Meng Xiyue into losing his mind and going crazy.

"It's a pity...such a can he have such a stubborn temper? He won't lose his skin when he loses, and he will step down honestly. He is also one of the strongest geniuses in this session, and he will definitely be able to stand on the top of the list in the future. The pinnacle of the global awakened person’s path!”

"Alas! It's easy to break when you're strong... Maybe you're talking about people like Lin Tianming, right? He's a Black Thunder God peerless genius, but he's been beaten into a fool!"

"My Black Thunder God... This is the first time I have watched the Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition, and it is also the first time I have been a fan of a young genius... did I fall into a fool? I will never watch the Global Higher Awakening Academy Competition again. The Awakener Competition is here!”

Under the public opinion that he was bound to lose, Lin Tianming finally absorbed the fifth-level angelic fever gene potion perfectly.

Next, under everyone's stunned gaze, Lin Tianming's body suddenly shook, and his right foot suddenly stepped on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, all the power of Meng Xiyue's skills were forcibly dispersed by the water dirty thunder surging around Lin Tianming.

And Meng Xiyue herself realized something at this moment.

Her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

" actually broke through level 50 in battle?"

Lin Tianming, who had entered level 50, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Then, like a dark torrent, the water dirty thunder exploded with momentum, hitting Meng Xiyue in the sky.

"It's my turn now, Xiyue!"

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