Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 695 Let you recover for a while! Just be as arrogant as before!

"What? You don't want to do it again?"

After being questioned by Lin Tianming, Wanjianling King finally compromised.

"I...I do!"

"I apologize to the Wind Whispering Witch...don't...don't get excited!"

While sobbing, the Wanjian Spirit King took the initiative to crawl in front of the Wind Whispering Witch.

"I'm sorry...Miko Wind Whisperer...I...I shouldn't have treated you like that before!"

The Wind Whispering Witch thought this was nothing, after all, she was not humiliated like the Star Key Angel.

Moreover, she already knew the character of King Wanjian Spirit very well, and she knew very well what he would do to him.

In addition, they were both of the few beings in the Kingdom of Psionics who had reached the end of their spiritual ascension, and the Wind Whispering Witch did not want to make things too difficult for Wanjian Spirit King in front of so many people.

After all, the humiliation of the Wanjian Spirit King also represents the humiliation of her spiritual kingdom.

King Wanjianling has paid the price for his previous arrogance, and it is time to put an end to this farce.

Thinking of this, the Wind Whispering Witch calmly said: "Wanjianlingling, I accept your apology. Let's let this matter go!"

As soon as he heard the words of the Wind Whispering Witch, the pretty face of Wanjianlingling King, who was crying like a child, showed joy.

"Thank you... Wind Whisperer Witch!"

After thanking the Wind Whispering Witch for her generosity, the Wanjian Spirit King turned around again and looked up at Lin Tianming with uneasy eyes.

" this enough?"

Lin Tianming was not surprised at all that the Wind Whispering Witch did not react as strongly as the Star Key Angel.

Wan Sword Spirit King has already paid the corresponding price, and he does not want to continue to stimulate Wan Sword Spirit King, lest he go too far and not go too far.

After adjusting his attitude towards the Wan Sword Spirit King, Lin Tianming returned to his smile and helped the Wan Sword Spirit King who was kneeling on the ground up from the ground.

Wan Jianling King, who had been oppressed by Lin Tianming before, was suddenly greeted by Lin Tianming's smiling face, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

He...why was he so nice to her all of a sudden?

Before the King of Ten Thousand Swords could figure out the problem, she was supported all the way back to her supreme throne in the Temple of Ten Thousand Swords by Lin Tianming.

In a state where her sword heart was broken, she was a little afraid to sit down, with a flattered look on her face.

Lin Tianming took the initiative to wipe the tears on her face. She wanted to become completely psychic and prevent Lin Tianming from touching her.

But she was afraid that Lin Tianming would be angry, so in the end she didn't dare to use any power.

After wiping away the tears on Wanjianlingwang's crying face, Lin Tianming carefully tidied her messy hair.

After finishing almost everything, Lin Tianming stared at Wan Jianling King's frightened and pretty face for a while, then showed a satisfied smile.

"That's enough, Lord Wanjian Spirit King, you should also adjust your mental state and restore your usual speaking attitude. We are now allies!"

Restore your usual speaking attitude?

Isn't that her returning to her arrogant state?

How dare she, whose heart of swordsmanship has collapsed!

Afraid of being humiliated by Lin Tianming once he recovered, King Wan Jianling hurriedly shook his head, as if a good boy would never dare to cause trouble again.

"I...I don't dare to look at people with such arrogant eyes anymore...please...don't...don't spread those things about me..."

As she spoke, the circles under her eyes that had just been wiped clean by Lin Tianming couldn't stop misting from coming out.

Lin Tianming was a little ashamed.

After the heart of swordsmanship was completely defeated, wasn't the once arrogant Wanjian Spirit King too fragile?

There was no other way. Lin Tianming, who didn't want to see the Wanjian Spirit King cry, could only say in a commanding tone: "Don't cry. I'll let you recover for a while. We still have to talk about business! Do you understand when we talk about business?"

"Don't... don't be cruel to me... I... I will recover... I will recover now!"

In order not to make Lin Tianming angry, King Wan Jianling hurriedly nodded, held back his tears, and tried his best to adjust his mentality after being crushed by Lin Tianming.

Lin Tianming continued: "It's normal for you to be a little arrogant as the supreme being of the Kingdom of Spiritual Energy. Just don't be so arrogant that you look at people with your nostrils and look like you're in need of training!"

"Yeah...I...I'll try my best to adjust..."

King Wan Jianling really didn't dare to talk back to Lin Tianming now, and tried to adjust her state according to what Lin Tianming said.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Tianming saw that the Wanjian Spirit King finally stopped crying, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Now we can almost get down to business. As for you to fully adjust your condition, you can adjust it yourself later!"

As he said this, Lin Tianming once again pinched Wanjianlingwang's face and made an extremely stiff and arrogant look.

But as soon as he let go, Wanjian Spirit King's stiff and arrogant expression quickly faded away, and he became a little uneasy.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, our dear Lord Spirit King!"

No longer teasing King Wanjianling, Lin Tianming returned to His Highness and stood with Feng Lan and Meng Xiyue.

Then he said: "Lord Wanjian Spirit King, I am very happy that you can agree to the Psychic God Kingdom joining the alliance. Now we are true allies.

Since everyone is now an ally, let’s first talk about the secret of the battle between the three Ascension Kingdoms thousands of years ago! This will also enhance the understanding of each other among the three ascended divine kingdoms ten thousand years from now! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked startled except for the Wind Whispering Witch.

They didn't understand why Lin Tianming mentioned what happened ten thousand years ago.

Wind Whispering Witch said: "Tianming, if you want to talk about this past incident, I think it's best to bring another person involved."

When Lin Tianming heard this, he looked at the Wind Whispering Witch and said, "Who?"

"Fairy Qinglei."

As the Wind Whispering Witch said the name of Fairy Qinglei, he was no longer oppressed by Lin Tianming, and the Wanjianling King who gradually calmed down suddenly understood what Lin Tianming wanted to do.

Lin Tianming learned the reason why she refused to join forces in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords, and wanted to restore the truth about why the Gene Kingdom and the Mechanical Kingdom did not support the Spiritual Kingdom thousands of years ago.

If there really is a reason for this, she, King Wanjianling, must wholeheartedly agree to the alliance, instead of simply fulfilling the bet...

After Lin Tianming listened to Fengyu Witch's words, he also saw that Fengyu Witch understood him very well and knew what he wanted to do.

He said at the right time: "It makes sense, Sister Angel, please contact Sister Qinglei Fairy and ask her to come over to us!"

Star Key Angel didn't think too much and directly agreed: "Well, I'll just call her over!"

After the words fell, Star Key Angel used special means to convey the message to Fairy Qinglei.

In just a moment, a Qingmu Lei at the peak level of the True God appeared in the center of the hall.

As the Qingmu Lei slowly condensed into a human form, the beautiful figure of the Qing Lei Fairy appeared in Lin Tianming's sight.

As soon as he saw Fairy Qinglei coming, Lin Tianming walked towards her and said, "Sister Fairy, you are here!"

Lin Tianming had a nice talk with Fairy Qinglei, but she was still the same as before, teasing Lin Tianming no matter what the occasion.

"Little cutie, Star Key Angel said you wanted me to come over. It's not been too long since I last saw your fairy sister. Do you miss me?"

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