Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 606 The evil flower fairy that confuses people’s minds! Even girls can bewitched! Jiang Han&

We are about to arrive at the Flower Paradise. When Lin Tianming looks forward, he can see the charming flower world full of colorful flowers in front of him.

Lin Tianming, who was standing on the teleportation platform, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"That's the Flower Paradise?"

"Well, that's the Flower Paradise, the paradise for genetic ascensionists who follow the flower fairy evolution route!"

The Thunder Dragon Emperor had been here several times before, and she nodded affirmatively.

Jiang Han was also attracted by the colorful world of flowers.

She was also looking forward to the next journey.

Jiang Han asked Lin Tianming's opinion.

"But there seems to be a small town in the Kingdom of Genes between us. Should we fly there directly or walk there?"

"Anyway, we're almost here. I'm curious about what fun things there are in the town next to the Flower Sea Paradise. Let's take a look around!"

Lin Tianming is now in charge, and Jiang Han still respects his suggestions.

"Then just listen to our kid Tianming!"

Thunder Dragon Emperor now follows Lin Tianming, and she has no objection to this.

The three of them walked into the town below the Flower Sea Paradise.

"This town is called Huaqian Town, which represents the last town before the Flower Sea Paradise. After passing here, you will reach the real Flower Sea Paradise."

After entering, Thunder Dragon Emperor also introduced the place to Lin Tianming and Jiang Han who were here for the first time.

Walking on the street, Jiang Han looked at the left and right sides and couldn't help but sigh.

"There are many gene ascenders of the Flower Fairy route in Huaqian Town, and they are all so beautiful..."

[Why are they all girls... Is coming here too tempting for a boy like Tianming? 】

[After all, this child is still a teenager... his mind is not mature enough and he is easily tempted by glamorous people or things...]

[The small town in front of Huahai Paradise is just like this. How about entering Huahai Paradise? 】

While feeling emotional, Jiang Han gradually became worried.

Lin Tianming heard Jiang Han's worry that he could not withstand the temptation, so in order to reassure Jiang Han, he also spoke.

"Although they look beautiful, in my heart, our teacher Jiang Han is definitely the most beautiful!"

"Poor mouth, brat!"

Although he said this, Jiang Han was made happy by Lin Tianming in his heart.

[You know how to coax me by saying things like this, knowing that this silly boy said this on purpose...but I just like him coaxing me like this! 】

After confirming that Jiang Han was very happy, Lin Tianming no longer worried about Jiang Han's random thoughts.

As they continued walking, they gradually saw some other Gene Ascended Ones.

Like them, these genetically ascended people want to go to the Flower Sea Paradise and take a look at what the Flower Town is like.

"No wonder the Kingdom of Genes has always said that the Flower Sea Paradise is a fairyland on earth, a paradise. There are so many beautiful flower fairies in Huaqian Town in front of the Flower Sea Paradise. It's so beautiful!"

"It would be great if those of us who are genetically ascended can stay in the Flower Sea Paradise for a long time! It's a pity that those who are not on the Flower Fairy's evolutionary path can only stay in the Flower Sea Paradise for three days every hundred years if there are special circumstances!"

"Yes! I really want to have flower fairies around me every day... I am so happy just thinking about it!"

Lin Tianming frowned as he listened to the fantasies of the genetically ascended people nearby.

"Gene Ascended Persons who are not on the Flower Fairy's evolutionary path can only stay in the Flower Sea Paradise for three days?"

Facing Lin Tianming's question, Thunder Dragon Emperor nodded.

"Yes, the Flower Sea Paradise is full of beautiful flower fairies. In order to prevent gene ascenders with ulterior motives from doing evil in the Flower Sea Paradise, only gene ascenders who are not on the flower fairy evolution path are allowed to stay for three days, and they must have no bad deeds. The review is very strict.”

"I just don't know if three days will be enough for us to convince the current owner of the Flower Sea Paradise to join us in our cause of uniting the three Ascension Divine Kingdoms to fight against the world of strange gods..."

Feeling the urgency of time, Lin Tianming murmured to himself.

