The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Seeing Mewtwo safely return to him, Su Lu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Mewtwo's strength is unquestionable, and Mewtwo is not like other Pokémon that need to be commanded by oneself, Mewtwo's own wisdom is enough to serve as a qualified trainer.

But without Su Lu, Mewtwo cannot enjoy the blessing of the power of Evergreen, and cannot perform super evolution on its own for the time being.

The strength is probably only half of its full strength, which is why Su Lu is worried.

But fortunately, even Mewtwo in its most initial state can crush the opponent.

"It's good to be back. How is Yancheng now?" Su Lu asked.

Yancheng is the main city of Xulin Province after all, with a large population. I don't know how many people will die after this incident.

Mewtwo did not dictate, but directly transmitted the picture to Su Lu with his mind.

After watching the picture, Su Lu sighed. Because the aliens came too suddenly, the aliens that came through the space-time cracks even escaped the suppression of the space-time crack suppressor, and both the Beast Tamer Alliance and the ordinary people were caught off guard.

In Mewtwo's observation picture, there were probably more than 10,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries...

You know, even in Z City, there were not so many deaths at the beginning, and the impact can be imagined.

"I don't know the principle of the space-time cracks. This is a hidden danger. It would be great if I could summon a Pokémon that is good at space." Su Lu said helplessly,

Now the only way for Su Lu to detect space is that Rayquaza can barely sense the abnormality of space through the white jade gem.

If the space-time cracks are not handled properly, it is Governor Song Hu who was attacked this time, and it may be himself that time.

Su Lu was also glad that he had hidden his identity well, otherwise if those aliens knew that he was the trainer of Rayquaza and Mewtwo, wouldn't there be several space-time rifts around him every day?

At the same time, Su Lu also confirmed the heroic sacrifice of Song Hu, the governor of Xulin Province.

If Song Hu had not used up all his vitality to use the Explosion Evolution in the end, as long as he had a breath left, as long as Su Lu bound him with the spare Phoenix Feather, even if he died without rescue, he could be resurrected.

But now there is nothing left, so naturally he cannot be resurrected.

However, if there was no Explosion Evolution in the end of Song Hu, those sea creatures would have started to act four or five minutes earlier. With seven deep sea kings and three overlord-level sea creatures at that time, it is estimated that more than half of the people in Yancheng would have died in four or five minutes.

This is equivalent to Song Hu waiting for the arrival of Mewtwo with his own life, saving the lives of millions of people...

For Song Hu, Su Lu still admired him after knowing everything he had done.

Because Song Hu had every chance to escape. With his champion strength, as long as his natal beast was still there, he would have a great chance to escape even if he couldn't win.

But he didn't seem to have thought about it from beginning to end.

"And this." Mewtwo took out a faith crystal that emitted a soft golden light.

Su Lu took the faith crystal.

Under the perception of the wave power, Su Lu saw the faces praying.

Su Lu didn't care much about the prayers and faith of the beasts, but the prayers of humans shocked Su Lu's heart and even produced synaesthesia.

Su Lu put the faith crystal aside: "What do you think? Mewtwo, do you want to accept this faith?"

"This faith seems to be different from Rayquaza. Rayquaza's faith is 'sky', which is a symbol, but the faith you get is the expectation of humans. The impact of the two is completely different. This may also be what the Beast Tamer Alliance wants to get through the God Creation Plan." Su Lu asked.

"Faith and expectation?" Mewtwo thought absentmindedly.

This feeling is not the first time. In Mewtwo's heart, such seeds have long been sprouting and reborn.

And the source is not humans, but Pokémon!

In the eyes of most Pokémon, Sulu is the real boss, and Mewtwo is the Pokémon boss!

Mewtwo thought of the message conveyed by the sea god before his death.

It! Is a new life!

Mewtwo suddenly realized that it was a Pokémon that was created, but it was also a Pokémon that was born from human hands!

Its genes are dreamy, but its spirit is mixed with human spirit!

It is, a bond...

Looking at the firm look in Mewtwo's eyes, Sulu smiled: "It seems that you have got the answer."

Mewtwo picked up the crystal of faith that Sulu had placed aside.

Mewtwo sent another message to Sulu.


Su Lu nodded and handed the previously seized faith crystal to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo did not completely absorb the faith crystal.

Instead, he carefully channeled all the crystals with his spirit and found the desire for life in them.

Whether it was Pokémon, human, or even fierce beasts.

Three powerful and tenacious spirits merged into one.

It is called "new life"!

The power of longing for birth, like a new bamboo shoot breaking through the ground, can break through all the super powers that bring miracles.

At this moment, Su Lu knew that Mewtwo had found his own way.

In the Pokémon world, Mewtwo is confused and incompatible with other first-level gods.

Rayquaza represents the sky and protects the sky, Groudon represents the earth and expands the earth... Lugia represents the ocean current and maintains the life of the ocean.

Every first-level god can find the mission and meaning of their existence, but after Mewtwo was born, it was confused, so it was frantic.

Even after waking up, it is still looking for the meaning of its own existence.

And now, the meaning that was not found in the Pokémon world has now been found by Mewtwo.

This is a complete transformation!

Mewtwo's mental strength also expanded rapidly at this moment! Even Su Lu could feel it.

"Congratulations." Su Lu congratulated.


Mewtwo looked at Su Lu in front of him. If it weren't for him, he might have been lost long ago, right? Feeling the bond of super power in his heart, Mewtwo responded.


On the other side, not long after Mewtwo left.

An old man with a serious expression, as if he had the magical power of shrinking the earth into an inch, took a stride of more than ten miles.

The old man looked at the city that was burning with smoke and dust, thinking that he was still late.

He received the news as soon as possible, so he rushed from Dragon City thousands of miles away.

Even though the plane had to fly for five hours, the old man took half an hour to reach the outside of the smoke city.

Under the old man's feet, the ground was shaking...

Wherever the old man passed, the land seemed to become extremely dark.

But when he entered Yancheng, he was surprised to find that there were only a few scattered beasts in the city.

Everything seemed to be calmed down?

He seemed to hear the cheers of the crowd.

Is this a miracle?

The old man's heart was pounding, and he was ready to open his phone to check the message. He was eager to know what happened.

As soon as he opened his phone, he found dozens of missed calls and hundreds of text messages. It was obvious that a major change had happened in Yancheng while he was on the road, but he was in a hurry and didn't notice it.

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