Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 687 Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords! The burial place of heroic spirits! The reason why King Wan

She formed a contract with the cub of the mythical beast Sword Heart. Although it had just hatched out of its shell, Meng Xiyue gained the natural sword body talent after absorbing the power of its mythical beast.

In an instant, Meng Xiyue's perception of the soul-eating sword intention in the soul-eating sword spring increased rapidly.

"Sure long as I have a natural sword body, I can improve my swordsmanship talent!"

Lin Tianming looked at Meng Xiyue's delighted expression, stretched out his big hand and pinched her cheek.

"Xiyue, stop feeling emotional, come to realize it!"

"Well, it's dawn!"

After responding excitedly, Meng Xiyue continued to comprehend the soul-eating sword's meaning.

Feng Lan looked happy for Meng Xiyue on the side.

Now they are good sisters, and she will definitely be happy to see Meng Xiyue improve.


Lin Tianming, who was watching Meng Xiyue comprehend the meaning of the Soul-Eating Sword, noticed that his beast control mark moved.

The next moment, the blue crystal water tiger ran out on his own and lay down to take a bath in the Soul-Eating Sword Spring with a contented expression on his face.

After such a long time, Lin Tianming's baby blue crystal water tiger has grown into an adult blue crystal water tiger.

Although Lin Tianming is not as professional as Meng Xiyue, the beast-controlling goddess, during the time when she reunited with the reborn goddesses in southern Xinjiang, Meng Xiyue would take the initiative to take care of his blue crystal water tiger for Lin Tianming from time to time.

With Meng Xiyue occasionally helping him cultivate it, the blue crystal water tiger has reached the level of a first-order god.

However, recently he went to the Kingdom of Genes, then to the Kingdom of Mechanics, and now he is talking about union in the Kingdom of Psionics. Lin Tianming's blue crystal water tiger has always stayed at the level before setting off from southern Xinjiang.

Looking at the blue crystal water tiger using the Soul-Eating Sword Spring as a bathtub, Lin Tianming smiled: "Azure crystal water tiger, do you like taking a bath here?"

Even though the blue crystal water tiger has grown up and is very domineering now, in front of Lin Tianming, it is still the same obedient person who was unable to walk smoothly.

It growled low to show that it liked it here.

And with the continuous nourishment of the Soul-Eating Sword Spring, the blue crystal water tiger directly broke through to the second-level god.

"Yes, you can become a second-level god just by taking a bath. The blue crystal water tiger has a very good talent!"

Lin Tianming also did not hesitate to praise the blue crystal water tiger.

After being praised by Lin Tianming, the blue crystal water tiger was also in a happy mood.

Feng Lan on the side looked like she wanted to touch Lin Tianming's blue crystal water tiger, but even in southern Xinjiang before, she rarely had contact with the blue crystal water tiger.

Among the reborn goddesses, the one who interacted the most with Lin Tianming's blue crystal water tiger was Meng Xiyue, the beast-controlling goddess.

Lin Tianming still noticed Feng Lan's expression. He also knew that besides him, his blue crystal water tiger was only close to Meng Xiyue, who took care of the blue crystal water tiger the most.

But if he, Lin Tianming, had spoken, the blue crystal water tiger would also obediently let the other goddess reborns touch it.

So Lin Tianming said directly to the blue crystal water tiger: "Azure crystal water tiger, let Feng Lan touch you!"

The blue crystal water tiger received the order and immediately roared in agreement.

Feng Lan was moved by Lin Tianming's meticulous observation, and she said: "Tianming, thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me? We are a family to begin with, Feng Lan, you can touch it if you want!"


Feng Lan responded and began to stretch out her jade hand to touch Lin Tianming's blue crystal water tiger.

Although the blue crystal water tiger is not as cute as it was when it was a cub when it grows up, Feng Lan still likes the furry feel of the blue crystal water tiger.

It's like touching a doll. Regardless of gender, most people can't resist such a furry feel.

Not long after, Meng Xiyue also finished her training to comprehend the Soul-Eating Sword's intention and joined the army of stroking the blue crystal water tiger's hair.

Seeing that they all liked the blue crystal water tiger, Lin Tianming was still very happy.

Although he has never fought with the blue crystal water tiger since he conquered it.

But the blue crystal water tiger still played an indispensable role as the link between him and Meng Xiyue in the beginning.

His current battle is too dangerous, even the goddess reborns have a hard time keeping up with him, let alone the blue crystal water tiger.

In Lin Tianming's opinion, the blue crystal water tiger is also very good as a mascot.

After staying here for a while, Lin Tianming put the blue crystal water tiger back into the beast seal again after taking a bath and feeling comfortable.

"Let's go, Xiyue, Feng Lan, it's time for us to move on!"

At Lin Tianming's reminder, Feng Lan and Meng Xiyue both nodded their little heads, and then each held his arm and headed deeper into the Ten Thousand Swords Valley.

