The sound of the wind was so strong that it made all life feel touched.

It was an invisible wave, but it touched all life.

It was like seeing the birth of life with one's own eyes.

Under that invisible wave, the original life thorns began to change.

From the original pure plant, it gradually changed in a weird direction, some places turned into stone, some places turned into crystal...

And the life thorns were also growing rapidly.

In the changed life thorns, a bunch of round substances were squeezed out.

Those round, cell-like things were even constantly deforming, Pikachu, Kentaro, Yukira, Milk Tank...

They actually turned into the image of Pokémon!

Su Lu's heart was also lifted, could this be the secret of the birth of Pokémon?

Using the World Tree as a medium, reading Mew's genes, and thus creating Pokémon one by one?

Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon, and is also the seed of the World Tree and the seed of life! It is the life of Pokémon!

"No, that's not right, those things will not become Pokémon." Mewtwo interrupted Su Lu's thoughts.

"Compared to Pokémon itself, those are more like white blood cells that imitate Pokémon."

Somehow, Su Lu was relieved to hear Mewtwo's words.

"It should be that it came into contact with Mew's genes, so it mimicked them. Maybe this is why the Creator God asked Mew to protect the World Tree.

But since the World Tree cells can mimic Pokémon, it is beyond doubt that Pokémon can be extended with Mew's genes."

And Mew, who was on the Thorns of Life, no, now it should be called the World Tree Seedling, showed a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

Su Lu also thought of something.

"Quick! Ho-oh! Go help Mew, he doesn't have enough life force!"

Although Mew is the genetic ancestor of Pokémon, he has strength, but he is more of an ancestor in terms of status. He cannot match Arceus in terms of strength. In terms of energy and fighting methods, he may be at most at the level of a first-level god.

If it was Mew in its heyday, it might be able to bear the energy of the budding world tree, but now this Mew, which has just been summoned by Su Lu, is only level 15 and has not been strengthened. Naturally, it cannot bear such a huge consumption.

"Yes, yes... you know how to order me around."

But Ho-oh was ecstatic in his heart! Finally, he can get rid of this ghost thing! Farming every day, he is almost a free-range chicken!

Now that someone has taken over this ghost thing, Ho-oh is too happy to be happy.

With the injection of Ho-oh's life fire, Mew's expression also returned to calm.

But with Ho-oh's voice of "I go!!"

Su Lu found that maybe even with Ho-oh, it would not be enough?

"Stop? This is the World Tree."

Just as the Pokémon World Tree was budding, the Earth also began to undergo drastic changes.

All the mythical beings that already existed, the huge changes that they had sensed for four or five months, actually came ahead of time!

It was a huge tree-like diagram drawn by a spectrum emitting the light of life.

But this kind of vitality can only be sensed by mythical beings.

"World Tree! This is the World Tree of this world!"

"The World Tree is the incarnation of the will of the world. Has the will of this world finally awakened?"

In the void, the light roots of the Earth World Tree began to spread and penetrated into the endless void...

One by one, the 'fragments' were being gradually pulled.

Liu Qingxuan and Qu Wen, who had already mastered the Rift Dragon, felt the huge changes in space at the first time. It seemed that some extremely powerful space-time cracks were about to come!


Su Lu didn't know about the changes in the world.

"Why don't we stop?"

Meow is the seed of the World Tree. If you want to give birth to the World Tree, you can do it at any time. There is no need to hurt Meow for a momentary emergency.


But Meow's voice sounded.

All Pokémon became serious.

Because Meow said, 'Lend me your strength! '

Without hesitation, groups of light representing vitality emanated from the Pokémon's body.

It merged into the earth and merged into the thorns of life that were transforming.

Transformation, continue again.

The expansion speed of the World Tree began to surge again, even squeezing out the soil and causing the earth to begin to rise and fall.

The land of Poké Valley was lifted a lot!

Su Lu asked all Pokémon to retreat.

Even more exaggerated

It was the growth of the World Tree. The World Tree, which was originally nearly 200 meters high, has now expanded ten times!

The height has reached 2,000 meters!

And the growth of the World Tree has only become slower, but it has not stagnated. It will even become bigger in the future!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Lu was speechless.

Because the World Tree almost occupies a small half of the area of ​​​​Poke Valley, many facilities have been damaged due to the expansion of the World Tree.


After completing her masterpiece, Menghuan flew down excitedly.

Her home is back!

The completed World Tree also began to operate.

The channel that originally conducted vitality in the underground roots began to appear one by one "cells" to carry vitality.

At the same time, the World Tree also responded to all the Pokémon who contributed vitality.

A subtle life force was integrated into the bodies of all Pokémon.

It seems that a lock has been opened!

Those Pokémon that were only elite or even ordinary originally, in this strange fluctuation, their potential suddenly climbed to the champion level!

More than 1,200 Pokémon! All have the potential of the champion level!

In other words, as long as they are willing to train, all Pokémon will have the strength to rival the dominant beasts!

When Su Lu first got the news, he was ecstatic, and then his liver hurt. More than a thousand champion-level Pokémon? How much money would it cost to raise them?

And with the birth of the Pokémon World Tree.

In the areas that have long been covered by the roots of the World Tree, the beasts were completely baptized at this moment and got rid of the shackles of the invisible will.

And under the influence of the World Tree, their genes will also undergo some benign changes as they continue to reproduce.

In the past, the beasts would even put the elimination of humans above survival, but now, except for the beasts in the cracks of time and space, all the beasts are "free".

They will accept human kindness and also run only for survival.

Until one day, if they gain the ability to sense human kindness like Pokémon, even the fierce beasts may actively integrate into the human race.

And in the endless void.

The World Tree, the incarnation of the awakened world consciousness, descended on the earth.

He was about to awaken his carrier in reality, the ‘World Tree’.

But even the world consciousness was a little stunned.

‘Why did a World Tree sprout first? What should I do? ’

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