The tower is full of life, and the scenery is very beautiful.

There are two ways to ascend the Battle Tower. One is the giant spiral staircase on the outer layer of the tower, and the other is the spiral staircase formed by the life roots wrapped in rocks in the middle.

The walls of the tower are also neat stone pillars over five meters high, and the sunlight shines into the tower through the gaps between the stone pillars.

The outer space is also the audience seat, and you can easily see the situation in the venue at a glance.

The first floor is the Grass Tower. In the huge space, half-meter-high grass sways in the wind, and some mint flowers exude fragrance.

Visitors who enter the Battle Tower also feel relaxed with the smell of grass.

The environment here is created by beautiful flowers and Shemy using grass fields.

If fighting in this layer, the grass-type beastmaster will get a lot of blessings.

"Is this really a battle site? It would be a pity if it was destroyed. Such a beautiful place."

"Such a strong grass-type atmosphere, it's almost like a forbidden area, right? Training beastmasters here will definitely be more effective."

"Is this the battle site? Top-bud grass, carefully record the environment here, it will be very helpful for our battle."

"It seems that there is no arena here? In other words, this competition is in the form of a field battle?"

"Let's go! Let's go to the next floor to take a look."

The reporter carried the camera and almost wanted to lick it inch by inch.

The second floor is the ground tower, with bumpy earth mounds everywhere.

The third floor is the insect tower, and the huge forest is hung with dense silk threads provided by the green caterpillar clan.

The fourth floor is the ghost tower, the dim environment, the cold air, which makes people goosebumps.

The 18th floor, the Dragon Tower, the strange blue crystals cover the entire venue, like a beautiful restricted area.

Continuing upward, it is the open-air top of the tower, which is also the most plain battle field.

Each floor is like a world, like a restricted area evolved from a crack in time and space.

If it weren't for the fact that electronic equipment can be used in the battle tower, everyone would think they were in a space crack.

After the information about the battle tower was made public, it attracted an endless stream of people and beastmasters to come and watch.

Fortunately, the tower is large enough, and the transportation is not very convenient now, so it has not caused congestion.

But even so, the daily ticket revenue alone has reached tens of millions.

This is something Su Lu did not expect.

However, the audience can only move in the outermost layer and cannot enter the venue, which is also a pity.

On the third day before the game, Su Lu finally announced the competition requirements.

In the audition, willing contestants can get a badge as long as they can walk into the battle tower.

The attribute marked on the badge is the player's initial tower level.

Players are not restricted from moving.

After each battle, the winner can get at least one and at most half of the number of badges from the opponent. Finally, the top three with the most badges in each level will enter the main competition arena.


"It's finally starting. What a powerful force. That Su Lu is only 19 years old. It seems that I am really sitting in a well and looking at the sky. The clan leader is right. The world has changed."

A squinting young man in Hanfu stood under the tower and looked at the battle tower.

"Hey! It's you. Please open your eyes to buy tickets!" The staff urged.

Squinting eyes looked at the staff seriously: "I have opened my eyes as wide as possible! And I am going to get the battle badge."

"Oh? If you are a challenger, take that road. Don't force yourself. Although there are little lucky eggs and Jilidan nurses, don't let them get tired." The staff said casually.

Mu Dongxuan looked at another passage.

Is this the contestant passage? Why is there no staff?

Not only Mu Dongxuan, but also many beast masters walked towards the contestant selection channel.

But as soon as he stepped into the audition channel.

Mu Dongxuan felt a huge pressure coming.

"This is... pressure! Is the audition held in this way? Either use the king-level fluctuations to resist, or use the body to resist, it seems that the threshold of the competition is higher than I thought."

Mu Dongxuan walked in the channel, and a challenger in front of him and his beast lost consciousness and fell to the ground because they could not withstand the pressure.

The next moment, they were teleported away.

Mu Dongxuan's pupils shrank, spatial ability?

Mu Dongxuan began to carry the pressure and walked to the end, it was a round

The round beast has a pocket with eggs in its belly.

After seeing Mu Dongxuan coming, Jilidan skillfully took out a badge from the badge box and handed it to Mu Dongxuan.

"There is still pressure here. Is this beast also a king-level beast?" Mu Dongxuan became more and more curious about Su Lu.

He looked at the badge, which had a beetle pattern on it and emitted a faint insect energy.

"Insect Tower? I'm so lucky. It seems I don't have to run any more."

Outside the city, amid the cheers of the girls, a blue flying dragon slowly landed in the beast docking area.

"Ah~~~ It's the Ice Dragon King~ Ah~ So handsome!!"

"Tsk, not as handsome as my cousin..."

"My cousin doesn't show up again, what's wrong with meeting husband number two!"

Liu Kai heard the words of his fans with his keen hearing and sighed: "The speed at which beastmaster stars become out of fashion is too fast..."


There are at least 8,000 beastmasters who have entered the player selection channel.

But surprisingly, only 46 people walked through the channel and received the badge on the first day.

Among the official list of the Beastmaster Alliance, there are many already famous beastmasters.

"Song Ye, the king? Isn't he already 34 years old? Why is he competing with other young beast masters?"

"Don't talk about Song Ye. I heard that there are a lot of kings in their 50s who want to participate! After all, the reward for the top 20 is a quasi-beast master cub!"

"Do the young people in this session still have a chance?"

"Don't say it, the influence of age on beast control is not as big as imagined."

"So many kings!"

"I heard that there seems to be a king who didn't even make it through the player selection."

"After all, the king is selected and evaluated by the local area. It's normal to have a gap, right? And I heard that even if you don't have the strength of a king, if you have a strong will, you can pass the selection?"

"Is that so? Then let's go and see tomorrow. If you pass, won't you be more famous? How great is it to be on the same screen with the king?"


So the next day, the official news came out that if you fail to challenge the player channel and receive treatment, you will have to pay for the treatment. This stopped a large number of beast masters who wanted to try.

However, the contestant channel has truly become a mirror to expose the true nature of the superstars.

Now, the number of superstars who failed in the auditions alone exceeds a hundred!

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