Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 491 Who said someone who plays ice can't be a sweet girl? I am Brother Tianming’s littl

Lin Tianming swore.

One day, he will ruthlessly kill Teacher Tianshui and Teacher Jiang Han, their best friends...

Hold them down together and whip them hard!

Let them also experience the joy of being specially trained by the devil!

It's no use crying and begging for mercy!

After receiving the devil's special training for several days in a row, Lin Tianming almost collapsed.

However, under the guidance of Teacher Jiang Han and Teacher Tian Shui, he did make a major breakthrough.

The level soared from level fifty-six to level fifty-nine.

This was all due to his watching the two Divine Tribulation Thunder games.

Especially during the first divine tribulation of Teacher Jiang Han, in order to protect Teacher Jiang Han, he continuously used his skills to bombard the center of the thunder of divine tribulation.

Most of the power accumulated in his body came from this first divine tribulation.

Only a small part comes from Teacher Tianshui’s second time.

After coming together twice and absorbing the power of the two origins, he had the opportunity to undergo an explosive transformation.

Breakthrough is a very happy thing, but now Lin Tianming, who has been drained of his potential, just wants to have a good sleep.

"Kid Tianming, you did a good job. The energy accumulated during the two divine tribulations in person has reached level 59. You..."

Jiang Han had a look of relief and satisfaction on her face, but before she could finish her words, Lin Tianming fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Tian Shui quickly approached, knelt down and hugged Lin Tianming into her arms.

After careful inspection, Tian Shui asked Jiang Han to relax.

"Little brother Tianming was just too tired and fell asleep. The intensity of the special training these days has been too high. It's normal for this to happen. I'll just give him a little treatment to help him recover his strength faster."

While talking, Tianshui used water flow to heal the fluctuations and nourish Lin Tianming's exhausted body.

Jiang Han watched for a while, she pursed her lips and asked Tian Shui softly.

"Tian Shui, am I too harsh for always giving him this kind of high-pressure special training to develop his ultimate potential? Do you think...he...will he hate me for this?"

Hearing Jiang Han's worry, Tian Shui gently comforted Jiang Han.

"Don't worry, little brother Tianming still knows that you are doing good for him. He is not the kind of person who would hate you as a teacher just because he doesn't understand your good intentions.

I see that he is getting along with you these days, and he still respects your ideas, so you don’t have to worry so much! "

"Indeed... this kid likes to play pranks on me and tease me, but he is also very well-behaved, especially when I went through the divine tribulation before, and in order to save me, he did not hesitate to force the evil spirit to whisper..."

As Jiang Han spoke, a warm color appeared on her pretty face.

When Tian Shui heard what Jiang Han said about Lin Tianming's hard whisper, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but condense.

"Hard to whisper to the strange god...Jiang Han, can you tell me in detail how you passed through the divine tribulation?"

Facing the questions from her old friend, Jiang Han did not hide anything and truthfully told Tian Shui what she had experienced during the divine calamity.

Tian Shui nourished Lin Tianming's body while listening to Jiang Han's story.

When she listened to Jiang Han's encounter with the divine calamity, which was even more thrilling than hers, Tian Shui's beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

"I didn't expect Jiang Han that your divine calamity would be so dangerous, but you can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. At least little brother Tianming... is someone worthy of our trust for the rest of our lives!"

"Yes, this kid was so anxious when he saw that I was hurt by the Whisper of the Evil God. He didn't care if he was the other party's opponent or not, just to protect me, he fought against the Evil God!

Fortunately, although this silly boy is reckless, he is also very lucky and can actually withstand the Whispering God. Otherwise, if something happens to him, even if I survive, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life! "

Jiang Han's eyes were full of relief and emotion.

At the same time, she also felt a little guilty.

She should obviously be the one to protect Lin Tianming, but when she becomes a god, she needs her precious student Tianming to do his best to protect her.

Lin Tianming, who is only over 50 levels, should not bear such a heavy burden!

Lin Tianming is really asleep now.

Jiang Han and Tian Shui could talk so much even when he was asleep, and they were still talking about him, and he didn't even know about it.

When Lin Tianming woke up again, he had returned to the Imperial Capital and slept in Teacher Jiang Han's bed.

As soon as he woke up, he heard Teacher Jiang Han's concerned voice: "You brat, are you awake?"

With Tian Shui nourishing his body before, Lin Tianming felt full of energy when he woke up.

"here it is?"

"It's your teacher and my family, little fool, come here, drink this bowl of hot porridge, and then accompany me to the feast of the Thunder and Water Gods!"

Jiang Han was sitting affectionately on Lin Tianming's bedside with a bowl of hot porridge, ready to feed him one bite at a time.

When Lin Tianming woke up, he happened to be a little hungry, so he directly enjoyed the feeding from Teacher Jiang Han.

