The strength of Mewtwo is beyond doubt. The god-level combat power alone is enough for Liu Qingxuan to offer enough benefits to win him over. Although the situation in China is developing in a good direction, the leaders who have access to all information know that there are too many threats to humans on Earth now. The strength of the beasts and aliens is still stronger than that of humans now. The god-level combat power of each one is worth spending a lot of money to win over. "This time I came to find Dr. Mewtwo because Governor Xu Lin of the province died in battle. Now we urgently need a strong man to guard and command the overall situation." Liu Qingxuan stated his purpose this time. It was very simple and rough to divide the territory. With the leader-level combat power, if you want a place, no matter where it is, you can easily take it.

Now the high-end combat power of the Chinese Beast Taming Alliance is also very tight. It is difficult to find another champion governor to sit in Xulin Province, so Liu Qingxuan plans to assign Xulin Province to Mewtwo and let Mewtwo be the governor of Xulin Province. Maybe with Mewtwo sitting in charge, the territory of Xulin Province can be expanded and more occupied areas can be recovered.

Mewtwo communicated with Su Lu through telepathy and then nodded.

"Well, that's it." Mewtwo said coldly.

When communicating with other humans, Mewtwo is so indifferent.

Then Mewtwo disappeared directly from Liu Qingxuan's face.

Liu Qingxuan touched his beard and looked at the place where Mewtwo disappeared. I don't know what he thought.

Then he slowly walked out of the room.

After leaving the Pallet New City, Liu Qingxuan took out his mobile phone and sent a group voice.

Old Dean: Old Liu, did you see him? How is the person?

Old Liu: It's done.

Cute Little Meow: Old Liu, can you bring him to the north? I'm tired of the Great Snow Mountain.

Old Liu: I can't detect his aura. I feel like he can hit three of me with one slap. Are you sure you want to?

Cute Little Meow: Forget it...

Old Dean: Old Liu, you can't see through him. He hasn't revealed his true identity yet. Could he be a disguised alien?

Old Liu: No, my Abyss Land has no reaction. Let's observe for a while. If there is really no problem, let's see whether to tell him about the plan.


"The old man is finally gone."

After Liu Qingxuan arrived, Su Lu felt a strange aura. Although it was cold, it was not cold. Instead, it was majestic and full of murderous aura.

Now I think it should be Liu Qingxuan's beast.

It is no secret that Liu Qingxuan's beast is not his natal beast, but an inherited one. The Abyss Land is now also recognized as the leader's beast.

It is said that the heroic spirits of China are buried in the Abyss Land, which is why this phenomenon occurs.

"How do you feel?" Su Lu asked Mewtwo.

"It is a very strange creature, a combination of evil and ground attributes, with very strong energy." Mewtwo commented.

"So it seems that the legend of the heroic spirit is very likely to be true?"

"By the way, don't you ask me why I asked you to agree to be the governor?" Su Lu asked Mewtwo.

"Su Lu, there must be a reason for you to do this." Mewtwo replied calmly.

"This alien raid should also be related to the location of Xulin Province. Instead of letting someone else be the governor, and then being raided again, and having to clean up the mess, it is better to take it in our own hands. This way, we can feel more at ease. Moreover, as a governor, you have great authority and can easily mobilize materials. It is even easier for you to do research in the future."

"But how do we defend the city?" Mewtwo asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, we will naturally not let you fly all over the map. Besides, it is reasonable to call for some summoning stones as you are the governor, right?" Su Lu laughed.

Mewtwo: ...

Half a day later, Mewtwo's appointment was issued in a hurry.

On the official website of the Beast Taming Alliance, the information of the governor of Xulin Province was also updated to 'Mewtwo', but Mewtwo's 'headshot' was still too conspicuous among all the governors. There was no other reason, Mewtwo was the only one wearing a mask.

After Chaomeng took office, the most excited people were naturally the residents of Xulin Province. This is a powerful leader-level existence!

You know, with Liu Qingxuan in charge, the City of Beginning has become the most prosperous and safest area in the country.

The southwest region with Li Mohao, the president of Longxue, in charge has become the most stable place for colleges.

The suppression of Marshal Ling Xue in the north also made the space-time cracks and beasts in the north be regarded as a resource that can be taken at will.


And now there is another leader-level fighter! Isn't this the great prosperity of Southeast!

If we can fight all the way to Southeast, maybe we can even recover the sea area!

Many people in Southeast have this idea.

However, the specific strength of Mewtwo has not been widely reported.

So there are also many people who simply think that Mewtwo is just a "governor".

Due to curiosity about the new governor, some people carefully searched for the information announced by Mewtwo.

But in the end, only very brief information was found.

Su Chaomeng, Su Lu's cousin, the head of the Poké Lab, the manager of the Poké Company, and the beast metal monster.

And then there is nothing!

Let those online hackers and real paparazzi try their best to investigate, there is only so much information.

Age? I don't know! Appearance? I don't know!

Su Chaomeng's identity was handled by Liu Qingxuan himself after he returned. After all, he had to be appointed as a governor, so it is impossible that he didn't have an ID card yet? Wouldn't this make the whole country laugh?

Then Liu Qingxuan made Mewtwo the cousin of Su Lu...

Su Lu's name became popular again, after all, there are only 36 governors in office in the country.

After searching Su Lu's information, everyone was envious! Su Lu has a close relationship with the two city lords, and now his cousin has become the governor!

Isn't this just taking off?

Even Mewtwo is only the head of the Poké Lab and the manager of Poké Co., but the entire Poké Co.... oh no, it can be said to be the Poké Group, but the 100% controlling shareholder of the group is Su Lu! In other words, the governors are all working for Su Lu!

What is this concept?

In everyone's mind, Su Lu is a winner in life. From a child of an ordinary family, he has jumped to the top of society!

Why can't his cousin become the governor!

"Fuck! I've been beating my cousin for two hours, and he still doesn't admit that he has the strength to be a governor!"

"This Nima Sulu is the chosen one, right? With a cousin who is a governor, can't he do whatever he wants? I'm so envious that I'm crying!"

"I'm torn apart! Envy has made me unrecognizable!"

"Envy has caused me to disintegrate! Envy has caused me to factorize! Ah ah ah ah ah! Please give me a cousin who is a governor quickly, I also want to experience this feeling of being a winner in life!"


As for the metal monster? What metal monster? Does it matter?

It was Liu Qingxuan and his group who noticed the metal monster, but the metal monster didn't seem to be very strong and was large in size, so it couldn't be the beast that Mewtwo used on the day he saved Yancheng.

Mewtwo's trump card has not been exposed yet, and Liu Qingxuan will not bother himself by trying to find out Mewtwo's trump card.

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