After Mu Dongxuan completed the capture, the following players also gradually reached the level of favorability. However, unlike Mu Dongxuan who possessed the Phoenix King Feather, the following players still needed to pass the test of the "parents". During this period of contact, all the players could clearly recognize that the potential of the quasi-beasts from the Tianyun Forbidden Land was much higher than that of the beasts from the outside world. And most importantly, they were more docile, which meant that the running-in period between the two would be greatly reduced, and the new quasi-beasts could quickly form effective combat power. After completing the capture, the players were naturally sent to various cities for garrison. This also attracted the envy of the city lords in other regions. The city lords in other regions were all at the king level, but what about the Dongxin District? Everyone has a dominant beast! How can you not envy them?

And it is said that some unknown changes have occurred in Dongxin District. The beasts in the wild in Dongxin District seem to be no longer so violent, and can even be directly called quasi-beasts.

It is precisely because of these factors that Dongxin District, which originally seemed to be sparsely populated, has once again ushered in a nationwide population migration frenzy.

And this population migration is obviously promoted by the Chinese government and the Beast Taming Alliance.

The representative of the Beast Taming Alliance also found Su Lu.

"Are you saying that a mythical space-time rift is coming?" Su Lu frowned when he got the news, and it was Qu Wen who contacted him.

Space-time rifts can indeed bring huge benefits to Su Lu.

But that is a situation that can be solved, and a mythical space-time rift means that there may be a quasi-god or higher existence in it.

This level of existence can already cause some trouble to Su Lu. If it is not handled properly, there will even be casualties.

Qu Wen nodded seriously.

It was because of the mythical space-time rift that he stayed in Dongxin District for such a long time.

"But according to our investigation, it seems that this space-time rift belongs to us humans." Qu Wen continued to explain.

"Belongs to us humans? What do you mean?"

"Just as the aliens actively perform rituals or sacrifices to summon space-time rifts for the powerful existence in the space-time rifts, we humans may also have our own 'gods' in the void." Qu Wen's expression also became serious.

This is the result of careful investigation and analysis by the Beast Taming Alliance.

Generally speaking, summoning space-time rifts requires anchor points, and the anchor points of the aliens are the forbidden ruins and themselves.

But in the perception of Qu Wen and Liu Qingxuan, the anchor point of this mythical space-time rift is actually all mankind! Of course, the main anchor point is still the Tianyun Forbidden Land.

"That is to say, the ancient myths are very likely true, and they are all achieved by means of beast control. The space-time rift that has descended this time is very important to humans! We must defend it!"

"I will do my best to help."

Suddenly, Qu Wen's face turned very bad, as if he had received some news.

At the same time, in the restricted area south of Dongxin District, an endless tide of ferocious beasts was slowly approaching.

The generals defending the city were terrified when they first discovered the situation.

Because the number of beast control masters defending the city was only 10,000, while the number of the other side was obviously 100,000 or even a million!

At the border of the forbidden area, a huge Behemoth with a height of 20 meters and a body that seemed to be made of gold made a deafening sound.

"I am the king of Behemoth! Human! Come out and see!"

Not only in the south.

In the Lingxue defense line in the north, the sky full of ice crystals flew to the border of China.

The Ice Crystal Clan is an elemental creature, like a giant snowflake with a face. What they love most is to smear human blood on their bodies. The darker the color of the Ice Crystal Clan, the higher their status.

Marshal Ling Xue, wearing a silver-white cloak, stood on an ice dragon, looking at the Ice Crystal Clan, which had not invaded for five years.

"The Ice Crystal Clan has come with its entire clan. Is it going to be a decisive battle?"

In the eastern sea, the Abyssal Sea Clan surged in.

In the Death Desert, the Shell Clan set off a sandstorm.

At the same time, there were a total of 18 alien races, all exerting pressure on China at the same time!

And there was only one purpose, that is, the mythical space-time rift!

Qu Wen and Liu Qingxuan have the ability to explore space-time, and naturally there is also one among the alien races.

Originally, even the alien races fought each other, and the totems in the totem area were almost all hostile.

After all, resources are limited, and so are humans. No totem is willing to share resources with other totems.

But now, that is a mythical space-time crack! There must be mythical materials in it. All totem-level beasts know that their chance to evolve again and climb to the myth has come!

Moreover, if humans are allowed to develop mythical space-time cracks and master a large number of mythical combat power, then these totems may be in danger.

The totem-level existences in the totem areas around China chose to join forces to put pressure on China without hesitation.

If it were just the totems, it would be fine, but after learning the information, other human countries even joined the team to put pressure.

This is very intriguing.

Just now, Qu Wen received the news from Liu Qingxuan.

"What's wrong?"

"It's troublesome. It seems that the whole world knows that a mythical space-time crack will come to our China." Qu Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Originally, he was thinking that after the space-time rift came, he would use the rift dragon in his and Liu Qingxuan's hands to shield the fluctuations of the mythical space-time rift and develop it quietly.

Now that everyone knows about it, do we really have to develop it together with the aliens and other human countries?

Hearing Qu Wen's words, Su Lu frowned.

Now Dongxin District can be regarded as his base camp, and many Pokémon have been sent out to manage various protected areas.

If those aliens really invaded all at once, they would inevitably destroy the protected areas that he had built with great difficulty, and even the Pokémon might suffer considerable damage.

Qu Wen looked at Su Lu with some concern.

Because this is no longer a problem that can be solved by a Rayquaza or a few mythical beasts. The target of the pressure from the aliens is the entire China and Dongxin District. Although the mythical existence can prevent the opponent's large-scale march, the endless small-scale invasion is the most deadly.

Qu Wen admitted that the combat power of Su Lu and his "Pokémon collective" is very strong.

But after all, the scale is still regional.

And what about the alien races and totem countries? They are countries! Countries of alien races and beasts.

With Su Lu's strength, can he really stop or repel them?

Moreover, this matter is not just about Dongxin District, but also about the entire China!

If there is a slight mistake, it may fall into a situation of no return.

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