But as he ate, as Teacher Jiang Han always came up with new food, Lin Tianming gradually discovered that something was wrong.

Teacher Jiang Han is feeding him like a pig again!

No matter how delicious the food is, you will still vomit if you eat too much!

"Teacher Jiang Han, eat... can't eat... ugh!"

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Jiang Han stuffed him with new food.

"This is all to supplement your nutrition. Be good, eat a little more and it will be gone soon!"

A little bit?

I’m afraid it’s a few hundred million!

Just as Lin Tianming thought, what Teacher Jiang Han said is really a billion points.

After being stuffed by a pig, Lin Tianming burped.

Jiang Han, who likes to play this kind of nurturing game, felt very satisfied after feeding all the food.

"Okay, let's go, today is the day when our Kyushu holds a banquet for the twin gods of thunder and water, and we invite high-level officials from all regions to the banquet. We can't be late!"

While talking, Jiang Han took Lin Tianming, who had just eaten, out to drive to the banquet.

Lin Tianming followed Jiang Han reluctantly and asked: "Going to the banquet...won't there be food at the banquet?"

"Yes, yes, but this kind of banquet is usually more about communication than eating, so I can just feed you at home in advance.

When you get there, go to the tables with young geniuses from various fields. That girl Qingxue has been clamoring to see you every day during this period. Remember to keep her company! "

"Teacher Jiang Han, you have become a god, why are you driving a car? Why don't you just teleport me there with just a thought?"

Sitting in Jiang Han's car, Lin Tianming felt a little dissatisfied with her driving instead of directly using her magical power to go to the banquet in an instant.

"You brat, how boring is it to be able to arrive everywhere in an instant? Driving like this won't be slow, just enjoy the process!"

It took about twenty minutes for Lin Tianming and Jiang Han to arrive at the scene.

"Brother Tianming, look over here!"

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Lin Tianming heard the screams of his clingy girlfriend Ye Qingxue.

As soon as he turned around, he was hit all over by this clingy man.

"Brother Tianming, Qingxue misses you so much!"

Jiang Han said: "I have to go over there to meet with the senior officials of each domain. Little Tianming, girl Qingxue, you can just play slowly here!"

"Teacher Jiang Han, walk slowly!"

Ye Qingxue bid farewell to Jiang Han with a sweet voice, then took Lin Tianming's arm and continued to cling to him.

Lin Tianming rubbed Ye Qingxue's cute little head and said with a smile: "Qingxue, I discovered something. I see that many awakened people who play with ice are very cold. You are like a sweet girl. Every day Aren't you tired of sticking to me?"

"Of course I won't get tired of it, and I only stick with Brother Tianming because Brother Tianming is my boyfriend!"

Ye Qingxue would not feel bored.

Moreover, she is usually not around Lin Tianming and has a very cold personality.

Only in front of her favorite brother Tianming, will she turn into a sweet girl who clings to her boyfriend!

She added with a smile: "Brother Tianming, this is your fault. Who said that people who play ice can't be sweet girls? Qingxue is brother Tianming's little ice cream. It's so comfortable to have a sweet little ice cream in summer. !”

"It's true that my situation is too small..."

Being with Ye Qingxue, this energetic and clingy little girlfriend, except that sometimes I can't keep up with her wonderful brain circuits, most of the time I am quite happy.

"Hehe, brother Tianming, in order to become your sweet little ice cream, Qingxue specially wore white ice silk for you today... take a look, does it look good?"

? ? ?

Under Lin Tianming's incredible gaze, Ye Qingxue slowly opened a slight distance from him so that he could see clearly what she was wearing today.

Shyly holding the sides of her skirt with her little hands, Ye Qingxue stood in front of Lin Tianming and turned around nimbly.

Today, Ye Qingxue is wearing a sky blue suspender dress and ice blue high heels. She looks even more like the goddess of ice has arrived.

But what dazzled Lin Tianming’s eyes the most...

It’s still the shining white ice silk...

And the right tight fleshy feeling after being strangled...

Seeing Lin Tianming staring at her legs, Ye Qingxue knew that her look today was successful.

Although she was a little shy to dress like this, with her blushing face, she was still very satisfied with the outfit she had carefully prepared and attracted her brother Tianming.

[Hehe... Brother Tianming seems to like it very much! 】

[As expected, I, Ye Qingxue, am the most charming! 】

[You can use more tricks in the future, so that Brother Tianming won’t be seduced away by the little vixens outside! 】

With this thought in mind, Ye Qingxue approached Lin Tianming again and continued to transform into a clingy little girlfriend.

"Brother Tianming, do you prefer sweet ice cream like Qingxue? If you like... Qingxue will wear it for you in the future, okay?"

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