Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 657 Meeting Sophia Lianghua again! Sophia was upset and the arrow was crooked!

Under the cover of the white gauze of the palace, Fairy Qinglei's friend the Goddess of Light was lying lazily on her side on the gorgeous bed like a sleeping beauty.

Her curvy body curves were perfectly presented in front of Lin Tianming because of this posture.

Her narrow beautiful eyes stared at Lin Tianming. This goddess of light was very interested in Lin Tianming.

But the image of her with only a few pieces of clothing... really makes people a little hot-blooded.

With Ye Qingxue by his side, Lin Tianming didn't dare to let his blood boil.

Lin Tianming quickly suppressed the heat in his heart and showed a look that was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Young men don't dare to be heroes! Lady Goddess... We are here to talk to you..."

"I know you want to come here to talk about the alliance, but there is no hurry beforehand. Fairy Qinglei and I are old acquaintances thousands of years ago. Since you are the one she strongly recommended me to meet, I will definitely entertain you well. Today you You and the girl next to you can rest peacefully in my Holy Mountain of Light for a day!"

Before Lin Tianming could finish speaking, the Goddess of Light interrupted him.

Although the goddess of light speaks in a soft and pleasant tone, she also exudes the aura of a superior person that is undeniable.

She may seem gentle, but she is an extremely strong woman.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was wearing only clothes that could barely cover her vital parts. She opened the white tulle of the palace bed and got off the bed to put on her coat.

This goddess of light is also a top royal sister with a mature figure!

However, Lin Tianming really didn't expect that the goddess of light, with such a noble status, would dare to be so cool in front of him.

However, Lin Tianming didn't appreciate the goddess of light dressing for a few seconds before his eyes were covered by Ye Qingxue's hands.

"Brother Tianming, don't look!"

Saying this angrily, Ye Qingxue was also thinking in her heart.

[This goddess of light is so shameless! 】

[The old witch who has lived for endless years dressed like this in front of the boy she met for the first time. Doesn’t she want the old cow to eat young grass? 】

[I have to be careful... I can’t let brother Tianming be abducted by such an old witch! 】

Lin Tianming heard all of Ye Qingxue's jealousy. He was suppressing laughter in his heart, but on the surface he obediently let her cover his eyes.

Anyway, I had been looking at it for so long through a different gauze. I had been admiring it for a few seconds without a gauze. Lin Tianming didn't waste the remaining time to continue admiring it.

And as an awakened person who has become a god, just covering his eyes cannot block his sight and perception.

If the power of psychic ascension is fully activated, he can see more things that cannot be seen in normal state.

It's okay to watch, but it's not necessary. Lin Tianming just waited patiently.

"Okay, let go of your little hands that are holding your sweetheart. Little girl, tell me your name by the way? I remember Fairy Qinglei didn't say anyone else is coming."

As the Goddess of Light got dressed and got up, Ye Qingxue released her hands covering Lin Tianming's eyes.

At the same time, she also said: "My name is Ye Qingxue, I am brother Tianming's girlfriend!"

I deliberately added a sentence at the end, Ye Qingxue just wanted to prevent the goddess of light in front of her from tempting her brother Tianming.

At this moment, the goddess of light has changed her clothes. Although she is still very cool, she obviously looks more like a high-ranking goddess now.

"Qingxue, that's a good name, I'll remember it!"

The Goddess of Light could see what Ye Qingxue wanted to express, but she didn't care.

In her eyes, who have lived for endless years, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue are like babies.

She praised Ye Qingxue's name, and then looked at Lin Tianming.

"Tianming, you and Qingxue come with me. I specially ordered people to prepare a sumptuous banquet for you. I will take you there. I think it is almost ready!"

The Goddess of Light has an unquestionable attitude throughout the whole process, but she speaks nicely and softly, making it difficult for people to realize that she is actually very strong.

As a powerful god who has been in a high position for a long time, the Goddess of Light is obviously more reserved than the King of Ten Thousand Swords.

And because what she said was not as overtly arrogant as the Wanjian Spirit King, others liked to listen to her.

They arrived at the banquet prepared for them by the Goddess of Light. The banquet was all filled with special food suitable for the cultivation of gods.

And because the Psychic Kingdom is full of psionic ascenders, these special foods can also greatly improve the cultivation of soul power.

It can be said that the reception given by the Goddess of Light is indeed as rich as she said!

When they first came to Guangming Holy Mountain, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue gradually immersed themselves in the relaxing atmosphere under the hospitality of the Goddess of Guangming.

This is the proper attitude to entertain people, unlike the King of Ten Thousand Swords who promised Star Key Angel to go to her Ten Thousand Swords Temple, but then gave them all a disincentive.

He even arrogantly trapped the Star Key Angel in a large formation and forcibly expelled the noble Star Key Angel.

It’s really too arrogant!

If Lin Tianming were to choose someone to be the new supreme representative of the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy after the departure of the Goddess of All Spirits, he would definitely support the Goddess of Light.

Not the King of Ten Thousand Swords who looks at people with his nostrils!

After enjoying the banquet prepared for them by the Goddess of Light, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue also visited the Holy Mountain of Light under the leadership of the Goddess of Light.

The entire Holy Mountain of Light is floating on the top of the clouds, and there is a huge sacred halo, which looks extremely sacred.

Beneath the Holy Mountain of Light, through the endless clouds, there is the vast land of the Spiritual God Kingdom.

The large area shining with the holy power of light, far exceeding the size of the abandoned land, is the spiritual ascension area belonging to the Holy Mountain of Light.

Those who ascend in this area with light elemental attributes and spiritual abilities will come to the Holy Mountain of Light, which is obscured by endless clouds, and become a member here.

This is the holy place for all those who ascend from the light element of the Kingdom of Psionics.

After visiting many areas of the Holy Mountain of Light, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue soon followed the Goddess of Light to the Holy Arrow of Light.

Here, there are many light attribute spiritual ascendants who like to use bow and arrow weapons, and they practice and hone their bow and arrow skills here.

A special shooting range secret area has been opened inside, and the distance between many targets and the Bright Arrow shooters is longer than the span of the entire abandoned land.

If you want to hit the target from such a long distance, it is not that easy even if you become a god.

"Some time ago, our Guangming Holy Mountain also came to a good seedling who came from the abandoned land like you. Her archery skills are very amazing. Even the farthest target in this secret shooting range, she can shoot through the bullseye, and it is crack shot.

It just so happens that she is here today, I will take you to see her! "

As soon as he heard the words of the Goddess of Light, Lin Tianming's mind flashed to Sophia holding the Godly Bow of Light.

The same is true for Ye Qingxue.

[It can’t be Sophia, right? 】

Soon, the puzzle was revealed as Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue met the real person.

Just as they thought, the good young man praised by the Goddess of Light was none other than Sophia!


And there was something even more surprising to Lin Tianming!

That's why Lianghua is here!

It was impossible for Lin Tianming not to be happy when he suddenly reunited with two goddess reborns.

He shouted directly to Sophia, who was taking aim and shooting, and Ryoka, who was watching from the side.

"Lianghua, Sophia!"

As he shouted, Lianghua suddenly showed joy and cast a surprised look at him.

Sophia was also pleasantly surprised, but she was also panicked because her bow was fully drawn. The arrow that was supposed to hit the bull's-eye with perfect accuracy became crooked!

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