The eyes on Jirachi's abdomen opened, and it seemed that there were micro-suctions in the space that were drawn together, twisted into a beam of light and converged towards this pupil.

And Rayquaza also became excited.

This is the 'food' it wants.

"Don't eat it yet." Su Lu warned.

Let's wake up Jirachi first.

Rayquaza's originally excited expression suddenly turned into depression.

As the beams gathered little by little, the crystal shell on Jirachi's body began to gradually disappear.

After five or six minutes, the shell disappeared completely.

But Jirachi has not woken up yet.

"Does it really take a clear song to wake Jirachi up?" Su Lu was a little helpless.

Others sleep after eating, but Jirachi must eat and need an alarm to wake up?

However, the super-power mental connection that Su Lu had established with Jirachi before now has other emotions coming through.

"I don't want to get up..."

"So comfortable..."

"So full~"


Su Lu looked at the little guy with a bit of a smile.

He could have woken up, but he just didn't want to get up.

"Get up!"

Su Lu 'reminded' Jirachi a little through the mental connection.

Jirachi, who was sleeping comfortably, frowned like two small beans, shook his whole body, and opened his eyes.

But his little face was puffed up.

"Well, it seems that we don't need a clear singing voice, just a message from the heart." Su Lu nodded.

It is said that Jirachi can fight back if threatened even when he is asleep, so it's too much to wake him up with only a clear singing voice.

Maybe the clear singing voice is a nice wake-up ringtone for Jirachi and the others?

And waking up like this is like forgetting to turn off the wake-up ringtone when you are lazy and sleep on the weekend, right?

After the little guy woke up, he rubbed his eyes.

After seeing Sulu and Rayquaza, he trembled again.

Put his hands on his waist: "Bad guy!"

Waking it up in advance is not a bad guy?

Sulu: ...

Rayquaza: ...

"Or, you sleep a little longer?"

"Forget it~ I forgive you, but you have to play with me~" Jirachi saw Sulu admit defeat at once, and smiled with a victorious expression.

Even in space, Jirachi can move freely.

Jirachi is a Pokémon that likes to be naughty, but is also very kind. Through the power of super-conquer, it also knows Sulu.

"Okay, there are many Pokémon to play with you."

After Jirachi woke up, the eyes on his abdomen slowly closed.

Rayquaza was eager to take a look at the little guy above his head, and his two eyes were almost tilted upwards into cross-eyed...

"Is this your wish? Sure~" Jirachi tilted his head and looked at Rayquaza.

So after discussing with Jirachi, the starlight began to move.

A thin veil of starlight was draped around Rayquaza's body, and it was gradually absorbed by Rayquaza as he breathed.

This starlight seemed to be of great help to Rayquaza, and his eyes narrowed in comfort.

This is Jirachi's special ability, which can realize the goal's wish through "teleportation".

It is different from other psychic teleportation.

Ordinary teleportation is to move a creature, and if it has not been to the corresponding place, it can only move randomly.

But Jirachi's teleportation is to "grab" something that already exists, and teleport it to the front of the wisher almost regardless of the distance.


Jirachi exhaled cutely, like a child who was a little tired after climbing four steps of stairs.

And the starlight emerging from Rayquaza's body also stopped.

Roar? (No?)

Rayquaza felt that in a short period of time, the progress of his emperor organ had been greatly improved.

"Okay, don't embarrass Jirachi, it's tired too, at worst, come back later." Sulu said.

Rayquaza nodded.

Jirachi's ability to pray is strong or weak. Verbal prayers depend on the strength of Jirachi's ability. The bigger the wish, the harder it is to realize, just like Rayquaza's "wish" now.

If Rayquaza directly wishes for a "shooting star", Jirachi will probably be able to raise his little pink fist to hit this sleeping dragon.

But there is another way to make a wish for Jirachi.

That is to put the wishing note. There are three notes above Jirachi's head. As long as you write your wish on the note, Jirachi will

It will open the eyes in its abdomen and guide the power of the wishing star to help the wisher realize his wish.

The power of the wishing star can even create a pirated old man, which shows its huge energy.

However, Su Lu felt that if he made a wish in this way, Jirachi would probably really fall into a thousand-year sleep.

So if there was no emergency, Su Lu would not make such a wish to Jirachi.

On the way back, Rayquaza swooped all the way, and Jirachi was held by Su Lu. It felt like riding a roller coaster, waving its little hands and laughing happily.

Roar~ (I will take you out to play in the future~)

Rayquaza took the initiative to say that this was a rare thing.

Jirachi nodded: "Well, let's play together~"

If it can go to space, then it can also absorb more power from the wishing star, and the activity time can be extended instead of seven days.

Mutual benefit and win-win! Rayquaza and Jirachi reached a consensus.

After returning to Poké Valley, Jirachi looked at the Pokémon around curiously and soon joined them. Shemy pulled Jirachi to play hide-and-seek~

And Sulu suddenly thought of something.

Took out a purple five-pointed star.

[Star Fragment]: A fragment with extremely high value.

Sulu remembered that it seemed that in the Pokémon world, every Jirachi would carry a star fragment.

So it was probably not a coincidence that when Jirachi was summoned, the star fragment was also drawn.

So Sulu also gave the star fragment to Jirachi, but Jirachi seemed to have no reaction.

In the evening, Sulu was ready to return to the city, and Jirachi followed him.

"Hmph~Sulu, tell me what Jirachi left behind~" Shemy rolled in front of Sulu relentlessly.

It was like a child who was not satisfied with his play and was watching his friend being taken away by his parents.

"Then Shaymi, do you want to come back with me?"

"Forget it~ Jirachi, come early tomorrow~"

"Hey, Shaymi, he was very clingy to me at the beginning." Sulu sighed helplessly.

Shaymi is a mythical beast belonging to nature. At the beginning, he was timid and could only rely on Sulu. Now he has made friends and has a spiritual connection with Sulu at any time. Therefore, compared with the messy city, he is more willing to stay in the vibrant Poké Valley.

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