Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 678 Tianming takes out the Divine Token of All Spirits! The symbol of the supreme existence

After successfully uniting the three major Psychic Ascension Divine Kingdom forces whose status is second only to the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords, Lin Tianming is not in a hurry to continue to unite other Psychic Divine Kingdom forces.

He decided to take a short break and called the Star Key Angels to hold a high-level meeting of the three Ascension Kingdoms.

Under the call of Lin Tianming, all the people who had reached the end of the road to ascension from the three Ascension Divine Kingdoms, except the Wanjian Spirit King, gathered in the core hall of the Wind Whispering Temple of the Spiritual Energy Divine Kingdom.

Fairy Qinglei, Angel of Star Key, Holy Source Spirit King, Fairy Qinglian... from the Kingdom of Genes.

Tianqi, Su Qianqian, Xier, the little lolita from the Kingdom of Mechanical God...

The Wind Whispering Witch, the Light Goddess, and the Dark Pluto...

At the beginning, Lin Tianming, as the organizer of uniting the three Ascension Divine Kingdoms, directly showed off the corruption of the strange gods.

Except for the Goddess of Light and Dark Pluto, the other gods at the scene had already known about this, so they were not surprised at all.

Only Dark Pluto and the Goddess of Light were a little doubtful because it was the first time they talked about this kind of secret in such a crowded place.

It wasn't until Lin Tianming's signal led the Star Key Angels to actively release the Corruption of the Gods, that Dark Pluto and the Goddess of Light believed that this was all true.

It turns out that the secret they have been hiding is just what they will inevitably encounter at the end of the three major paths to ascension.

All this is thanks to the gods of the world of gods!

This candid exchange also made the three Ascension Divine Kingdom figures on the scene share the same hatred and become more united.

This was one of the reasons why Lin Tianming chose to temporarily stop the alliance and summon them all.

He just hopes to take this opportunity to allow them to abandon the overt and covert fights of thousands of years ago and truly unite.

It's not enough for him, Lin Tianming, to force them together, they must have a common goal.

The fight against the strange gods in the world of strange gods is obviously very conducive to the common goal of uniting the three ascended kingdoms.

Now that everyone was honest about the corruption of the strange god, Lin Tianming looked at Dark Pluto and the Goddess of Light.

"To further demonstrate my sincerity in uniting the three Ascension Kingdoms, Lord Pluto and Lord Goddess, please let me treat you!"

Lin Tianming also said just now about his ability to cure and suppress the corrosion of the strange god.

Dark Pluto and the Goddess of Light both nodded, indicating that they were willing to accept Lin Tianming's treatment.

Dark Pluto was the first to receive treatment. When Lin Tianming's big hand directly entered his psychic body, he was stunned.

"Is this necessary to treat the Corruption of the Evil God?"

"Well, the spiritually ascended god has been corroded to the point where he is about to die. This is the only way to treat him. Lord Pluto, please be patient!"

Lin Tianming said so, and since he did feel that his body was getting better, Dark Pluto naturally accepted Lin Tianming's treatment calmly.

But not everyone who sees this scene will calm down so quickly.

In other words, Lin Tianming and Dark Pluto are both male gods, so they won't feel embarrassed.

Even if the Wind Whispering Witch has experienced it once, she will still blush when she thinks of the scene when she was treated by Lin Tianming.

Star Key made several of their genes ascend to gods. Before, Lin Tianming had only put his hand on his heart for treatment.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy ascended to the gods must enter the body for treatment, which made them blush.

Especially when they thought that the Goddess of Light would be treated like this soon, they even felt like Lin Tianming's hand... was going to penetrate into their bodies...


After Dark Pluto quickly received Lin Tianming's effective treatment, Lin Tianming walked towards the Goddess of Light.

Dark Pluto is a male god like Lin Tianming, and he is not responsible for treatment. He turned around at the right time and actively blocked his perception.

But Lin Tianming was still present at the scene, and he was required to take charge of the Corruption of the Evil God.

Under the shy gazes of the female gods present, the treatment of the Goddess of Light began.

The Goddess of Light herself, like the Wind Whispering Witch before her, even though she suppressed her shame, still made some strange murmurs from time to time.

It wasn't until the treatment was over that the Goddess of Light blushed and stopped making imaginative sounds.

After waiting for the Goddess of Light to stabilize her mood for a while, Lin Tianming began to enter the next step.

"In view of the fact that we have now united the three major forces that are second only to the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords in the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy, and we have a certain say in the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy to compete with the Spiritual King of Ten Thousand Swords, I plan to temporarily adjust my plan of."

As soon as these words came out, Star Key Angel and others looked at Lin Tianming curiously, wanting to see what he would say next.

Under the gaze of all of them, Lin Tianming took out a quarter of the face of the Mother of Destiny and the Goddess of All Souls from his storage space.

"I once received the inheritance of the Mother of Destiny in the Mechanical Supreme Hall, the former holy land of the Mechanical God Kingdom. This is one-quarter of her last hope.

In order to further consolidate the union of the Mechanical God Kingdom, I hope that Lord Tianqi, Qianqian, and Xier can spread the news that I have inherited the will of the Mother of Destiny after you return. "

As Lin Tianming said this, the little loli Tianqi immediately expressed his position: "Don't worry, we will publicize this matter for you. Don't worry about the Mechanical God Kingdom. Even without your help, you were the Mechanical God before." The contribution you have made to the country is enough to make all mechanical ascensioners believe in you!"

Su Qianqian and Xi'er also nodded in agreement with little Loli Tianqi's views.

Lin Tianming was very satisfied with the expressions of Little Loli Apocalypse and the three of them. He then looked at the Goddess of Light, Dark Pluto and Wind Whispering Witch.

"This is the proof that I have been recognized by the All Souls Goddess in the All Spirits Temple, the former supreme being of the Spiritual God Kingdom. I didn't show it before because I didn't have enough say in the Spiritual God Kingdom, but now you have joined me. , the situation will naturally be different!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tianming took out the Divine Token of All Spirits.

This time, there was no need for him to speak. All three of the Goddess of Light looked shocked.

" this the Divine Order of All Spirits?"

"The Goddess of All Spirits...actually gave you this thing?"

"This...this is a symbol of the supreme position of our spiritual kingdom!"

Lin Tianming looked at the three of them with shocked expressions on their faces, and he also expressed the instructions that the Goddess of All Spirits had given him.

"Before she passed away, the Goddess of All Spirits gave this thing to me. She also said that it was a symbol of the supreme power of the spiritual kingdom. I hope that one day, if I have the ability, I can save her from being swallowed by the evil god. The Kingdom of Psychic Gods.

Now that I have enough ability and the support of you three, Master Pluto, Master Goddess, and Master Miko, I think it is time for me to show that I am the inheritor chosen by the Goddess of All Spirits!

Next, I hope that the forces you three belong to can spread out a quarter of my face that holds the last hope of resurrection for the All Souls Goddess, as well as my identity as the inheritor of the All Souls Temple!

It’s time for us to contend with the Wanjian Spirit King, the arrogant god who hinders the completion of the final union of the three ascended kingdoms! The future of the Kingdom of Psionics should be in the hands of the majority of people, rather than being decided by her alone! "

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