The deadly attack was a mystery.

"Alien...mysterious beast..."

The beast suspected of being able to affect the cracks in space and time in an area had to make Su Lu more vigilant.

However, now that he knew the existence of the other party, he couldn't take action directly. The location of the monster was 30,000 meters underground, and even Su Lu didn't have any good solutions.

Even the Pokémon that can dig holes, such as Steelix, are not fast enough to deal with the beast so deep underground.

"It seems that we can only investigate after the roots of the Life Thorns grow deep enough underground." Su Lu thought.

As the Life Thorns grow, the tentacles of the Life Thorns also encounter many interesting things when they spread.

The nests of underground beast colonies, small mining sites, and unburied relics, etc.

As long as the Life Thorns grow fully, the roots of the Life Thorns can even penetrate into the magma at the bottom! At that time, even if the strange beast cannot be caught, the underground safety of Xulin Province can be guaranteed.

At that time, there will be Rayquaza in the sky and Life Thorns underground, which can form a safety control network!

Thinking of this, Su Lu planned to go back to Poké Valley to find Ho-Oh, and it seemed that Rayquaza would be back soon, just in time to welcome him.

However, this time Su Lu did not go to Poké Valley through Mewtwo's instant movement, but planned to take the underground passage.

After the underground passage between Poké Valley and Pallet City was opened, Su Lu himself had not visited this passage.

Su Lu also wanted to experience it today, and by the way, carefully check whether the roots of Life Thorns under the control of Ho-Oh were reliable.

So Su Lu ran to Psyduck's auto repair shop, and there was an underground platform under Psyduck's auto repair shop.

However, Su Lu did not find Psyduck in the repair shop.

Following the sound of ping-ping-bang, Su Lu entered the handmade workshop.

Then Su Lu saw a magical scene!

Psyduck used telekinesis to float a ball of metal, and then Psyduck's little brother, the former duck-billed baby, has now evolved into a duck-billed fire beast, and is spitting out high-temperature flames from his mouth to melt the metal.

Then the metal changed its form again under the telekinesis of Psyduck!

Onion Duck on the side was holding an onion, waiting for Psyduck's order at any time.


With the order of Psyduck, the onion in the hand of Onion Duck swung out! Sparks flew! The trajectory of the onion formed a beautiful arc? !

"Vital attack?"

Su Lu rubbed his eyes. Onion Duck, you can hit the vital attack even when you are forging iron?

And Onion Duck took back the slightly burnt onion distressedly.

Su Lu also felt that it was a bit outrageous.

"Could it be that Psyduck really wants to make a handmade car? Farfetch'd seems to have potential as well."

Farfetch'd cannot evolve under normal circumstances, but if it is Farfetch'd from Galar, then as long as it hits enough vital points in battle, it will evolve into Scallion Pancake... ahem, Onion Soldier.

Su Lu had never thought about Farfetch'd's evolution before, after all, this Farfetch'd was obviously not the Farfetch'd from Galar, and the color and the onion on its hand were not right.

But now, maybe he could think of a way to give Farfetch'd a way to strengthen the onion on its hand? Make it Galar and see what happens?

When the three ducks saw Su Lu coming, they all ran over.

Psyduck was even more excited to hand over a delicate gear, which was a real handmade gear!

Su Lu had previously required Psyduck not to use tools to manufacture car parts in order to achieve the effect of training mental strength.

Su Lu took the part and examined it carefully.

"Not bad! Psyduck did a good job!"


Psyduck smiled with his hands on his hips. In order to make these parts, Psyduck had specially asked Quagga for water jet cutting technology!

Su Lu carefully looked through the mechanical parts and found some strange symbols on the parts. Su Lu even felt a familiar feeling.

"What is this?" Su Lu pointed at the symbol and asked.


Su Lu was stunned when he heard Ya Ya's answer, because the symbols on the gears were exactly the symbols on the exotic equipment! Ya Ya said that it felt that these symbols seemed to be activated, but it has not found the corresponding activation method yet.

These symbols are crooked, but without exception, there is a circle. At this time, Su Lu finally remembered what this familiar feeling was.

"Isn't this an unknown totem?" Su Lu

said in surprise.

Unknown Totem is also a psychic Pokémon, and it has more than 20 forms.

It is said that in the ancient times, Unknown Totem was the text used by ancient civilizations.

Each different totem has various abilities, and when two or more Unknown Totems are combined, some incredible power will be generated.

"Is this the text you learned from those exotic instruments?" Su Lu asked Yaya in shock.

Quack! (Of course... Mewtwo also helped.)


Su Lu thought of Mewtwo's genes. Mewtwo's genes are the source of all Pokémon and also the sample.

Unknown Totem is a Pokémon, and the symbols in the exotic instruments are similar to it. Maybe it can really be deduced from the Unknown Totem.

The power of technology cannot be used in the forbidden area, but the power represented by the Unknown Totem is not necessarily!

This is a shocking discovery!

Su Lu touched Psyduck's head: "Ya Ya is really good. If this is published, I guess you can also get a doctorate degree."

Ya Ya embarrassedly scratched his head. He just told Mewtwo the symbols of the perception of foreign equipment when he had a headache.

"It would be great if I could summon some unknown totems." Su Lu thought.

Ya Ya also nodded.

Ya Ya also had some desire for the power of runes.

The more he came into contact with legendary beasts such as Mewtwo, the more he found out how big the natural gap between ordinary Pokémon and them was.

Although Su Lu often said that ordinary Pokémon could match legendary beasts as long as they worked hard, what if legendary beasts worked as hard as ordinary Pokémon? Or even more hardworking than ordinary Pokémon?

But if he could master the power of runes and machinery, it might be different!

Ya Ya wants to be the main force! ~

Well, by the way, use runes to build a car that can be driven anywhere!


After receiving Su Lu's call, Steelix rumbled over to pick him up in a short while.

These days, in addition to training in Poké Valley, it spent the rest of its time digging underground.

"Let's go, Steelix." Su Lu also took out a cushion! Then he installed it on Steelix's head with a snap.

"By the way, let's take a look at the underground passage! Steelix, lead the way."

Steelix nodded and set off rumblingly.

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