Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 626 The Eye of the Whirlpool of Thousands of Worlds! There is a being that Iisara misses

If I had known...if I had known I wouldn't have come back!

Lin Tianming's original plan was to come back and spend a day with Ye Qingxue and the others, and then set off to the Mechanical Kingdom to find a way to destroy the mechanical mastermind Tianming.

Unexpectedly, this time he came back, because Nan Xiner and Ye Qingxue insisted on competing and accidentally injured him, causing him to rest here for three full days before he recovered.

Sitting on the throne of the All Souls Temple in the original church headquarters, Lin Tianming glanced at Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah.

They were the two who listened to him the most!

By staying with the two of them, Lin Tianming didn't have to worry about them accidentally hurting him like Ye Qingxue and Nan Xiner did.

Because Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah are the only two people who can perfectly accept Lin Tianming's mysterious power without being reduced to low quality, Lin Tianming will also improve the strength of the two of them when he comes back this time.

"Yiyi, Sarah, come in front of me."


Whether it was Huang Yiyi in the image of a girl or Sarah, the nun in the image of a royal sister, they both walked up to Lin Tianming obediently.

Seeing them coming in front of him, Lin Tianming immediately released his mysterious power aura, divided it into two sources of power, and poured it into the bodies of Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah.

In just a moment, Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah, who were infused with his power, broke through to the fifth level of gods.

"I...I broke through to the fifth level of god? Thank you, Tianming!"

"Tian Ming... I'm so sorry... I have to ask you to help us increase our strength every time..."

Listening to the words of Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah, Lin Tianming shook his head indifferently.

"Giving power to others is one of my abilities after I become a god, but the only ones who can receive it perfectly are you two. If I don't improve you, I won't have anywhere to use this ability, so don't think too much!"

After speaking, Lin Tianming touched Huang Yiyi and Sarah's heads again.

They also enjoyed Lin Tianming's touch, and such intimate behavior made them feel more intimate.

In a daze, they seemed to see...

A long time ago, in a sacred and majestic place... they also received gifts in this way...

It is an eternal place without the concept of time and space...

No matter how the outside world changes over time, it will always be the center where thousands of worlds gather...

There is an eternal existence there, overlooking the rise, prosperity, and decline of thousands of worlds. I am the only one...

Recalling this fragment of broken memory, it only took a few seconds, but it made Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah shed tears.

"Why are you crying, Yiyi, Sarah?"

When asked by Lin Tianming, Huang Yiyi and Sara also shook their heads in confusion.

"No... I don't know... I just saw a strange place..."

"I...I don't know...but I seem to have seen a strange place..."

When Lin Tianming heard their words, he thought deeply and wiped their tears.


Facing Lin Tianming's question, Huang Yiyi and Sara also tried to think back.

"A strange place without time and that can see countless bizarre worlds..."

"I... what I saw is this... it is like the intersection of all worlds... there is a majestic sacred place in the eye of the twisted whirlpool... New worlds are born and destroyed one after another... There is still the only one... …”

Lin Tianming's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words recalled by Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah.

That place...could it be the World of Strange Gods?

No...certainly not!

The World of Weird Gods is a space created by the Weird Gods who obtained the power of Weird Gods and left this world claiming to be noble.

It can’t be the intersection of worlds that overlooks the rebirth and destruction of thousands of worlds!

The intersection of worlds overlooking thousands of worlds...the Eye of the Twisted there really such a place in this world?

Noticing Lin Tianming's deep contemplation, Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah did not dare to disturb his contemplation and waited obediently aside.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianming seemed to have thought of some key point, and he immediately called up Nan Xiner's voice information.

After reviewing it carefully, Lin Tianming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The eye of the whirlpool where thousands of worlds meet that Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah mentioned...

Could it be the place where all the terrifying existences of the strange gods will be liquidated in the final doomsday catastrophe?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Lin Tianming looked at Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah again.

They can see the Eye of the Twisting Whirlpool, and they can accept his more advanced aura of the mysterious god without downgrading...

Where did the recovered Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah come from?

From this point of view, it is reasonable to explain that Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah are obviously weaker than Nan Xin'er, the first ghost god, but they can perfectly absorb the power of higher ghost gods.

"Is it the end of the world when even the weird gods will be killed? It seems that our final enemy is not the group of weird gods who were once humans..."

He muttered words that confused Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah.

Lin Tianming's mind flashed back to the resuscitated Huang Yiyi. Killing the Lord of Darkness who created the era of darkness and terror was as easy as crushing an ant.

He strengthened his suspicion.

But no matter what happens in the future, Lin Tianming will kill all the ghost gods who have obtained the power of ghost gods, claim to be ghost gods, and wantonly slaughter their former compatriots!

He wants to make these deceitful gods who do all kinds of evil not even have the qualification to live until the end and be liquidated!

"Yiyi, Sarah, apart from that, have you seen anything else in the eye of the vortex? For example... specific people or gods?"

Faced with the new questions raised by Lin Tianming, Huang Yiyi and Sister Sarah also tried hard to recall the memory fragments of only a few seconds.

Soon, Sister Sarah's eyes lit up and she took the lead in answering Lin Tianming's question.

"I remember it! In that blurry picture... there seems to be someone... there is someone... I can't see clearly... Trying to recall his appearance... But my mind is getting blurry... But the sacred place where he is... There are...a lot of people in the Great Palace! No...those don't seem to be's strange...I can't see clearly..."

Sister Sarah's increasingly blurry words also made Lin Tianming frown.

It seems that there is some mysterious power affecting the unresuscitated nun Sarah.

If you want to know what is there, you may have to ask Sister Sarah who is in a resuscitated state.

But even if the resuscitated nun Sarah knew what was there, she would probably choose to leave him just like Huang Yiyi did when she recovered.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming looked at Huang Yiyi who should have recovered and left, but had lost her memory and returned to him.

Huang Yiyi tried hard to remember for a while, and then spoke.

"The picture I saw is the same as Sister Sarah. If you think about it carefully, it will become very blurry...but...but the being sitting on the throne...must be a good person...because he is so ...just like..."

So kind?

Lin Tianming didn't quite understand what Huang Yiyi was talking about.

But since he can make Huang Yiyi feel very friendly, he must be someone very important to Huang Yiyi.

It's just that Huang Yiyi's memory has not recovered yet, so she can't remember it.

After Huang Yiyi's reminder, Sister Sarah also became excited: "Sister Yiyi, do you want to say... that person's breath is as friendly as... just like the dawn?"

"Well, that's right! I just want to say this... that he is as kind as Tianming! He must be... a person worth remembering!"

Huang Yiyi showed a happy smile, and she and Sister Sarah held each other's jade hands excitedly.

They were happy to find a common topic, but Lin Tianming was shocked.

? ? ?

The instigator who is very likely to kill all the evil gods and bring about the final doomsday judgment... is he very similar?

And is it as cordial as the feeling he gave Huang Yiyi and Sarah?

This is no joke!

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