The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

How strong is Kyogre who turns on the rainy weather in the sea?

As long as it is in the ocean, the stamina and energy of the Fathead Fish are almost unlimited!

The same is true for Groudon. As long as it stands on the ground, its stamina is inexhaustible and its energy is endless.

This is why only Rayquaza can stop Kyogre and Groudon when they fight, because only Rayquaza can forcibly shut down the special weather that both of them have turned on.

If the weather that both of them have turned on is not turned off, then they can even fight endlessly until the planet is destroyed...

And now, Kyogre, who has released all his power, is terrifying.

A large area of ​​root fluctuations exploded the sea surface.

The seawater, which should have been transparent, is now pitch black, and it is full of the limbs and arms of the sea creatures.

Manaphy, who was at Sulu's feet, was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This was the first time the little prince had seen such a tragic scene.

In his impression, the ocean is beautiful and tolerant.

But the scene now unfolding in front of it is so cruel. Manaphy, who can exchange hearts and explore hearts, understands that this is a war between races.

A war at the cost of the death or enslavement of one side.

Even if it is it, doesn't it represent Pokémon?

This is necessary for sea Pokémon to obtain soil for survival.

At this moment, the little prince Manaphy seemed to have grown up.

Manaphy pulled Sulu's trouser legs.

Sulu looked down at the prince of the sea.

"If you want to go, go ahead." Sulu encouraged.

The root fluctuations around Kyogre in the sky have never stopped, like a fish-shaped fully automatic light cannon launcher.

At the same time, the cold air touched the surface of the tsunami.

Under the freezing of millions of cold air, even a tsunami close to a thousand meters high was instantly frozen in an area.

But this does not mean that the frozen tsunami has lost its lethality.

The ice wall weighing hundreds of millions of tons slammed into the sea surface with kinetic energy, forming huge water waves and shocks.

The aquatic creatures within a few miles of the ice wall and the sea surface were shaken into blood in an instant.

Circles of water waves spread around.

At the edge of the coast that can be photographed by the satellite, it can be clearly seen that the sea water suddenly retreated, and a tsunami of a hundred meters high rushed to the land.

"What happened?"

Liu Qingxuan and related personnel stared at the screen.

Tsunamis of more than a hundred meters even smashed the earth. In this natural disaster scene, even the guardian god can only float and sink, right?

One of them suddenly roared loudly.

"This damn dragon messenger! Doesn't he know that the ocean is now the territory of the sea aliens! If his actions this time provoke a war between the two tribes, the consequences will not be borne by our country!

If that happens, how many people will die!

Isn't the reason why we expand cautiously to maintain the relationship with the sea aliens?!"

"Quiet! Wait for the result. Someone has already gone to the East China Sea to explore. I will know the situation of the war by then." Liu Qingxuan interrupted the roar of the Beast Taming Alliance member.

Compared with the aliens on land, the aliens in the ocean did only block the sea passage at the beginning of the space-time rift and prohibited humans from going to the sea.

The threat to humans comes more from fierce beasts and land aliens.

So in the eyes of some people, giving up the ocean and not taking the initiative to provoke trouble is the correct strategy.


The tsunami was partially frozen, but it still swept away and smashed a large number of sea people.

Kyogre's individual combat power has indeed not grown up yet, and a single root wave cannot even kill a dominant beast.

But as long as he uses his authority, Kyogre can easily cause tsunamis and floods like natural disasters.

This is the value of a first-level god...

As long as he flies in the rain clouds, Kyogre only needs to watch those weak creatures that cannot reach him being buried and smashed by the ocean.

Standing on Kyogre's back, Sulu can sense Kyogre's excitement.

Fathead fish is not excited because of his own combat power or record.

It is just simply excited that he can regain control and use this power.

If there is no trainer, then the meaning of its existence is to expand the ocean, and only in this process can it feel satisfied.

Sulu can let Kyogre continue to raise huge waves, but Sulu did not do so.

Because Mana

Fei has something to do.

Kyogre quietly hovered in the dark clouds.

The beasts and sea creatures in the ocean have lost their will to fight.

They can't touch Kyogre in the dark clouds at all, and even their attacks can't reach that height.

It's a luxury for ordinary creatures to even want to touch the gods soaring in the sky.

Flying is really a powerful ability, which is why 99% of god-level Pokémon can fly.

At the same time, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded in the ears of all sea creatures.

"I am the prince of the sea! The king of the sea clan! The partner of the sea god! The ally of mankind, those who surrender to the majesty of the sea god are exempt from death!"

Manaphy stood on the sea with Suicune at this moment, as if walking on flat ground.

As Suicune's feet touched the sea, the sea that was originally filthy with blood and broken limbs began to become clear.

The blood melted and the limbs sank.

If it weren't for the heavy rain, these deep sea aliens would even feel that everything before was an illusion.

Under Manaphy's persuasion, the first Abyssal Alien curled up and knotted in the sea, which was a sign of the Abyssal Alien's submission and surrender.

Manaphy's language seemed to have magic power, and its range of transmission in the ocean was terrifyingly wide.

With the surrender of the first Abyssal Alien, more and more Abyssal Aliens chose to surrender.

At the same time, he was actually excited.

That's a god!

This is not the other gods who are called sea gods but have no power related to the sea.

Isn't it the wish of most sea creatures to surrender to an orthodox god whose power is the ocean?

Even if this sea god seems to be a beast controlled by humans.

Sensing the hearts of the Abyssal Aliens, Manaphy, who pretended to be serious, breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that his racial talent is useful even for sea aliens and fierce beasts.

If the other party surrenders, there will be fewer casualties, right? And accepting this batch of sea creatures, the sea Pokémon will not have to do some dangerous things themselves in the future.

Well, with a group of workers, can we build an ocean temple?

For the Manaphy clan, a world without an ocean temple seems strange.

There is an impulse in its blood that makes it go to the ocean temple...

In Manaphy's mind, as long as there is an ocean temple, it may be able to manage a large area of ​​the ocean through the temple.

In this way, there will be fewer fights in the sea, right?


"Frog, duck, prepare for battle." Sulu, standing on Kyogre's back, suddenly said.

Although the totem was well hidden, it could not escape the detection of the wave power.

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