Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 457 All Souls Temple! The first generation of spiritual power ascended to the gods! Goddess

Under Lin Tianming's continued attention, Lianghua quickly reached level 53.

After absorbing all the spiritual liquid, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found that Lin Tianming's handsome young man's face, which made her heart beat, was very close to hers. Lianghua's heartbeat also jumped suddenly and started to beat rapidly.

"Ming...Mingjun, you...why are you so close to me?"

She blushed shyly, not daring to look at Lin Tianming at close range.

Lin Tianming distanced himself: "I just wanted to see you up close, and accidentally became fascinated by it. I shouldn't have scared you, right?"

[Mingjun is fascinated by observing my practice? 】

[Sure enough, I am very important to Mingjun, otherwise he would definitely not be fascinated by me...]

With such random thoughts in her heart, Lianghua also clenched her fists.

She wants to perform well in front of her most beloved Mingjun and strive to become his wife in the future!

"It doesn't scare me... If Mingjun likes to see it... you can look at me like this every day in the future..."

Lianghua's shy look still made Lin Tianming's heart flutter.

But thinking that they had not yet finished exploring the ruins of the underground spiritual kingdom, Lin Tianming stood up.

"Lianghua, let's continue and see if there are any good things here!"

Talking about the business of their coming here, Lianghua also put aside her thoughts of falling in love with Lin Tianming.

Follow him quickly and continue exploring the ruins of the underground psychic kingdom with him.

However, for a long time, they didn't find any good treasures.

Along the way, the power of spiritual ascension and various spiritual artifacts of the Kingdom of God are also in a state of being corroded by the aura of the strange god.

Just when they thought they couldn't find any other opportunities, they discovered that a huge door emitting the light of spiritual ascension appeared in front of them.

"Another good thing that hasn't been affected by the aura of the strange god yet, Mingjun!"

While reminding Lin Tianming, Lianghua took Lin Tianming's big hand with her small hand and pulled him towards the majestic psychic door.

This huge psychic door just stood there tightly closed, with empty flat land in all directions without any other buildings.

Lianghua circled around the psychic door and began to analyze this door alone.

"I think the main hall guarded by this gate has also been corroded by the aura of the strange god, so it is the only one here... Looking at it like this, it probably won't last long before it will be completely corroded by the aura of the strange god. .”

During Lianghua's analysis, Lin Tianming discovered that he had some resonance with this psychic door.

This reminded Lin Tianming that he had experienced a similar resonance in front of a statue in the Mechanical Dragon Palace before.

Something seemed to be calling him!

As the voice calling him became stronger and stronger, the power of spiritual ascension around him began to operate on its own.

When Lianghua saw this, she also remembered her previous encounter in the Mechanical Dragon Palace.

[Mingjun’s spiritual ascension power actually reacts with this spiritual door? 】

[Could it be that...he will be sucked into an unknown space again just like he was in the Mechanical Dragon Palace before? 】

Almost at the same time that Lianghua was worried about Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming turned into a spiritual light that ascended and sank directly into the spiritual door.


Although last time her Mingjun returned safely after being sucked into an unknown space.

But if something like this happened again, and it was in this place full of strange aura, it was impossible for her not to worry about Lin Tianming.

While Lianghua was anxiously thinking about how to get in to find Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming had already arrived at the door of a sacred golden hall.

The power of spiritual ascension, which is many times more abundant than the outside world, fills every corner of this sacred palace.

"This not contaminated by the aura of the strange god?"

Lin Tianming was shocked as he felt the full-body joy brought by the pure spiritual power inside.

When the outside world is full of the aura of the strange god, it is too outrageous that the inside is not penetrated and contaminated by the aura of the strange god.

"Could it be said that...the path to spiritual ascension among the three major ascension kingdoms is the most correct path to the highest?"

After muttering something to himself, Lin Tianming slowly raised his head and looked forward.

The power of divine and pure spiritual ascension manifests into a sacred golden avenue, extending all the way into the distance.

Soon, the golden spiritual energy ascension avenue split, forming multiple golden stairs spiraling upward.

Lin Tianming's gaze slowly rose along with the spiraling stairs.

Soon, palaces of pure attribute energy appeared in front of Lin Tianming one after another.

The boiling and burning fire psychic sacred hall...

The water attribute spiritual light ball hall floating on the top of the clouds...

The majestic mountain-like earth-attribute spiritual energy hall...

A wooden spiritual hall like a tree in the sky...

Countless giant psionic flying swords form a metallic psionic hall guarding the sword array...

The thunder attribute psychic energy hall in the endless thunder field...

The wind-attributed spiritual energy hall was roaring by the strong wind...

The hall of light attribute spiritual energy shining with the sacred halo...

A palace of dark attributes like a black hole that swallows everything...

There are exactly nine psychic temples with different attributes, each of which exudes the aura of a majestic spiritual ascension god.

At this moment, Lin Tianming's power of nine ghosts also flew out automatically.

Emitting nine threads of attribute power contaminated by the aura of the strange god, extending towards the nine sacred temples above the golden stairs.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianming forcefully took back the power of the Nine Ghosts.

He didn't want to ruin the whole pot of porridge because of a mouse dropping!

Under his forcible suppression, the power of the nine ghosts temporarily stopped being restless.

"This place is really beautiful and majestic..."

After admiring the beauty and majesty of the nine attribute temples for a while, Lin Tianming turned his gaze to the front again.

In addition to splitting and extending into nine golden steps, the avenue of psychic ascension also forms the broadest golden staircase at the center, extending straight upward little by little.

Lin Tianming was fascinated and walked towards the broad golden staircase in the center.

While raising his head, he looked at the end of the stairs that were extending upward.

At the top, there is a spiritual ascension sacred temple that is more magnificent than the nine attribute spiritual energy halls.

It seems that the sacred temple of spiritual energy contains thousands of powers of the spiritual kingdom, which is far beyond the power of a single nine attributes.

With the blessing of Jin Guanglei, he continued to climb, and he soon arrived at this most magnificent sacred temple.

The power of spiritual ascension here is also the purest in the world.

Being here, Lin Tianming felt that every part of his body was filled with joy, and he felt like he had achieved true spiritual ascension.

Continuing deeper into the most magnificent spiritual ascension hall, Lin Tianming soon reached the deepest part of the hall.

In the deepest part, on the throne that symbolizes the supreme power of the spiritual kingdom, sits an ascended spiritual god like the God of All Spirits.

Her body has achieved the highest evolution of spiritual ascension form, and is filled with golden light of spiritual ascension.

She is the power of spiritual ascension.

It is also she who has the power of psychic ascension.

The reason why the power of spiritual ascension in this hall is the purest is all because of her existence.

This spiritually ascended god was not angry at all for Lin Tianming's rash intrusion.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her psychic lips, as if she had been waiting for Lin Tianming here for a long time.

"Welcome to the All Souls Temple, the most sacred palace in the Kingdom of Psionics. I have been waiting for you here for a long time, so long that I have lost track of time, young psionic ascendant!"

The voice of this spiritually ascended god also seemed to be spiritual and ethereal when he spoke.

Lin Tianming felt as if he heard something, but also seemed to hear nothing.

Feeling this strange feeling of something and nothing, Lin Tianming asked in confusion: "Have you been waiting for me here for a long time?"

The beautiful spiritually ascended god nodded.

"Please allow me to introduce myself as a young psychic ascendant. I am the first psychic ascended god in the kingdom of psychic gods.

He is also the first spiritual ascension person in the world, the pioneer of the path to spiritual ascension, and the founder of the spiritual kingdom of God.

My name is the Goddess of All Spirits. "

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