Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 442 Becoming a God Experience Card! Tianming angrily kills the dark gray high priest Canxing

A dilapidated high-rise rooftop somewhere in Tiangui Pass.

The Ghost Boy Green, the Ghost Man, and the Kyushu Woman were calmly looking at the group of Ghost God believers who were singing and reveling around the Cross of Judgment, as well as the monsters from the Land of Disaster.

The mysterious man said in a language that only they could understand: "These ants are really capable of bad things. If they do this, they will only harm you."

"It doesn't matter, I can resolve this crisis."

Greene was as calm as a child.

Just when he was about to absorb all the negative emotional energy and resolve the scene of world destruction, the Kyushu woman interrupted him.

"You can't steal it from Him."

Green's immature child face looked dull.

After a while, he looked towards the highway leading from Tiangui Pass to Tianzhi Capital.

In that direction, the negative emotional energy that was constantly gathering towards the Cross of Judgment was suddenly stopped.

And it also caused all the negative emotional energy around to form a huge vortex, pulling the negative emotional energy of everyone in the entire Northern Yin Territory.

When a normal person looks out, he can only see the vortex of negative emotional energy in the sky.

But the eyes of Green, the mysterious boy, ignore distance and obstacles, and understand the nature of the negative emotional energy vortex.

On the ground where the whirlpool gathered, Lin Tianming's figure came into his sight.

The mysterious man also saw Lin Tianming and said, "It seems we are not needed anymore."

A smile appeared on Green's immature childish face: "Indeed, the three of us combined can't rob Him..."

"Let's go, leave this place to Him."

The Kyushu woman gently fanned herself with a folding fan, and then she was the first to turn into the energy of chaos and dissipate in place.

The mysterious man also followed closely behind, turning into a sea of ​​gray and dissipating.

Green did not leave in a hurry, but stared at Lin Tianming for a while.

His immature face showed a nostalgic look that a child should not have, and the time around him gradually distorted, and then quietly left.

Also leaving with him was the huge cross of judgment.

Originally, the Judgment Cross could not continue to absorb negative emotions and destroyed the seal of the Demon Tomb, which made the followers of the God of Creation and the monsters at the scene a little confused.

Now the Judgment Cross disappeared directly, and they were all dumbfounded.

"This...what exactly is going on? It's just a little bit...just a little bit close! The Demon Tomb can be completely unsealed!"

"Who did it? Someone must have ruined our good deeds! The seal of the Demon Tomb is about to be released, and the Cross of Judgment cannot disappear for no reason!"

"Look over there... this... seems to be a vortex formed by negative emotional energy! There... there seems to be some extremely terrifying existence over there... absorbing negative emotions!"

"Although the Cross of Judgment can absorb the negative emotional energy generated by the Jeonbei Yin Territory due to the scene of the annihilation of the world,... it will not form such a terrifying vortex of negative emotional energy!"

Neither the monsters in the Disaster Land nor the members of the Creepy God Organization could understand what was going on for a while.

But after a moment, the top awakeners and top monsters among them quickly thought of something.

Their originally frightened expressions turned into excitement.

If it's like what they look like, they might be in for a treat!

"Is it...could it be the Ghost God? Only the Ghost God and the artifacts of the Ghost Gods can absorb negative emotional energy. It would be even more terrifying if the Ghost God directly absorbs it... Could it be that the great master of the deep sea is coming?"

"Even if a great existence comes, it must be the king of the dream royal court that our Yellow Clothes Church believes in! It must be Him... He was finally moved by the efforts of our Yellow Clothes Church and wants to personally fulfill our wishes and open the Demon Tomb seal!"

"You all guessed wrong, it must be the Judge of the Stars that our Judgment Church believes in! The Judgment Cross being taken away... is the best proof that He was awakened by the Judgment Cross and came in person!"

As the top executives of the three major Secret God organizations made this guess, all the monsters and believers of the Creepy God at the scene became extremely excited.

The negative emotional energy vortex that keeps approaching here no longer scares them.

They expect that the great being who is constantly approaching with a vortex of negative emotional energy is the one they hope for.

Just when they thought they could always guess the right one, a handsome young man with no weird features other than his handsome appearance appeared in their sights.

This young man is neither the master of the dream royal court that the Yellow Clothes Church believes in.

Nor is he the master of the gray deep sea that the Church of the Deep Sea believes in.

Not even the judge of the stars that the Judgment Church believes in!

Most of the followers and monsters present were unfamiliar with the boy.

But the dark gray high priest and Canxing looked more and more familiar.

Soon, they recognized this handsome young man.

"It was you, Lin Tianming, who killed my deep red high priest of the Deep Sea Church, and you were still the student of that abominable Jiang Han!"

"It turns out it was you, kid, who prevented me from saving the Dark High Priest. In the end, he died at the hands of your teacher. I haven't even gone to find you yet, but you dare to come here to seek death!"

When the Dark Gray High Priest and Canxing recognized Lin Tianming's identity, because of the anger of hatred, they temporarily forgot about the negative emotional energy vortex above Lin Tianming's head that frightened them.

They forgot about it, but other high-level officials of the nearby Weishen organization were very awake.

"He...he is not a is Him...He is also a deceitful god who stands side by side with the existences we believe in!"

"He... He seems to be very unfriendly... It's over... The two idiots Canxing and Shen Hui must have offended Him by not recognizing His true identity... He wants to kill us!"

As other senior officials of the Creepy God Organization said this, Canxing and the Dark Gray High Priest once again looked at the whirlpool of negative emotions in the sky above Lin Tianming.

All the negative emotions in the Yin Territory of the whole north were gathered around Lin Tianming, and this shocking scene also sent shivers down their spines.

"This... this is impossible! Our people have fought against him so many times... If he is a trickster god, how could we not know it?"

