The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Frog! Use Lightning Flash!" Su Lu conveyed the command to Frog through the power of super-control.

The already gigantic Frog stretched out its hands, carrying two huge rotating paper wheels and piercing through the target beast's body in an instant!

The body of this overlord beast that could not be subdued and communicated was broken into several pieces!

Frog turned around, and Heracross and Steelix, who were fighting with it at Gigantamax, also nodded.

This overlord beast did not have any Pokémon above the level of Fantasy Beast to attack it, and it was completely defeated by the three of them!

The three Pokémon slowly shrank in size.

Su Lu also looked at the eight-sided crystal in his hand, whose silver-white light was disappearing.

"Is the energy used up? It seems that one Gigantamax Crystal is enough to support three level 4 Gigantamax Pokémon to Gigantamax at the same time. Very good, Mewtwo!" Su Lu said to Mewtwo.

This eight-sided crystal is also a blank crystal core, but after Mewtwo's continuous compression and transformation, the blank crystal core that originally required a large bag has been compressed to the size of a fingernail!

And the energy that can be accommodated has increased.

The crystal core carrying problem that Su Lu was worried about was also solved.

Su Lu also named this compressed crystal core "Gigantamax Crystal"!

"But this is already the limit, and I can't compress it any further. If Su Lu wants to Gigantamax all Pokémon at the same time, you still need to carry a lot of Gigantamax Crystals." Mewtwo replied.

Psychic is not omnipotent. It is a great talent of Mewtwo to be able to compress to this extent.

"It's small enough. As for carrying, I can embed all the Dynamax Crystals on the cloak, but the Dynamax wristbands are a hassle. I can't carry hundreds of Dynamax wristbands..." Su Lu nodded.

A cloak can be embedded with at least four or five hundred Dynamax Crystals the size of a fingernail, right?

That means more than a thousand Pokémon have Dynamaxed! More than a thousand should be enough.

But that should be a long time in the future. After so many days of clearing the space-time rifts, Su Lu now has a total of seven Dynamax Crystals in his hand, which can support more than 20 Pokémon Dynamaxed at the same time!

Frog and Steelix returned to Su Lu's back.

It can be seen that they are all a little tired, but after a long period of practice, the Dynamax level of their Pokémon has also been improved, so it is rare for them to collapse from exhaustion.

The Dynamax level is also displayed in the system panel.

The Dynamax level of a Pokémon that has just mastered Dynamax is 0. After Dynamaxing, eating Dynamax candy may also increase the Dynamax level of a Pokémon.

Although the points of a Dynamax candy cost tens of thousands, Su Lu still made up his mind to provide daily supplies to all Pokémon that can Dynamax.

That's why the Dynamax level of Froghead and others can increase so significantly in such a short period of time.

Among all Pokémon, the Pokémon with the highest Dynamax level is Caterpillar, which reached an astonishing level of eight before eating candy!

And now it has reached the full level of Dynamaxing at level ten!

Pokémon that can Dynamax also account for almost one-fifth of the total number of all Pokémon! Nearly forty Pokémon have mastered Dynamaxing!

At this time, a rumble came from the east.

Su Lu looked to the east, and the surging waves rushed inland with the huge explosion. After spreading for several miles, they slowly flowed back.

"Rayquake is practicing his skills again."

That's right. Now Su Lu has led the Pokémon to push the occupied area back to the East China Sea.

All the overlord-level beasts were also cleaned up by Su Lu. All those who were rational and intelligent were knocked unconscious and dragged back for education. Those who were irrational were reduced to food.

Su Lu's current physique is also inseparable from the contribution of a large number of overlord-level beasts.

"Go back. There is nothing worth noting here for the time being. Wait for the space-time rift to grow before harvesting."

Just after Su Lu left, Rayquake continued to fire at the coast that had become a deep water area.

Suddenly, Rayquake seemed to sense something and raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky.

And Su Lu, who had returned to Poké Valley, also received a message from Rayquake.

Su Lu, who was about to continue training Gigantamax, looked at the sky in a trance.

"Since there is a discovery, Rayquake, you go and take a look."

The next moment, he was still in the sea.

The Rayquaza on the shore turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky, flying higher and higher!

After Rayquaza left, the fish-headed people emerged from the water again. One of the huge old fishmen with black iron ornaments on his body had a resolute look in his eyes, and he and other fishmen started to discuss.

In a large space-time crack on the seabed, fishmen kept emerging, and then swam to the north with a large amount of resources.

Because of some unknown "natural disaster", the fishmen left their hometown.


And the rapidly rising Rayquaza broke through the clouds and the atmosphere all the way!

Not fast enough! A green light shone on Rayquaza's body!

Godspeed! The permanent godspeed! This green light represents the ultimate speed.

After a short time, the height of Rayquaza has left the atmosphere and arrived in the universe!

Rayquaza stopped, and there seemed to be a faint green dragon whisker floating on the four sharp corners of its head.

With the help of the tentacles, Rayquaza can more clearly sense what attracted it.

In the direction where Rayquaza is looking, there are meteors passing by the earth!

The number is huge! The energy contained in it can greatly increase the progress of its condensation of the emperor organ.

This is a feast for Rayquaza, which feeds on meteorites!

If Rayquaza is "wild", it will go without saying anything.

But now Rayquaza immediately notified Su Lu through the contact of super-control power.

Su Lu on the ground looked up in the direction of Rayquaza.

"Space? Sure enough, the sky is the real stage of Rayquaza." Su Lu muttered to himself.

"Rayquaza, how long will it take you?" Su Lu asked.

In space, the distance is very exaggerated to calculate. Rayquaza said that it was a meteor passing by, but if it took more than ten years, Su Lu would only be confused.

However, the time given by Rayquaza made Su Lu feel relieved. It would take about five days to go back and forth.

Rayquaza was on a business trip for five days, so it seemed okay. The meteor shower was really close.

"Then go! Remember to bring some back for research." Su Lu urged.

If it was only a day or half a day, Su Lu could order a space suit to go with Rayquaza, but for five days, Su Lu probably couldn't bear it even if he put on a space suit.


After Su Lu agreed, Rayquaza turned into a green stream of light and headed in the direction it sensed.

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