After the handover with the Beast Alliance, Suicune quickly ran away from everyone's sight, which made everyone more certain that this elegant beast was likely to be one of Governor Mewtwo's beasts.

Su Lu promised Jirachi that today he would take it to understand the world he lives in.

He took Jirachi back to Pallet City, and Psyduck and the others also rushed over from home after receiving the news.


Psyduck's head stuck out of the car window, and then waved and said hello to Jirachi.

The Pokémon that Su Lu is most familiar with Pallet City is Duck!

Looking at the bustling crowd, Jirachi seemed very excited.

"Let's go, today we're going to the Beast Tamer Park." Su Lu clapped his hands and said.

Beast Tamer Park is actually a park built for beastmasters to play, and there are many beastmaster performances in it. With the improvement of the real new city, such entertainment venues have been built one after another, and the Beast Tamer Park was completed and opened to the public a week ago.

"Park~Park~" Jirachi said happily.

Gaga~ (Get in the car~)

After Jirachi got in the car, he looked curiously at Riolu and the bear apprentice sitting in the back seat.

After the last drag racing incident, the two guys were very nervous every time they took Yaya's car.

And the quack frog simply didn't take the car, anyway, he could keep up with it by running outside.

Beast Tamer Park was crowded with people.

As the weather cooled down, many people put clothes on their own beasts, which looked very cute.

Seeing people and beasts living in harmony, Jirachi and the others seemed to be happy.

This is the instinctive thought of Pokémon, living in harmony with humans. Unless humans want to deprive them of their homes, few Pokémon will be hostile to humans.

Sulu took Jirachi to one amusement project after another, and the little guy was very happy.

"Sulu~ Sulu~ I want that~" Jirachi pointed to an ice cream shop and said.

Although Reggie Ice occasionally makes shaved ice at the request of Pokémon, it is still different from the ice cream made by humans.

When Sulu walked towards the ice cream shop, he raised his head: "It's snowing."

Many people also noticed that the Pallet City is located in the southeast of China. Not to mention that it is November now, it may not snow even in February and March, but it is snowing now?

Some people who were wearing less clothes shrank their necks, and then left the Beast Taming Park directly, preparing to go home to add more clothes.

"It's so strange..." Sulu was a little confused, but he still bought the ice cream and continued to visit the park.

This light snow not only showed no signs of stopping, but began to grow larger, and in just half an hour it became moderate snow.

Southerners have a special feeling for snow, so the number of people on the street did not decrease, but increased.

But after another half an hour, this enthusiasm turned into fear.

Because the snowfall jumped from the original moderate snow to the level of blizzard, mixed with a lot of hail, and the cold wind was even more biting.

The major stores in the Beast Taming Paradise and the New City were also preparing to close.

There were almost no pedestrians on the street.

After all, hail knocks bones and cold wind scrapes marrow, and many people have been hit by hail and bleeding.

Su Lu also quickly took Jirachi back home.

"Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong today." Su Lu touched Jirachi and said.

"I'm very happy to be with Su Lu~" Jirachi said with a smile.

Listening to the sound of hail falling outside the house, Su Lu was a little worried about whether the newly built New City could withstand it.

Due to the geographical location, there is no heating equipment in Zhenxin City, so it can only rely on air conditioning. Fortunately, there is Lei Gong and the power is sufficient, so there will be no major problems.

This snowfall is very strange. Although there were signs of cooling before, Su Lu always felt that something was wrong.

Su Lu opened the official website of the Beast Taming Alliance and found that it was not only Zhenxin City that had abnormalities.

Similar changes have occurred all over the country and even the world. In some areas, the temperature suddenly rose, in some areas, heavy rains suddenly fell, and in many places, earthquakes continued, as if the world was about to enter the end of the world from today.

At the same time, the weather forecast and the meteorological bureau were going crazy.

Xia Muyue is also in a state of panic now. The sudden cold made people unprepared. If it continues like this, many residents in Zhenxin City may be frozen to death.

"Should the people hide in the cracks of time and space for the time being?"



Since they could only stay at home in Pallet City, Sulu simply asked Mewtwo to send them back to Poké Valley.

It was freezing cold outside, but it was warm as spring in Poké Valley.

Of course, this may also be because Rayquaza was nearby. With Rayquaza, the weather would not change.

In the evening, Sulu looked at Jirachi nervously. The other Pokémon around him had the same expression as Sulu. They also knew about Jirachi's "Seven Days Legend".

"How is it? Jirachi."

"Ha~ I'm a little sleepy~ I want to sleep. "Jirachi stretched out his hand and yawned.


Rayquaza seemed to have received the message and descended from the sky.

Jirachi is its second meal ticket!

And Mewtwo carefully observed Jirachi's changes, trying to find a solution.

As Jirachi closed his eyes, green protective crystals continued to emerge around Jirachi's body.

Finally, a huge crystal was formed.

The crystal sent out fluctuations, and some springs and trees suddenly began to form in Poké Valley...

"Jirachi? "Su Lu connected with Jirachi through the power of overcoming.

"Su Lu... I want to sleep~"

Jirachi's lazy voice came.

Su Lu was relieved. At the beginning, Jirachi was gradually wrapped by the protective crystal, but at that time, even the power of overcoming could not contact Jirachi, but now it seems that Jirachi can respond.

Su Lu looked back at Rayquaza.

Roar! (Leave it to me!)

Rayquaza nodded seriously.

Grabbing the crystal stone that Jirachi turned into, he flew straight into the sky.

Just after Rayquaza left, Yang Looking at the starry sky, Su Lu found that the temperature in the Poké Valley had also dropped.

Fortunately, the Phoenix King flapped his wings, and the warm airflow covered the entire Tianyun Forbidden Land.

It seems that this strange weather has also affected the Tianyun Forbidden Land.

A few minutes later, Rayquaza brought Jirachi's crystal to space.

The crystal stone began to emit light again, and with a bang, the crystals around Jirachi shattered again.

Jirachi, who had just closed his eyes, opened his eyes in confusion.

Am I insomniac?

Looking at the smiling Rayquaza, Jirachi put his hands on his waist and puffed up his little face: "Stupid Rayquaza! Bad guy! Disturbing my sleep!"

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