Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 655 Jiang Han broke through to the seventh-level god and still couldn’t sense the true stren

Everyone in the Yongye Star Palace, including Lin Tianming, was angered by the arrogant and arrogant remarks of the Wanjian Spirit King.

After the person who reported the news left, Lin Tianming thought that this memory should be over.

Who would have thought that there would be one last provocation from the King of Ten Thousand Swords.

"I know you are watching, Lin Tianming!"

"Maybe you still have my defeated Star Key Angel beside you, or those stupid machines from the Mechanical Kingdom that turn themselves into machines, but that doesn't matter!"

"Come on, I'll wait for you in the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy. Let me see if you can continue to stir up troubles in the Kingdom of Genes and Mechanics, and whether you can continue to stir up troubles in my Kingdom of Spirituality! Don't even end up with me. Not even a small ripple in the lake can cause it!"

Throughout the whole process, Wan Sword Spirit King deliberately maintained a condescending perspective, scorning everyone who was watching the video.


Star Key Angel directly used the starlight cannon to blast away the image of the Wanjian Spirit King that had no follow-up.

Lin Tianming knew that she was really angry at the Wanjian Spirit King, so he spoke in time to calm her down.

"Sister Angel, don't be angry. She used the magic circle of the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords to suppress you before, and you were too concerned about the alliance and didn't really take action. I know you are definitely stronger than her!"

With Lin Tianming's comfort, Star Key Angel's anger slowly subsided.

Lin Tianming put away Wanjian Spirit King's psychic image box at the right time, lest Wanjian Spirit King release any irritating images and make Star Key Angel and the others angry.

Even Fairy Qinglei, who has always liked teasing people and watching shows, now looks very ugly.

The main reason is that the words and deeds of Wanjian Spirit King just now are really provoking Fairy Qinglei and the others all the time.

That seemingly innate arrogance really makes it easy for people to harden their fists and want to beat the Wanjian Spirit King.

Lin Tianming really couldn't understand why Wanling Goddess had such a good personality and why her sister Wanjianlingwang was so arrogant and rude.

Even if she is pampered by her sister, she should at most be like Fairy Qinglei, who loves to tease people and is a little naughty.

This is too arrogant!

And judging from Lin Tianming's observations of the Star Key Angels and the others, the Ten Thousand Swords Spiritual King did not become like this in these ten thousand years.

But it was like this thousands of years ago!

Although Lin Tianming promised the Goddess of All Spirits that he would save the Kingdom of Spiritual God if he had the ability.

But Wanjianlingwang, the sister of the Goddess of All Souls, must give this arrogant woman a good beating if he has the chance.

Don't beat her up, let her experience what it's like to fall from the top of the clouds to the bottom of the earth. A woman with such an arrogant queen character doesn't know what respect is at all!

Respect between people is mutual. King Wanjianling does not respect him, Lin Tianming, and looks down on everyone.

When Lin Tianming really angers him, he will definitely beat the evil clone of Fairy Qinglian, pin down Wanjian Spirit King and teach him a lesson!

Let’s see if she dares to look at people with her nose!

Temporarily putting away his thoughts about the Ten Thousand Swords Spiritual King, Lin Tianming looked at the Star Key Angels and the others and said: "After finishing your treatment today, I plan to go to the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy tomorrow. Do you have any good suggestions? For example, I Which territory of the spiritual kingdom of power should we go to first?”

When they heard Lin Tianming said that he would leave for the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy tomorrow, Star Key Angel and the others were a little surprised. They didn't expect him to leave so quickly.

After a while, Fairy Qinglei was the first to speak: "Ten thousand years ago, I had a very good relationship with the Goddess of Light, the owner of the Holy Mountain of Light in the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy. My dear, if you go to the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy, I suggest you go to Guangming first. If you go to the Holy Mountain to find the Goddess of Light, just say that I recommended you to go there. The people in the Holy Mountain of Light will definitely not neglect you!"

Upon hearing what Fairy Qinglei said, Lin Tianming's eyes lit up and he was not so worried about his upcoming journey to the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy.

With Fairy Qinglei's introduction, I believe he will have a good start when he first arrives in the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy.

"Okay, anyway, I'm not familiar with the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy, so I'll start from the Holy Mountain of Light first!"

Lin Tianming had just decided to go to the Holy Mountain of Light first. Little Loli Tianqi also introduced Lin Tianming to a spiritual power that was easy to unite with.

"I had an old friend with whom we were relatively close in the Kingdom of Psionics ten thousand years ago. He is the Dark King of Dark Hades. After you go to the Holy Mountain of Light, the next force that wants to join forces can consider Dark Hades!"

"Dark Pluto... I remember it. Thank you for your advice, Lord Apocalypse!"

With Little Loli Tianqi's suggestion, Lin Tianming now even has the second spiritual power to go to.

Soon, Su Qianqian also gave Lin Tianming a spiritual power that was relatively easy to unite.

"Lin Tianming, I am an old friend of the Wind Whispering Witch from the Wind Whispering Temple of the Psionic Divine Kingdom thousands of years ago. If you successfully unite the first two forces, you may consider visiting the Wind Whispering Temple again. The Wind Whispering Witch is still very easy to talk to. From the gods of the spiritual kingdom!”

After remembering the Wind Whispering Witch of the Wind Whispering Temple, Lin Tianming also thought about it, and decided that the third spiritual power he wanted to visit would be the Wind Whispering Temple.

