The cold current must be resolved! Ho-oh, can you suppress it?" Su Lu asked Ho-oh.

"Yes, but there is a Pokémon who is more suitable than me." Ho-oh flapped his wings, and the air around him began to become warm, and the warm current began to counteract the cold current.

Su Lu could see that the way Ho-oh released the warm current was almost the same as the hot wind.

After hearing Ho-oh's words, a lavender elegant figure also appeared in Su Lu's mind.


Su Lu and Ho-oh said the name of Articuno at the same time.

In the Pokémon world, Articuno is a legendary Pokémon that lives on the mountains to resist the cold current.

So this can be regarded as Articuno's job.

At this moment, Articuno is leisurely nestling in the ice cave that Regiace dug for it.

Rather than being aloof, this Articuno's personality is more aloof. It basically does not contact other Pokémon. Only Regiace, whose mind is more mechanical, can get along well with it.

Of course, if a Pokémon has a problem and finds Articuno, Articuno is still willing to help.

However, Articuno, who was leisurely enjoying the cold air, suddenly raised his head. It received Su Lu's message.

Save humans? Not interested~ But it seems that there is more cold air to absorb, so let's go and take a look.

Articuno drilled out of the ice cave.

Outside the ice cave are the upright stone slabs and Regiace.

Regiace nodded to Articuno.


Su Lu waited for the flying Articuno half an hour later.

After receiving Mewtwo's spiritual seed, the purple color on Articuno's body was fading, and the dark purple feathers of the Galar form that were originally dark purple have now turned into light purple.

But as long as Articuno wants to burst out spiritual power, the stimulated spiritual power seeds will turn Articuno's feathers into dark purple.

Articuno, who fell to the ground, rubbed against Su Lu.

"Articuno, see if you can stop this cold current. You don't have to block all of it, just make sure that the cold current does not affect the city.".

Articuno nodded and flew into the sky.

The perception of cold currents is already an instinct of the Articuno family.


Then Articuno flew around the occupied area in the east.

Finally, it landed on a mountain range close to the Tianyun Forbidden Land.


Articuno intends to stop the cold wind here.

As Articuno landed, the mountains that were already covered with thick snow began to freeze instantly.

More intense frost and snow began to fall from the sky.

The cold wind blowing westward gradually stopped.

The cold current flowing to the west seemed to be cut off by a stronger ice blade!

Such a strong blizzard seemed to make Articuno a little tired.

But Articuno now carries the ice treasure given by Su Lu. Under the amplification of the ice treasure, this blizzard is completely fixed in this mountain range.

"What a strong ability to control ice and snow." Su Lu exclaimed.

Su Lu even felt that Articuno's strength seemed to have caught up with the strengthened Lei Gong, and even had a bit of Lugia's style.

"Maybe it's because this Articuno has a spiritual seed."

Lugia, known as the God of the Sea or the God of Phoenix, is a psychic and flying type, and Articuno is also one of the races affiliated with Lugia, so Su Lu feels a little similar.

Articuno landed in front of Su Lu.


"Then I'll leave this to you for now."

Articuno nodded seriously... and then found a hillside and started digging a hole.

Well, the three sacred birds basically live in caves.


In Pallet City, some shivering people are calling for help. There are many people who have no heating at home and have not prepared warm clothes in advance. After all, no one thought that it would suddenly be so cold in a place like Pallet City.

There are also many people who are ready to leave the area covered by the ice wind overnight.

If the ice wind does not dissipate for a day, it will be extremely difficult to even go out of the city for hunting.

If you can't go out of the city, then the meaning of the beastmaster coming to Pallet City will disappear by half.

However, more people are waiting and watching, because in Pallet City, the one sitting in charge is Mewtwo with god-level combat power! And it is said that there is also a dragon god with god-level combat power in the Tianyun Forbidden Land!

As the temperature warms up again, everyone knows that this incident may have ended.

After the cold wind dissipated, the satellite weather display showed that the sky was cloud-forbidden.

There is a blizzard mountain range hundreds of miles long on the east side of the ground!

It doesn’t matter what the mountain range was called before. Now it has a new name, the Snow Mountain Range.

A large area east of the Snow Mountain Range is still in extreme cold, but because of the existence of the Snow Mountain Range, all the cold currents are cut off here.

What kind of power is this that can cut off the cold air in the ground? !

You know, even the energy contained in a nuclear bomb is less than one thousandth of a natural disaster!

Was it the Dragon God Messenger or the Governor of Mewtwo who took action?

Rayquaza and Mewtwo once showed that they could change the weather.

In any case, the restless people were calmed down.

The trust of the residents in Pallet City in this city has also been unprecedentedly improved. Even this kind of weather situation can be reversed in a short time. What problems can’t be solved!

In their hearts, the sense of security brought by Pallet City has once again soared.

Due to the influence of the cold air, the beasts in the occupied area in the east have also begun to change their behavior patterns.

Those who can hide in the cracks of space and time will hide in them. If they can't find any cracks, they will go directly to the warm direction.

So scattered small beast tides began to occur again.

And for such small beast tides, the beast masters are very welcome.

Powerful beasts basically don't need to migrate, so they basically have to face some soft persimmons. Dealing with such beasts has low risks and considerable benefits. It's just to give them money!

According to the investigation, the source of the disaster is basically the sudden appearance of beasts or cracks in space and time. Except for the cities around Zhenxincheng, most cities are still in a state of disaster.

Other cities in Xulin Province have also sent distress signals one after another.

Su Lu, who received the distress signal, had a headache.

"You also need to find me for material allocation? You also need to find me for the city covered by wind and sand? You also need to find me for the earthquake?...

No, it's for Mewtwo... This workload, compared with the summoning stone I can get, isn't it a bit of a loss..." Su Lu shook his head speechlessly.

Now, there are either strong winds or heavy rains around major cities, as well as mudslides, earthquakes, underground fires and other strange disasters.

This makes the already difficult cargo circulation routes even more difficult.

Some city lords and kings rushed to the space-time cracks as soon as the disaster occurred to destroy them, but even if they succeeded, the same disaster would still come again the next day.

"If the source is not solved, we can only fight it temporarily. Let's arrange the transportation of materials first and see if we can solve the problems in some areas."

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