Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 615 Despair! Are you claiming to be following the old path? Or fight to the death and refuse

Strongly defeated the most powerful Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King in the Gene God Kingdom. In order to let the entire Gene God Kingdom see this scene, the Blood Flower God from the other side broke the prohibition protection set by the Star Key Angels and them.

For a time, every corner of the Kingdom of Genes bloomed with blood flowers from the other side that could reflect the true situation of the Flower Sea Paradise.

The gods of the Gene Kingdom who had experienced the catastrophe of the true form of the strange god thousands of years ago were all awakened to the fear that had been buried for thousands of years.

"Yes... it's the God of Deception! The God of Deception is back!"

"The Star Key Angel, the strongest combat power of our Kingdom of Genes, has grown to the level that can kill the human form of the evil god thousands of years ago... It stands to reason that it should be stronger after thousands of years of development time. Why? Are you still so vulnerable to the true form of the God of Creation?"

"Isn't this too desperate? The Holy Source Spirit King, who is on par with the Star Key Angel, also came... The strongest combat power was defeated so completely! What is the meaning of our self-proclaimed ten thousand years? In the end... we still can't escape The end of destruction!”

Many genetically ascended gods who have not experienced the catastrophe thousands of years ago are also afraid in such a desperate atmosphere.

These ten thousand years of comfort have made everyone in the Gene Kingdom feel floating.

They seem to have forgotten that it was not they who took the initiative to lift the self-defense, but that the power of the self-defense had weakened to the point where they had to automatically lift it.

They thought that when they returned this time and merged with the other two major divine kingdoms and the Abandoned Land, they would show unprecedented strength.

The development of the other two major divine kingdoms over the past ten thousand years is definitely not as good as their genetic divine kingdom.

Even if the true form of the God of Creation comes, he is no match for the current Gene Kingdom!

The reality was cruel, and their faces were all swollen.

The pride of Gene Kingdom, which had been at ease for thousands of years and looked down upon the other two major kingdoms and the Abandoned Land, was shattered by the hands of the self-proclaimed Weird God who had frightened them in the past.

At the scene, Fairy Qinglian loudly called on the remaining dignitaries of the Kingdom of Genes.

"We have not lost yet. The Kingdom of Genes will never stop here. Please join me in supporting Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King!"

The Mermaid Queen of the Poseidon Temple, the Sea Spirit God, was the first to respond: "Yes, let's take action together, there may be hope! We must not let the Star Key Angel and the Holy Source Spirit King be isolated and helpless!"

The Angel King, the king of the angel clan in the Sky City, also stood up.

"I, the Angel King of the Sky City, will definitely do my best to assist the Star Key Angels who are of the same angel clan as me!"

Immediately, all the true gods on the scene were recovering from the battle for the Star Key Angel and the Holy Source Spirit King. At the same time, they also exploded with their strongest combat power and attacked the Blood Flower God on the other side.

After being treated by other true gods, Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King gritted their teeth and continued to fight.

"The way you support each other and fight... it's really touching!"

"Then let me compose a sad song for you and send you on the road together!"

"The gap in strength between you and me has reached a level that cannot be made up by just relying on the number of people!"

The bloody petals exuded a terrifying power that could tear apart even the true gods, and flew towards all the true gods present.

Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King, who were in the state of being polluted by the aura of the strange god, could barely resist, but the other true gods were vulnerable to this move, and each of them looked like a kite with its string cut off.

"True God? Just a bunch of false gods!"

The scene where the Blood Flower God on the other side still had the upper hand in the face of the siege by the true gods from the Kingdom of Genes made Jiang Han afraid to breathe.

She glanced at Lin Tianming, who was being treated by Tian Shui and Hua Yufei, his eyes tightly closed, and she was ready to protect her precious student to the death.

The same was true for the Thunder Dragon Emperor on the side.

Lin Tianming rescued her when she was abandoned by Lord Tianleiyuan and took her in.

From then on, she made up her mind to follow Lin Tianming to death.

