Hua Yufei's home.

Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah also understood what Nan Xiner said just now.

Huang Yiyi was confused: "Husband? What husband? Sister Sarah, did you hear someone talking?"

"I heard it too, and I don't understand it either... Husband seems to be what you called your husband in Kyushu in ancient times, right?"

Sister Sarah was also confused and felt that Nan Xin'er's words coming from the Shiwan Mountains in southern Xinjiang were incomprehensible.

The two of them neither understood nor were afraid.

But the mysterious whisper that resounded throughout the world frightened Hua Yufei and Mo Jinghong who were with them.

"That seemed to be... the whisper of the mysterious god? I heard it mentioned by Yan Ran, but I couldn't understand what she was saying... To be so shaken... I think the mysterious god must be very angry because of something!"

"But didn't Senior Yanran say that the Whispering God can affect people's minds? How come the two of us didn't fall into madness?"

Somewhere in an unknown secret place, the Kyushu woman, the mysterious man, and the mysterious boy Green were meeting a man with the same aura as the three of them.

The tremors caused by Nan Xiner in all regions of the world also affected them here.

However, they didn't care about this and continued to talk while trembling violently.

The being that the Kyushu woman and the others were looking for was a young and handsome man.

Wearing a single lens, he looks like a gentle gentleman.

The mysterious man and the mysterious boy Green both stood behind the Kyushu woman and were very respectful to the man with the single lens.

But there was no respect in the Kyushu woman's eyes, she just said lightly.

"Let's go, time is running out."

"Time is meaningless. Now is not the time. You go first. When it is time for me to come, I will come."

After the man with one lens spoke, he exuded the power of the law of time.

The power of the law of time is far more mysterious than that of the mysterious boy Green.

He is reversing the time of the Kyushu woman, the mysterious man, and the mysterious boy Green, and sending them away from him.

The mysterious man and the mysterious boy Green could not stop him from the power of the law of time. Seeing that they were about to be sent out, the Kyushu woman used the energy of chaos to block the reversal of the law of time.

The only person on the scene who could compete with this single-lensed man was the Kyushu woman.

"Give me a reasonable reason, otherwise I won't leave like this!"

Facing the question from the Kyushu woman, the man with a single lens said: "If I move now, it would involve too much. You should know that the past, present, and future are meaningless to you and me. When the time comes, you If you don’t come to me, I will come to you.”

Hearing this, the Jiuzhou woman was silent for a long time and then said: "Then you should come to me at the right time. If you don't come and delay His important event, I won't be as easy to talk to as I am today!"

As soon as the words fell, the Kyushu woman turned into chaos and left on her own initiative.

The mysterious man and the mysterious boy Green bowed respectfully to the single-lensed man before leaving with the Kyushu woman.

At the same time, Lin Tianming, who learned that Nan Xin'er was a ghost god who was actually in this world, was thinking about what he should do.

The whisper of the strange god that shook the whole world ended, and there was no other sound for a while.

Moreover, the violently trembling world gradually returned to calm.

Doesn't Nan Xiner plan to come?

Although he couldn't figure out what Nan Xiner was thinking, Lin Tianming still didn't dare to let down his guard.

Originally, he wanted to find Teacher Jiang Han to protect him, but now that he learned that Nan Xiner was the true form of the God of Evil, he had completely given up on this idea.

If Nan Xiner really came to find him, no matter how many teachers Jiang Han could save him.

Now...the only one he can rely on is himself!

The reborn goddesses who were hiding in the dark nearby to guard Lin Tianming thought that the commotion just now was caused by the Lord of Darkness.

Now that the Lord of Darkness has left, the trembling earth has gradually returned to calm. They who don't understand the truth are relieved.

But they were just relieved, and they still guarded Lin Tianming.

At least get through today!

At this time, Lin Tianming found that he could suddenly hear Teacher Jiang Han's voice.

[The movement just now... really seemed to be caused by a strange god. It scared me so much that I rushed over immediately...]

[Fortunately, the child is fine tomorrow...]

[Tian Shui is also here? There are also those girls from Qingxue... Is this a meeting? 】

[Or...are you worried about Tianming because of the tremor just now? 】

Jiang Han's voice confirmed that she was induced by the tremor just now, and he still felt very warm in his heart.

When something big happens, Teacher Jiang Han's first thought is to ensure his safety.

Lin Tianming doesn't want to leave the Imperial Academy now.

He went directly to the cafeteria to pack some food, and then went back to his dormitory to rest.

The goddess reborns, including Teacher Jiang Han, all gathered near the dormitory building where Lin Tianming lived.

They were already prepared and planned to protect Lin Tianming until tomorrow morning.

Before they knew it, they stayed up late into the night when most people fell asleep.

But none of them dared to sleep.

Lin Tianming, who was in the dormitory room, kept his eyes open the whole time, listening to the sound of his roommate Chu Yunfei sleeping soundly there.

He had the same idea as the goddess reborns, so he stayed up all night until tomorrow morning.

Little did they know, the danger had already come, and they were targeting the reborn goddesses who were guarding Lin Tianming.

A rag doll suddenly appeared in the area where Alice's figure was hidden.

"It's strange... I squatted here all night... there should be no ragdolls..."

She was wary and controlled her robotic doll to get closer to the rag doll.

Who would have thought that countless small needles would suddenly appear on the doll's body out of thin air.

This scene also made Alice more vigilant.

She looked closer and found her name written on it in weirdly skewed fonts.

It was obviously dark night, but her name shone eerily on the doll's body.


Suddenly realizing something, Alice wanted to destroy the doll, but it was already too late.

The pain of being punctured by countless small needles made her scream and fainted on the spot.

Her mechanical doll also became paralyzed due to her fainting and collapsed in place.

Not just her, the same thing also happened to Ye Qingxue and the others.

Even the two god-level awakeners, Jiang Han and Tian Shui, screamed at the top of their lungs.

It was obvious that their screams were extremely painful and sharp.

But in this dead night, no one could hear except Lin Tianming.

Other passers-by who had nothing to do with the matter seemed to be collectively deafened, unable to hear no matter how close they were.

Lin Tianming naturally couldn't calm down when he heard the screams of the reborn goddesses.

He rushed out of the boys' dormitory immediately and found Ye Qingxue and all of them one by one through the perception of spiritual ascension.

They were all in a state of unconsciousness. Even Jiang Han and Tian Shui, who had become gods, could not withstand this strange power.

Fortunately, they just fainted and their lives were not in real danger.

"It seems that Nan Xiner's target is only me. Teacher Jiang Han and the others are just unconscious. As long as they are fine..."

With a murmur to himself, Lin Tianming destroyed the white rag dolls engraved with the names of the reborn goddesses with a burst of purple lightning.

At this moment, Nan Xin'er's voice calling Lin Tianming came from the direction of Southern Xinjiang.

"Husband...if I move, I will destroy all living beings wherever I go...I don't want to hurt anyone...come to meet me in southern Xinjiang...I only want you..."

This time, Nan Xiner's voice did not cause tremors in all regions of the world.

And through her special means, only Lin Tianming could hear it.

Lin Tianming listened to this voice and believed that Nan Xiner had not lied to him.

If Nan Xin'er's true form of the Ghost God moves, the whole world will definitely be destroyed by her.

He looked down at Teacher Jiang Han and the others who were in a coma. Lin Tianming, who didn't want to implicate anyone else, knew...

It's time for him to go to Southern Xinjiang to face Nan Xin'er's true form of the mysterious god!

Face his destiny!

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