As they entered the next street, the sound of hawking in front caught Lin Tianming's attention.

"Everyone who is passing by with genetic ascension, don't miss my Huaxian Brewing!"

"My Huaxian Brewing is the most authentic in Huaqian Town. Even the Huaxian Brewing made by Qinglian Fairy, the owner of Huahai Paradise, is not as pure as mine!"

"I invite all guests to appreciate it. If you don't believe me, you are welcome to taste it for free!"

The owner of the cries is a beautiful flower fairy ascendant.

In the process of selling, the flower fairy is still quietly releasing light pink pollen, affecting everyone who enters the street.

Whether they are the flower fairies from the Flower Sea Paradise or other genetically ascended people who are preparing to go to the Flower Sea Paradise, they are all deeply affected by the pollen that confuses people's minds.

Even the Thunder Dragon Emperor and Jiang Han around Lin Tianming were affected.

" beautiful...she is so beautiful!"

"I really want to... I really want to be with her..."

Lin Tianming was shocked.

The Thunder Dragon Emperor is the most powerful god king in Gene Tianleiyuan who has the best chance of becoming a true god. Can even she be charmed?

That flower fairy who is hawking... is she a true god?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and just when Lin Tianming was about to use the energy of original chaos to eliminate the influence of pollen on Thunder Dragon Emperor and Jiang Han, his mind changed.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, Lin Tianming's eyes were filled with love, and like everyone else, he walked towards the mysterious flower fairy who was hawking.

The mysterious flower fairy looked at the people all over the street who were charmed by her, and she smiled as if she had everything under control.

"My dear friends from the Kingdom of Genes, my Huaxian Brewing is a treasure. If you like it after tasting it for free, please use your most valuable treasure to buy it!"

As the mysterious flower fairy said this, everyone nearby wanted to give everything they had just for the Pomeranian to smile.

"Give it to you... give it all to you! These are all my artifacts! Please let the fairy accept them!"

"This is the most precious artifact I have, and this genetic potion is also very useful for cultivating gods. Fairy, please accept them!"

Seeing these people going crazy giving treasures to the mysterious flower fairy, Lin Tianming, who was playing tricks on her, didn't want to actually give the treasure to her.

But after he thought for a moment, he came up with another good idea.

He took out the palm-sized Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree, and stretched out his hands with a look of obsession, offering his treasure.

"Fairy, can you tell me your name? You are so beautiful. This is my little wish!"

The mysterious flower fairy who was searching for treasures suddenly felt that everything else didn't smell good when she saw the Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree in Lin Tianming's hand.

"This... what is this? It seems... it seems to contain the power of true God!"

Once he heard that this mysterious fairy was so knowledgeable, Lin Tianming was even more sure that the other party was a true god.

Briefly shocked, the mysterious flower fairy immediately stretched out her jade hand, wanting to take away Lin Tianming's Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree first.

Who would have thought that when Lin Tianming saw her reaching out her hand, he grabbed her delicate hand and refused to let go.

"This fairy, you haven't told me your name yet!"

"Another pervert who was seduced by me!"

First, he cursed in shame and anger. The mysterious flower fairy had already charmed people and was not afraid of Lin Tianming waking up.

After scolding, in order to make Lin Tianming hand over the Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree obediently, she also said in a charming tone: "This handsome little brother, sister, my name is Xiehua Fairy, can you give me the treasure in your hand? Really? My sister likes it very much!"

"Okay, Sister Evil Flower Fairy, I'll give it to you right now!"

Lin Tianming continued to maintain his charming state of looking out for love.

Fairy Xiehua also smiled and said: "Thank you so much, my dear brother. I'll just... hiss... uhhh, my dear!"

Just when the Evil Flower Fairy was about to take over the Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree, Lin Tianming immediately activated the power of the Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree.

Under the sudden attack of the True God from the Obsidian Holy Thunder Tree, the Evil Flower Fairy was suddenly electrocuted and screamed repeatedly.

At this moment, she also understood that she had been deceived by Lin Tianming.

" little dare you shock me!"

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