The Ten Thousand Swords Valley is the testing ground left by the Ten Thousand Swords Spirit King to the younger generations of kendo geniuses. In the past ten thousand years, except for Lin Tianming, Meng Xiyue, and Feng Lan, no one has been able to defeat the divine beast Jian Xin who guards the Soul-Eating Sword Spring.

Therefore, Lin Tianming and the others were the first batch of swordsmanship geniuses to comprehend the soul-eating sword intention of the Ten Thousand Sword Spirit King.

This also means that after the Soul-Eating Sword Spring, Lin Tianming and the others will never encounter any passerby gods again.

As Lin Tianming and the others went deeper and deeper into the Valley of Ten Thousand Swords, the chilly and biting atmosphere became heavier and heavier.

"The cold air here is so heavy... We... there won't be a cemetery in front of us, right?"

Meng Xiyue shivered from the cold and biting atmosphere here. She held Lin Tianming's delicate body in her arms and couldn't help squeezing the soft body, trying to stay as close to Lin Tianming as possible to keep warm.

The same goes for Feng Lan on the other side, who pressed closer to Lin Tianming.

Lin Tianming activated Zhiyang Zhigang's Yanghuo Lei at the right time to protect Feng Lan and Meng Xiyue.

Although the Yanghuo Lei is extremely strong, the cold and cold air here is already so strong that it is beyond what Lin Tianming, a seventh-level god, can withstand at his current level.

Even with the protection of Yang Fire and Thunder, Meng Xiyue and Feng Lan still felt cold from their souls.

"It feels like it's getting's dawn..."

"Me... me too... the cold air here is getting heavier and heavier..."

Lin Tianming heard their words that still felt cold, and instantly protected them with the Phoenix Flame Shield.

With the dual blessings of Yang Fire Thunder and Phoenix Flame Aegis, Feng Lan and Meng Xiyue finally felt much better.

And unknowingly, the three of them had entered the cold tomb full of broken swords.

Feng Lan's sensitivity to swords was extremely keen, and she could tell something was wrong here at a glance.

"Every sword here contains the aura of a spiritual ascendant... It seems that they all represent a dead person from the spiritual kingdom... And... and the sword body also has the aura of corrosion from the strange god... Their The master will most likely die at the hands of the evil god!"

Upon hearing Feng Lan's analysis, Lin Tianming's eyes narrowed slightly.

As they continued to go deeper, a broken psychic sword tablet appeared in front of them.

Feng Lan read out the words on the spiritual sword intention tablet: "Wan...sword...tomb..."

Meng Xiyue started to analyze.

"This is called the Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords... So many random swords are buried here in a disorderly manner... Their owners were all members of the Kingdom of Psionics during their lifetimes... They all died at the hands of the strange god... The Valley of Ten Thousand Swords in the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords ...could it be said that...the people who died here were all swordsmanship heroes from the Ten Thousand Swords Temple of the Psychic Kingdom?"

Lin Tianming felt that Meng Xiyue's analysis was quite reasonable. Just when he was about to say something, the entire Wanjian Tomb suddenly began to tremble violently.

And as the Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords trembled violently, the broken swords began to release the remnant souls of the resentful spirits full of cold energy.

"Are the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Genes and the Kingdom of Machinery coming? Why...why have we waited so long...people are almost dead...the reinforcements promised by the other two major kingdoms haven't arrived yet!"

"All the spiritual ascendants in the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords... are willing to follow the Spirit King of Ten Thousand Swords and protect the Goddess of Ten Thousand Spirits and the entire Kingdom of Spiritual God!"

"No deceitful god... can even think of harming the supreme being of my spiritual kingdom, the Goddess of All Spirits! The spiritual kingdom... will never fall!"

"If the Goddess didn't have the belief that the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Genes and the Kingdom of Machinery would come... He... He would never have been forced to leave our Kingdom of Spiritual Energy... Nor would we... be here where we shouldn't have been... So many people from the spiritual kingdom have been sacrificed while guarding the place!”

"There are auras of genetic ascension and mechanical ascension... Thousands of years have passed... You traitors still dare to set foot in our resting place... Damn... You deserve to be killed!"

The core hall of the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords.

When the Wind Whispering Witch saw the scene in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords, she couldn't help but fall silent as she was planning to continue watching a good show.

After a moment, she looked at the Thousand Swords Spirit King on the throne of the Thousand Swords Temple.

Perhaps he was touched by the scene in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords, but the Spiritual King of Ten Thousand Swords no longer looked as arrogant as before.

But in her eyes, there was more distrust and disgust towards the Kingdom of Genes and the Kingdom of Mechanics, and even...

And hate!

The Wind Whispering Witch stared at the expression of the Wanjian Spirit King for a while, and then asked.

"Is this the reason why you refuse to join forces and want to fight against the entire world of the Gods on your own?"

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