The old man was very happy.

The Silk Angel is the beast of Gu Siqi, Su Lu's classmate.

Gu Siqi had caused a sensation in the school before.

After all, the beast had elite combat power as soon as it was summoned.

Whether in school or when registering in the Beast Alliance, people surrounded her one after another.

So Su Lu still remembered this person.

Xia Muyue also had an impression of this beast.

After all, her grandfather wanted to ask her to help take care of the owner of this beast.

"In the early stage of the King of Heaven, is the potential of this beast so high?" Xia Muyue carefully looked at the Silk Angel flying in the air.

The appearance of the Silk Angel has not changed, which proves that it has not evolved.

Without evolution, it took only four months to jump from the elite level beastmaster to the king level?

Although it seems that there is only one level difference between elite and king level, everyone knows how difficult it is to cross this step. Otherwise, there would not be so many beastmasters trapped at the peak of the elite level to be called master-level combat power. The Beastmaster Alliance is also considering adding a master-level evaluation.

The most significant feature of the transformation to the king level is that the energy is more concentrated.

And a king beastmaster does not only need one king-level beastmaster, but the entire team is king-level beastmaster.

But even one king beastmaster is surprising enough.

If Gu Siqi really relied on her own ability to make an experienced beastmaster reach the king level in just four months, then she can also be called a genius. With this silk angel as a stepping stone, she may also be like Xia Muyue, who formed her own king team before the age of 20 and became a king beastmaster.

The silk angel in front of him had ribbons like silk extending from its coral-like body. At the end of the ribbons, six beasts were tied up. These six beasts seemed to be completely controlled by the silk angel.

There were some "enthusiastic" beast masters around, but their condition was not very good. Four beasts were already injured.

The head of the silk angel was a ball of light with a holy human face on it, but the originally calm face of the silk angel now revealed a crazy look.

Su Lu and Xia Muyue landed quickly and saw the owner of the beast, Gu Siqi, who was called a genius girl.

Su Lu did not enter the beast class, and Gu Siqi was undoubtedly one of the top beast masters.

So she was given the title of genius girl by everyone.

But now this genius girl looked at the beast in the sky with a pale face.

"Can it stop?" Su Lu asked calmly.

But Gu Siqi shook her head painfully.

Su Lu did not ask her why she could not even control her own beast.

"Be careful, it is very strong now..." Gu Siqi wanted to remind Su Lu.

But the next second, a pink figure suddenly appeared behind the silk angel.


That was fifty meters high!

And the quack frog obviously had no ability to fly.

The silk angel, which had already fallen into a violent state, seemed to have sensed the crisis, but it was too late.

"Don't kill it." Su Lu reminded.

With the current strength of the quack frog, if it had not been careful to hold back, a violent beast in the early stage of the king of heaven might have been cut in half by the frog.

The water knife that the quack frog originally wanted to swing turned into two water columns and was swung out, forming an X-shaped high-intensity water pressure.

The silk angel, which was still in the sky, was directly hit to the ground by the strong water pressure, and the water rushed, and the surrounding beast masters also exclaimed.

One strike was the end.

The silk angel that fell to the ground had lost consciousness.

Xia Muyue was a little surprised when she saw this scene. This beast should have been with Su Lu for a short time, right? Is Su Lu also planning to train a new beast?

Gu Siqi looked at Su Lu in a daze.

They were obviously summoning beasts together, why...

Why is Su Lu so much stronger than her own silk angel?

Gu Siqi felt a strong sense of unwillingness in her heart.

In order to make her silk angel break through to the king level, she even used banned drugs.

As long as the silk angel reaches the king level, she can rely on the influence brought by the silk angel to obtain more resources and better beasts.

But now, with the silk angel out of control, everything is ruined.


Su Lu turned his head after hearing Gu Siqi's lost and confused voice.

"Why is your beast so strong?"

Xia Muyue, who went to check on the Silk Angel, also gave her judgment: "This beast has taken Blood Essence Water..."

"Blood Essence Water?" Su Lu was not very familiar with what Xia Muyue was talking about.

"Blood Essence Water is a forbidden item. The energy of the beast that takes Blood Essence Water will be forcibly compressed to make the energy reach the strength of the Heavenly King level, but the price is that the beast will always suffer the tearing pain of the energy in the body being forcibly compressed, and under the effect of Blood Essence Water, even the natal beast has a certain chance of losing control.

And this price is permanent, the beast's body will also be destroyed and lose all potential.

So whether it is sold or used, this kind of thing is expressly prohibited." Xia Muyue said coldly.

Even the Silk Angel who has been unconscious can't help twitching now.

The beastmaster has absolute control over the natal beast. If it is an ordinary beast, it will almost 100% lose control when using Blood Essence Water, while the natal beast has a certain chance of not losing control.

"Are you treating your natal beast as a consumable just to attract a wave of investment?" Su Lu felt a little funny.

He is obviously the most trustworthy partner, but he is used as a sacrifice to attract investment.

Gu Siqi sat on the ground with weakness all over her body.

After she obtained the Silk Angel, she received investment from many beast companies.

And as the Silk Angel became stronger, these investments became more and more powerful. She also began to train the Silk Angel in an exploitative manner, and then her desire began to expand.

If so much investment can be attracted, what if the Silk Angel reaches the Heavenly King level?

As for the future? The Silk Angel is good, but after all, the initial level is only elite. It is the best to be able to reach the Heavenly King level. Why not change to a better one?

Qualification determines everything...

"As for why you want to ask my Quaking Frog is so strong? Maybe this is the reason."

Su Lu took out the intimacy tester and shone it at the Silk Angel from a distance.


"What is this...?" Gu Siqi's voice was a little dry.

"Intimacy tester, full score is 255. If it wasn't your natal beast, you would have been torn to pieces long ago..."

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