Now Lin Tianming is in trouble and is receiving treatment.

Even if the opponent is a deceitful god who is so powerful that even the Star Key Angel cannot resist, she, the Thunder Dragon Emperor, will never take a step back.

If you want to kill Lin Tianming, you must step over the body of her Thunder Dragon Emperor!

Fortunately, the Blood Flower God on the other side is now fully focused on the Star Key Angels, the strongest combat forces in the Kingdom of Genes, which actually gives them some relief.

Tian Shui and Hua Yufei were also racing against time to treat Lin Tianming.

Now, they are the only two people here who can spare the time to treat Lin Tianming.

They also want to use all their strength to protect Lin Tianming once, just like Lin Tianming fought for them countless times!

In the center of the battlefield, many brave true gods from the Gene God Kingdom soon came to help after seeing the blood flowers blooming all over the Gene God Kingdom on the other side.

Gene-ascended gods with various evolutionary directions of mythical creatures such as complete dragon transformation, phoenix transformation, divine dragon transformation, etc. have all joined this battle to defend the Kingdom of Genes.

"We have accumulated strength for thousands of years, and we must not fall here!"

"We will protect the glory and pride of the Kingdom of Genes!"

"Damn the God of Creation, feel the anger of everyone in our Kingdom of Genes!"

Although there are many brave true gods joining this battle, their combat power is far inferior to that of the big figures from the Kingdom of Genes who were invited.

Even with their participation, it would not have any impact on the one-sided battle situation.

And it will also make all the people watching the battle in the Kingdom of Genes fall into the shadow of even more despair.

"How could this has developed for tens of thousands of years...there are so many more true gods...the strength of all of them is far beyond what it was thousands of years ago...why is it still one-sided?"

"The ten thousand years of development time that our Gene Kingdom is proud it so insignificant in front of the true form of the God of Creation?"

"It's's all over! The pride of the Kingdom of Genes has been crushed, and destruction is coming!"

The pessimistic mood is spreading irreversibly throughout the Gene Kingdom.

Under the gaze of everyone in the Gene Kingdom with all hope wiped out, each of the true gods of the Gene Kingdom screamed and bled under the attack of the Blood Flower God on the other side.

Soon, the entire flower world of the Flower Sea Paradise was sprinkled with the blood of true gods, and the dying bodies of the true gods were scattered irregularly in the flower world.

The once beautiful world of flowers has become a bloody purgatory for the gods of the Kingdom of Genes.

Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King were once again isolated and helpless, and they were the only ones left with a little bit of combat power.

In their heyday, they were no match for the Blood Flower God on the other side, let alone their current strength.

Without any accident, the two of them also fell to the ground under the toy of the Blood Flower God on the other side.

Qinglian Fairy, who was kneeling on the ground, saw that Star Key Angel and Holy Source Spirit King still fell, and she also fell into deep despair.

But she didn't give up the struggle.

Although she has no strength to continue fighting now, she still has the last resort to protect the entire Gene Kingdom.

That’s self-proclaimed!

That’s right, self-proclaimed!

The owner of the Flower Sea Paradise ten thousand years ago stood up heroically to protect the Kingdom of Genes, sacrificing himself to seal most of the Kingdom of Genes.

Now it's her turn!

Perhaps this is the fateful reincarnation of the owner of Huahai Paradise...

But when she thought about how she still couldn't defeat the true form of the God of Creation despite the development time she had gained for thousands of years, she felt a little shaken by her deep despair.

Self-proclaimed...does it really work?

Now that there is no World Tree, the self-imposed time this time will definitely be far less than the last time there was the World Tree.


And the genes of the land of the Kingdom of God and the residents of the Kingdom of God that will be abandoned this time... will also become more numerous than before because there is no blessing from the World Tree!

When it came time to make a decision, Fairy Qinglian, the current owner of Huahai Paradise, was also a little confused.

In the end, he is seeking that faint hope...

Or fight to the death and refuse to retreat?

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