The old man was in a state of panic, and the old man was in a state of panic.

Now that he was in the forbidden area, Su Lu started the lottery directly!

In the single draw a few days ago, Su Lu only got some small items and a trumpet bud...

Now that I think about it, I should be accumulating luck.

"Show up! Divine beast!"

Looking at the second-year Su Lu, even the usually calm Mewtwo couldn't help but turn his head away.

In a perspective that even Pokémon couldn't see, more than two hundred roulette wheels were spinning at the same time.

A large piece of light appeared beside Su Lu.

[You got 'Beedrill Evolution Stone'*1]

[You got 'Normal Pokémon'*67]

[You got "The Secret of the Earth"]

[You got "Gon's Cultivation Manual"]

[You got 'Fine Glasses']

[You got 'Second Level God Pokémon'*2]

[You got 'Normal Pokémon Magnemite Family']

"Got it! Double hit! This is the expected probability." Su Lu nodded with satisfaction.

The 0.1% probability of a first level God is destined to be drawn by luck. Su Lu felt that he had already been lucky to draw Mewtwo and Rayquaza.

But the second level God is okay, at least there is still a 1% probability. Judging from the current lottery situation, his system is not an unscrupulous manufacturer, and there is really a 1% probability.

Su Lu looked at the direction where the two second level Gods were summoned with a sharp gaze.

They are two blue Pokémon!

A huge statue with a body made of ice crystals, and a cross made of round shining spots on its face that kept shining.

"Ice Holy Pillar, Regiace!"


Qualification: Level 2 God

Current Level: 15

Attribute: Ice

Talent: Pure Body (its own state will not be affected by other targets)

Status: Healthy

Skills: Frozen Wind, Stomping...

Special Abilities: Unmeltable Body (the body will not melt), Cold Air Control (can control cold air at minus 200 degrees)

Regiace looked at Su Lu, and the spots on his face began to shine irregularly. This was a sign of thinking. It is said that the faster the Holy Pillars think, the faster the spots will shine. If the spots turn red, they will enter a frenzy state.

Although the Holy Pillars are Pokémon, they are more like a program, created by the Toilet King... ahem, the Holy Pillar King.

It seems that the other party is confirming Su Lu.

Then he made a friendly sound of "hum~" to Sulu softly.

Then Regiace stood behind Sulu blankly, as if it would stay on standby like this without Sulu's order.

Sulu looked at another second-level god again...

After seeing it, Sulu released Raigong.

Raigong lay on the ground like a big orange cat that had eaten too much.

"Raigong, get up, your friend is here~" Sulu reminded.

Raigong raised his head lazily.

After seeing Suicune, Raigong quickly got up!

Like Raigong, Suicune was a Pokémon resurrected by Ho-Oh.

This is a colleague, and he can't let the other party see him being lazy! No, it seems that he has seen it?

Raigong was stunned.

"Hello, trainer, please take care of me in the future, you smell very good." Suicune nodded elegantly to Sulu and said through mental transmission.

Ignoring Daju...

The three guards of the King of Phoenix all have the ability to telepathically transmit messages.

As long as it is not caught in the net or hit by the Poké Ball, Suicune's sapphire-like headdress and wind-like streamers give it a unique temperament.

"Please take care of me~" Su Lu also answered seriously.

Suicune gave Su Lu the feeling of a gentle older sister.

And the fact is that among the King of Phoenix's guards, Suicune is the most tired and responsible role model. Suicune has the ability to purify water sources, so he travels around the world to purify all polluted water in the world.


Qualification: Level 2 God

Current Level: 15

Attribute: Water

Talent: Water Storage (greatly reduces the impact of water-based moves, and can restore physical strength through water-based moves)

Status: Healthy

Skills: Absolute Zero, Water Gun...

Special Ability: Water Purification Body (purifies water quality)

"Hehehe...Suicune, hehehe..." The big orange Thunder God smiled and approached Suicune.

Although Thunder God has no extra memories, whether it is Suicune in the same Pokémon world as him or not, everyone is

Colleagues, right? Of course they should get close to each other~

Suicune rolled his eyes at Raikou, and a stream of water rushed directly to the big orange and made it a drowned tiger.

However, Raikou didn't care, shook off the water drops on his body, and continued to move closer to Suicune...

And behind Su Lu, Yaya, who had emerged from the Poké Ball at some point, held Su Lu's trouser leg and stuck his head out.

Yaya peeked~

Ga~ (Superpowers have Mewtwo, and now the water system has also been settled...)

"They have a good relationship." Su Lu said.

Yaya behind Su Lu nodded in agreement.

After all, they are colleagues, and they may have the blessing of the life fire of the Phoenix King in their bodies, so they are instinctively closer?

After confirming the two second-level gods, Su Lu carefully counted the ordinary Pokémon again and connected the super-power for everyone.

Magnemite family, a total of thirteen Magnemites gathered together.

Two somewhat confused armored rhinos.

A full-of-energy Heracross.

Seven jumping Magikarp.

"A lot of new partners have joined us! Welcome everyone!" Su Lu said happily.

After receiving Su Lu's telepathic message, the confused Pokémon understood what happened.

'He's a good man~' So they responded to Su Lu.

Looking at the Pokémon, Su Lu was unconsciously happy.

After packing up the other reward items, Su Lu brought the new Pokémon to Poké Valley.

The Poké Valley is full of vitality, so all the summoned Pokémon are no longer nervous.

Poké Valley is great~ The Pokémon inside speak nicely~ I love it here~

The threat of the Sky Dragon on the Sky Pillar was resolved, and with the addition of a large number of Pokémon, Su Lu waved his hand and gave everyone a holiday. A party will be held today! Unlimited candy will be given away! There are also a lot of snacks redeemed from the system store!

All the Pokémon cheered!

For a moment, the Poké Valley was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The noisy sound made the old turtle outside the valley raise his head. The noise was from the Pokémon, and the loneliness was from the old turtle. The stupid bear was probably still sleeping. For a moment, the old turtle was a little melancholy.

But at this time, the old turtle felt that a Pokémon patted its legs.

Frog raised a handful of candy and handed it to the old turtle.

Turtle cried! There are Pokémon who still remember Turtle!

Quack~ (After eating, we start training!)

Old turtle: !!! !!!


And Su Lu, who was sitting on the lawn of Poké Valley, began to count the sundries he got from the lottery.

He glanced at it before, and it seemed that there were some good things.

Su Lu took out a booklet "The Secret of the Earth", compiled by: Sakaki!

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