After the blue crystal was transmitted, Jirachi seemed a little tired. It was still early in the morning. Jirachi yawned: "I'm so sleepy~ Su Lu, I'll sleep for a while." After that, Jirachi flew to the top of Su Lu's head and closed his eyes. It can be seen that this wish took a lot of Jirachi's energy. Fortunately, Jirachi was not sleeping but just sleeping normally. "It seems that praying is still a big burden for Jirachi. But where did this thing come from?" Su Lu looked at the blue crystal in Psyduck's hand with some curiosity. Duck's wish is universal energy. If Jirachi's transmission was correct, then what Yaya has in her hand can be used anywhere!

It can be used as a heat source when ignited with fire, as a power source when connected to wires, and as nuclear fuel when placed in a nuclear reactor.

It is impossible not to be curious about the nature of this substance.

Su Lu immediately used the power of waveguide to explore.

In the perception of the power of waveguide, this blue crystal seems to contain huge and pure energy.

If you have to use a word to describe it, then Su Lu would like to call it 'source' or 'philosopher's stone'.

As long as you find the corresponding method, this thing seems to be able to be converted into any substance!

"Big profit!" Su Lu immediately understood the value of this philosopher's stone.

At the same time, Su Lu also frowned. Such a valuable thing suddenly disappeared, which would definitely cause the holder's anger and confusion.

"Forget it, I have it, and I don't want to think so much. Ya Ya, you and Mewtwo study this thing together." Su Lu said to Psyduck.

At the same time, Su Lu also planned to log in to the Beast Tamer Alliance network to check. If this Philosopher's Stone is held by a real human, then there must be news leaked.

After hearing Su Lu's instructions, Psyduck nodded seriously.

In fact, Totem Rune Duck has also studied some things, but has never found the energy source.

Although mental power can also drive the operation of machinery, unless a group of Pokémon-specific mental power-driven machinery is formed, it is impossible for machinery to be popularized in the forbidden area.

And now, everything has become feasible!

So after breakfast, Duck hurried to his small workshop to try it out.

Duck punched a hole in a strange-looking engine, surrounded by strange symbols...

After the Philosopher's Stone was inlaid, the engine was pulled by a strange energy and started to run!


"It's a magical thing." Mewtwo looked at the Philosopher's Stone solemnly.

After testing the feasibility, Yaya started to transform her car. The Philosopher's Stone could not be used for the time being, so she gave it to Mewtwo for inspection.

Mewtwo stretched out his hand, and a little energy in the Philosopher's Stone was extracted by Mewtwo.

"It seems that it can be decomposed again." Mewtwo said slowly.

This little energy, under the combing of Mewtwo's huge mental power, actually cracked!

It turned into eighteen light spots of different colors!

At this time, Su Lu also sensed through the power of waveguide that these were clearly eighteen attributes!

Eighteen light spots hovered in Mewtwo's hands, and the colors began to change and unify.

These attribute energies can even be converted to each other!

Su Lu felt that he had some goose bumps all over his body.

"Arzeus created the universe with eighteen attributes, so the universal energy should naturally be the aggregated form of eighteen attributes!" Su Lu clapped his hands.

This is an incredible discovery.

Since the Philosopher's Stone is composed of eighteen attributes, can we condense the eighteen attributes of Pokémon to create the Philosopher's Stone? !

And the attribute slabs will naturally dissipate attribute energy.

In this way, if I gather eighteen attribute slabs, wouldn't I be able to obtain universal energy without limit?

Su Lu now wanted to exchange the remaining seventeen slabs immediately.

Mewtwo closed his hands.

The eighteen light spots merged together again.

In fact, only Mewtwo can decompose the energy in the Philosopher's Stone.

Mewtwo's genes come from Mew, the first Pokémon created by Arceus, and Mew's genes derive all other Pokémon. Although Mew and Mewtwo are mainly psychic types, they can learn skills from any other types, so Mewtwo is very sensitive to the eighteen attributes.

, because there are recessive attribute tendencies in their genes.

Other Pokémon or beastmen are unlikely to have eighteen attributes at the same time. At most, they can learn seven or eight skills.

In Su Lu's impression, the only creature with eighteen attributes at the same time is a fully equipped alpaca.

Su Lu immediately figured this out.

Maybe this is luck. The Philosopher's Stone met Mewtwo. Otherwise, it would take a long time to solve this secret.

And this discovery is also very beneficial to Mewtwo. If Mewtwo can simulate the energy conversion, can it use any moves like Mewtwo? Even convert psychic energy?

Isn't this equivalent to a little alpaca?

Originally, Mewtwo's strength ended after the super evolution. After this discovery, Mewtwo seems to have room for further development.

"The other laboratory is conducting research on attributes, right?" Su Lu suddenly thought.

Isn't this just right? !

The property research that was originally used to cover up the No. 2 laboratory seems to have a big effect now!

If the method of energy fusion is successfully studied, it may be possible to mass-produce the Philosopher's Stone!

Conduct in-depth research immediately!

Jirachi regained his vitality after sleeping for a long time, and Rayquaza kept urging Sulu that it wanted to "take care of the baby".

After thinking it over again and again, Sulu did not let Jirachi continue to pray.

We must find out where the Philosopher's Stone came from.

And Jirachi was also very tired. Even if he woke up, he was still coughing. Sulu couldn't bear to continue to exploit this little cutie.

So he let Jirachi and Rayquaza go to play together.

Jirachi sat on Rayquaza's head and rushed into space with a smile as if he was riding a flying dragon in the sky...

And Sulu logged into Mewtwo's account to search for relevant information.

Although Mewtwo's account level is only that of a governor, in fact, his authority is similar to that of the leader. Except for a few pieces of information related to the survival of China, he should be able to view all of it.

However, in the information database of the Beast Taming Alliance, there are only some guesses about the information of General Energy.

Therefore, this Philosopher's Stone is likely to come from an alien race or a fierce beast!

After Su Lu clicked on a pinned message above the governor level, Su Lu almost confirmed his guess.

"The leader took action and the traitor of the Dark Death Institute was arrested! The reason for the change in the space-time rift..."

In this message, the groove of a strange device in a picture seemed to match this Philosopher's Stone.

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