Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 466 The Lord of Darkness! Was it because of Him that Huang Yiyi fell from the altar?

His future wife?

Lin Tianming was stunned when he heard Wang Yanran's thoughts.

His senior sister Yanran recognized him!

Although he overheard Wang Yanran's true feelings, he definitely couldn't tell her what she wanted to be his wife.

"Little brother Tianming, let's meet tomorrow morning. I have prepared a surprise for you in the first class tomorrow, so don't be late!"

"Well, see you tomorrow, Senior Sister Yanran!"

I thought this would be the end of it, but Wang Yanran took advantage of him and attacked him in the face again.

After the kiss, Wang Yanran ran away in a panic.

【I was too bold today! He kissed Tian Ming’s younger brother twice in a row... in a row! 】

[But the second time I just tapped his face lightly...]

[I hope this will make him feel my most sincere feelings! 】

Wang Yanran's inner voice also faded away like her back.

Lin Tianming didn't look away until Wang Yanran disappeared from Lin Tianming's sight.

"Senior Yanran is really... she always carries out sneak attacks... Believe it or not, I will be a guest next time and let you experience it too?"

After muttering something to himself, Lin Tianming was also on his way back to the boys' dormitory.

On the way back, he passed by an uncle on the campus street. Lin Tianming saw a man who did not look like a student observing him.

He paid a little more attention, but didn't pay attention to the man.

Just when Lin Tianming passed by the man, the man suddenly showed a strange smile to Lin Tianming.

"Do you really think of yourself as being the same as us?"

? ? ?

As soon as he heard the man's question, Lin Tianming immediately distanced himself from him.

He looked at the man warily: "What do you mean?"

The man did not answer Lin Tianming's question, but continued to question Lin Tianming on his own.

"Are you worthy of joining us?"

Throughout the entire process, the man maintained a condescending attitude.

It seemed that in his eyes, Lin Tianming was an ant that could be crushed to death with just one kick.

After thinking about what the man said for a moment, Lin Tianming seemed to have thought of something. Lin Tianming immediately released the power of spiritual ascension and sensed everything about the man.

There is no breath at all, just like ordinary people who have not awakened their powers.

This made Lin Tianming even more vigilant.

Because Huang Yiyi, the mysterious man, and Green, the mysterious boy, had no breath at all at first!

"I am the incarnation of darkness, and darkness exists because of me, and you... were just lucky enough to get his power to resolve the crisis in the Heavenly Ghost Pass!"

As the mysterious man continued to speak mysterious words, his body began to emit dark supernatural power, and...

And the mysterious black mist like Huang Yiyi and others!

"Sure enough, you are the God of Deception!"

The suspicion in his heart was confirmed, and Lin Tianming further distanced himself from the man who claimed to be the incarnation of darkness.

"You can deceive mortals like you, but you can't deceive me. With the help of the same power as us, you can absorb negative emotions and disguise yourself as mortal ants of our kind!"


As soon as he saw the opponent blasting out a blast of dark supernatural energy mixed with the aura of a strange god, Lin Tianming immediately transformed into a spirit body to avoid it perfectly.

But at the moment when he perfectly evaded it, he felt as if he was being targeted by something terrifying, and his hair stood on end.

He was clearly in this world, but he seemed to have broken the world barrier and was targeted by a strange world being who specialized in hunting energy-form life forms.

What made him feel this way was the man in front of him who claimed to be the incarnation of darkness.

This feels like being in the secret realm of ice and snow before, being watched by the Lord of Winter in another space.

After quickly exiting the spiritual body, Lin Tianming no longer felt like he was being watched.

The advice that the Goddess of All Spirits had given him before flashed through his mind. After becoming a god, he must not use his psychic powers to pry into the world of strange gods.

At this moment, everything was connected in series, and Lin Tianming also completely figured out why he felt this way this time and in the Ice and Snow Secret Realm.

Even the Goddess of All Spirits didn't expect that he could sense the existence of the World of Strange Gods before he became a god!

"It's a pity that we are here. If I are here in person and dare to use the trick you just did in front of me, you will die!"

The man's words interrupted Lin Tianming's thinking, and he continued to look at the man in front of him warily.

For some reason, he carefully sensed the man who claimed to be the incarnation of darkness, and always felt that he was more than one level lower than Huang Yiyi.

Obviously Huang Yiyi has not yet awakened, and is in a state of confusion and ignorance.

The man in front of him is awake and can already control his own power.

But Lin Tianming just felt that the man in front of him was not as good as Huang Yiyi.

"The woman you're talking about doesn't mean Huang Yiyi, right?"

As soon as he heard Lin Tianming talking about Huang Yiyi, the man didn't understand who Lin Tianming was talking about.

But the next moment, the man showed a mocking look.

"It's really sad. The king of the Dream Court... actually fell to the point where mortals take mortal names at will. But this is the consequences of offending us. It's not easy to survive until now, hahaha!"

The man's mocking words revealed a message to Lin Tianming.

The group of weird gods in the weird god world mentioned by the Goddess of All Spirits do not seem to be monolithic.

At least...the mysterious god in front of him, who claims to be the incarnation of darkness, has a hostile relationship with Huang Yiyi.

And it seems that there are quite a few evil spirits who join forces with the man to deal with Huang Yiyi!

A group of strange gods teamed up to deal with Huang Yiyi's true form, but they couldn't kill Huang Yiyi, and they only made Huang Yiyi enter a state of confusion...

Huang Yiyi...couldn't he be the King of Strange Gods?

It seemed that his perception just now was correct. The man in front of him who claimed to be the incarnation of darkness was a little shrimp who was several levels lower than Huang Yiyi!

"Do you think you can protect Him?"

The man's contemptuous question rang out, and Lin Tianming smiled.

"I don't know if I can protect Huang Yiyi, but I know that you... are not as good as her!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately touched the man's minefield.

"You actually said that I am inferior to this loser who has nothing? You don't really think that because you were chosen by Him, you can do whatever you want in front of our noble existence, do you?"

As the man entered an angry state, the mysterious black mist around him also started to riot.

Lin Tianming was just talking casually, but he didn't expect his words to be full of sarcasm.

But he wasn't worried that the man in front of him could hurt him.

Through his observation just now, he discovered that the other party had not fully adapted to his current body.

Otherwise, even if Lin Tianming wanted to dodge the attack just now, he would be unable to fight back just like when he encountered the mysterious man who believed in the Deep Sea Church before.

He was confident that he could send this deceitful god who dared to come to him before he had adapted to a mortal body back to their world!

But before taking action, Lin Tianming had one more question.

"Don't rush into action yet. Let me ask you another question. Do you know the pig that is the Lord of Winter?"

"Do you still know the Lord of Winter?"

The man was a little surprised at first, but soon he understood how Lin Tianming knew.

"It seems that He occasionally wakes up. He should have told you when He occasionally wakes up, right? It seems that you should have guessed my identity now!

Yes, just as you think in your heart, I am the Lord of Darkness, and just like the Lord of Winter, I am also a participant in the fall of the trash you serve and protect, hahaha! "

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