"Okay, Qianqian, my third force will visit the Wind Whispering Temple you mentioned."

Next, Star Key Angel and the others did not introduce more spiritual forces to Lin Tianming for him to visit.

Because he was leaving tomorrow, Star Key Angel and the others kept Lin Tianming here. Relying on their understanding of the Kingdom of Psionic God thousands of years ago, they told Lin Tianming many things to pay attention to in the Kingdom of Psionic God.

As their seniors, Lin Tianming was naturally willing to listen to their suggestions on such matters.

As for how to deal with the specific situation, he will definitely have to analyze it based on the specific situation and make his own decision.

After listening to the instructions of the Star Key Angels and the others, Lin Tianming, under the supervision of the Star Key Angels and the others, cultivated to break through to the sixth level of godhood.

Successfully promoted to the sixth level of god, Lin Tianming returned to the abandoned southern border through the two-way portal of Star Key Angel's Evernight Star Palace.

After reporting Nan Xiner's safety, he personally stayed with Nan Xiner for one night. The next morning, Lin Tianming went to the Thunder Palace again.

Teacher Jiang Han had said before that he should take Ye Qingxue to the Mechanical Kingdom first, and then she would come to him after finishing her work at the Thunder Palace.

As a result, Lin Tianming had solved the crisis in the Mechanical Kingdom, but Teacher Jiang Han still didn't come to him.

Teacher Jiang Han was one of the people Lin Tianming cared about most. For the safety of Teacher Jiang Han, Lin Tianming decided to visit the Thunder Hall in person to see what Teacher Jiang Han was up to.

Without notifying anyone in the Thunder Palace, Lin Tianming appeared quietly on the top of the Thunder Palace.

The power of spiritual ascension covered the entire Thunder Palace, and Lin Tianming found Teacher Jiang Han in an instant.

And it was confirmed that Jiang Han was in good condition now and had even broken through to the seventh level of god. Lin Tianming was also happy for his teacher Jiang Han.

As long as Teacher Jiang Han is fine!

Jiang Han was practicing diligently in Lei Ming Hall, and he was relieved.

He was not in a hurry to show up, but planned to see Jiang Han's practice first.

In the deepest part of the Thunder Palace, the reason why Jiang Han broke through to the seventh-level god so quickly was all because of the Purple Thunder Phoenix that existed before the Thunder Palace was established.

Before the advent of the gods, Jiang Han had doubted that the Purple Thunder Phoenix could exist for so long. It might not be as simple as a top-level awakened beast.

It is now the time when the three major Ascension Kingdoms have arrived. The last time she and Lin Tianming came back separately, she also broke through to the sixth level of godhood.

But she discovered that she could not see through the Ziji Leihuang, the guardian of the Thunder Palace, who was sleeping in the deepest place.

She can't see through a sixth-level god, which means that Ziji Thunder Phoenix is ​​probably a ninth-level god, or even a powerful being above the God King!

And she also made a surprising discovery. She broke through to the sixth level of the God Queen and absorbed Ziji Lei's cultivation at the entrance of the forbidden area where Ziji Lei Phoenix was sleeping. Her cultivation efficiency was no worse than at Nan Xin'er's Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Because she was too weak before, she was not even qualified to approach the forbidden area.

Now she can get close to the Purple Thunder Phoenix, and can also absorb the high-level Purple Thunder training emitted by the Purple Thunder Phoenix when it is sleeping. She has also broken through to the seventh level god.

But the power of the Purple Thunder Phoenix she absorbed in the outermost part was still not pure enough, and it was only enough for her to break through to the seventh level god in a short period of time.

In order to really help Lin Tianming like before, Jiang Han tried to enter the forbidden area today to absorb the more powerful Ziji Lei to practice and quickly become stronger.

However, she broke through to the seventh-level god, but still could not enter the forbidden area where the Purple Thunder Phoenix was sleeping.

Moreover, her behavior also alarmed Ziji Thunder Phoenix.

Jiang Han panicked as soon as he met the gaze of Ziji Leihuang.

"Sorry...Purple Thunder Phoenix...I disturbed your sleep..."

After apologizing first, Jiang Han pursed her lips and expressed her intention to practice in the forbidden area.

"Um...Purple Thunder Phoenix...can I enter the forbidden area where you sleep to practice? I am eager to become stronger as quickly as possible, please allow me!"

When the Purple Thunder Phoenix heard Jiang Han say that it wanted to enter the forbidden area where it slept, it waved its wings and pushed Jiang Han further.

The meaning is obvious, the Purple Thunder Phoenix does not like to be disturbed in its sleep.

Although Jiang Han guessed that Ziji Leihuang would probably refuse, she still felt a little disappointed after being rejected.

"Practice slowly like this... When can I help little kid Tianming?"

After muttering to himself in despair, Jiang Han turned around and left.

Who would have thought that Ziji Leihuang, who had driven her away just now, would use his divine power to pull her into the forbidden area.

Jiang Han looked horrified, thinking that Ziji Leihuang was angry because she disturbed her sleep and wanted to teach her a lesson.

But after Zi Ji Lei Phoenix pulled her into the forbidden area, she fell into a deep sleep again.

Jiang Han stayed there for a long time, feeling that the power of Ziji Lei that originally excluded her in the forbidden area began to become easier to absorb, and she understood the true intention of Ziji Lei Phoenix.

"Thank you, Purple Thunder Phoenix! I...I will cherish this opportunity...and practice hard!"

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