"That's right, if he was really a deceitful god, we would have died ten thousand times! He...he can't be a majestic god alongside those great beings. He must have used some divine weapon...Yes, that must be the case!"

After a brief shock, Canxing and Dark Gray High Priest still didn't believe that Lin Tianming was the evil god.

Lin Tianming himself frowned when he heard their words.

Only the God of Deception and the artifact of the Deception God can absorb negative emotional energy?

Star Key Angel's remarks that he regarded him as a strange god flashed through his mind. At that time, he thought that he was a time traveler, similar to the way the strange god came to this world, so he was recognized as a strange god.

Now that he can absorb the negative emotional energy that only the God of Deception can absorb, could it be...

Is he really a deceitful god?

Before Lin Tianming could figure this out, the group of followers and monsters made new noises.

"Forget it if you don't believe me. All members of the Yellow Clothes Church will leave with me, Archbishop Huan Die!"

"Archbishop Huan Die, take us with you. All members of the Deep Sea Church who don't want to die, follow Archbishop Huan Die and I, Deep Purple High Priest, leave together!"

"Archbishop Huandie, take me, Dark Star, and the people from our Judgment Church with you!"

"And the monster in our land of disaster, Archbishop Phantom Butterfly, please!"

As Archbishop Fantasy Butterfly of the Yellow Clothes Church opened the Fantasy Butterfly Portal, most of the followers of the Creepy God and monsters at the scene rushed towards the Fantasy Butterfly Portal.

Archbishop Huan Die, who opened the portal, was the first to escape.

When Lin Tianming saw this scene, he naturally would not let them all leave so easily.

"You want to leave, have you asked me?"

As he spoke, Lin Tianming instantly burst out with the combat power of a top awakener.

Although his power is getting stronger now, he has not yet crossed the huge power gap between the mortal realm and the divine realm.

But the power of the top awakener is enough for him now!

With a thunderous trample, the power of the thunderous trampling shook the entire Tiangui Pass, exuding the power of a super-level forbidden curse.

At this moment, Thunder Trample has transformed into a super forbidden curse skill!

In an instant, a large number of followers and monsters died in Tiangui Pass, which was comparable to a large city.

The most terrifying thing is that his power is still getting stronger!

Although the power of the top awakeners is very strong, it still allowed most of the top awakeners to escape, including the top leaders of the Evil God Organization and the monsters in the Land of Disaster.

The remaining monsters and followers of the God of Creation who had no time to escape were all destroyed by the continued power of the thunder trampling.

But two people were still alive.

That is the Canxing of the Judgment Church and the Dark Gray High Priest of the Deep Sea Church.

The Phantom Butterfly Portal disappeared after a short period of time because there was no Archbishop Phantom Butterfly to maintain it on site.

Dark Gray High Priest and Canxing both laughed when they discovered that the skills Lin Tianming used were only the power of super-level forbidden spells.

"I just said that this kid can't be a god. This power... is similar to that of a top-level awakener. We also have the power of the god to protect us. How can he beat us if he doesn't become a god?"

"Those cowards, but this is fine... Letting this kid die in our hands is considered revenge... Wait... His power... is still getting stronger?"

Just when Canxing and the Dark Gray High Priest thought they could defeat Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming's power, boosted by the energy of negative emotions, finally crossed the chasm between the mortal realm and the divine realm.

As Lin Tianming entered the divine realm, at this moment he felt that his perception instantly spread to all areas of the world.

It was as if he could randomly pick any person anywhere in the world and make the most minute observations if he wanted to.

The dark gray high priest and Canxing, who had made him feel evenly matched just now, were as insignificant as ants in his eyes now.

It seemed as if just a thought from him would cause their bodies to explode and die on the spot.

Just thinking about it subconsciously, before Lin Tianming had time to react, the Dark Gray High Priest and Canxing exploded to death in extreme panic.

Lin Tianming fell into silence as he watched the Dark Gray High Priest and Canxing just turn into blood mist and dissipate without even having time to say their last words.

Is this the power of becoming a god?

A single thought can make the top awakened person disappear into ashes...

How could that god-level monster, the Raging Thunder Demon King, be killed by Teacher Jiang Han?

Before Lin Tianming could figure this out, he suddenly found that his power was declining rapidly.

Moreover, the negative emotional energy vortex above his head gradually dissipated, no longer absorbing the negative emotions from the Yin Territory of the whole north for him.

And the huge eyeball that tore the sky apart gradually dissipated.

The strange night that covered the entire Northern Yin Territory and spread across the sea to other regions suddenly vanished into nothing.

But even so, Tiangui Pass, as the place where the demonic energy of the sealed demon tomb gathers, is still full of frightening demonic energy.

Ordinary people simply cannot stay in Tiangui Pass for too long.

"I haven't had enough fun, so it's gone?"

After a brief daze, Lin Tianming quickly searched the entire Tiangui Pass before his divine power completely retreated back to the mortal realm.

The next moment, he discovered Teacher Jiang Han, whom he had not found since he came in.

Almost at the same time that he discovered Teacher Jiang Han, his divine power dropped back to that of a top-level awakener, and it was still falling rapidly.

Lin Tianming took advantage of the fact that he still had the peak combat power of a top-level awakener, and exploded with Jin Guanglei's extreme speed, and quickly rushed to Teacher Jiang Han's side.

Finding her unconscious in the ruins of Tiangui Pass, Lin Tianming quickly picked her up.

Level ninety...

Level eighty...

Level seventy...

Level sixty...

Finally falling back to level 50, Lin Tianming's level stopped falling further.

It was a pity that he couldn't maintain the same state all the time. Lin Tianming sighed.

"You still have to level up hard...the God Experience Card is used up too fast!"

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