The height of the clouds in this area is much higher than that in other places.

Seeing this, Su Lu finally remembered where this area was. This is the Tianyun Land, one of the forbidden areas!

With the emergence of the space-time crack, it is not only ordinary beasts that are pouring into the earth. If the space-time crack is not dealt with for too long, the space-time crack will gradually become illusory, and everything in it will also materialize on the earth as the space-time crack gradually becomes illusory. The world after the advent will also change the laws of the earth like the space-time crack.

This is equivalent to permanently prohibiting humans from using the power of technology in this area, so it is called a forbidden area.

And some extremely powerful beasts that cannot pass through the space-time crack will also completely descend.

The Tianyun Forbidden Land is a forbidden land completely shrouded in huge clouds and fog. Due to the thick clouds and fog, even satellites cannot detect the situation inside.

It is said that many beast masters went there to explore, but not many people came out, and even if they did, they could not bring back any important information.

"Forbidden land? How did you find this place, Rayquaza?" Su Lu asked.

Roar (I just flew casually and saw that there was thick fog here, so I came here curiously.)

I just flew casually and found it...

Okay, this is very Rayquaza.

"How thick is this fog?" Seeing that Rayquaza was still in the fog after flying for a minute or two, Su Lu asked curiously.


Rayquaza rolled his eyes up as if he wanted to see Su Lu's expression.

(Boss, are you questioning my ability!)

How could Rayquaza, the master of the sky, not be able to do anything about this little fog? This is also a kind of weather!

Su Lu had previously told Rayquaza not to use his special talents when he was outside, so Rayquaza did not dispel the clouds.

But now the boss has spoken!

Roar! (Boss! I understand!)

Su Lu: ? ? ? What do you understand?

Rayquaza slowly slowed down, slowly raised his head, and roared!

In an instant, all the clouds within a range of fifty or sixty miles dissipated like bubbles, and the sky reappeared!

The sun once again penetrated the earth.

The ground was covered with green grass.

And in the center of the sky cloud land, there was a huge pillar!

The pillar was four or five hundred meters wide, and the height could not be seen with the naked eye! At the top of the pillar was a huge yellow stone palace.

This was already a building that could not be made by humans.

Not to mention the huge space-time crack above the palace.

Looking at this pillar-like building, Su Lu thought of the Sky Pillar in the Pokémon world.

That was a building built by a group of humans who believed that Rayquaza was a god from ancient times to the present day for Rayquaza to live in.

Its form is also like this pillar of heaven.

But Su Lu is very sure that this cannot be the pillar of the sky in the Pokémon world.

After the Pokémon system awakened, Su Lu also carefully checked the Internet. There is not even a Pokémon in this world, let alone a building in the Pokémon world.

"Similar buildings?"

The whole picture of the Tianyun Forbidden Land, which is not covered by clouds and mist, is finally revealed to the eyes of the world.

The forbidden land is an area that humans focus on observing. After all, no one knows what powerful beasts will emerge from the forbidden land.

So the moment the Tianyun Forbidden Land was unsealed, the eyes of the whole world were focused on it.

And Su Lu also thought of this in a very short time, so Su Lu sighed, "Rayquaza, stop the Sky Chain."


Rayquaza was a little puzzled. He clearly asked it to open the field of vision, but now he said it doesn't need it?

But Rayquaza still stopped using his talent.

In an instant, the fog that had disappeared suddenly reappeared, covering the area.

"The place is quite suitable, let's go and check it out."

Before the fog disappeared, Su Lu looked at the ground for a few times. The ground was flat and all land. It is said that before the space-time rift appeared, this place was still a large plain for growing crops.

So it is naturally suitable to grow fruit trees, but because the fog is too thick, the sunlight may not be sufficient, and it is not suitable for growing some crops that require a lot of sunlight.

"Let's go to the Sky Pillar first." Su Lu said.

Rayquaza seems to be very interested in the Sky Pillar.

The Sky Pillar in the Pokémon world is where Rayquaza receives worship and rest, so the Sky Pillar should be a poke of Rayquaza's preferences.

If it's not a nuisance

If you are bothered, take this piece of land? Su Lu thought.

And Rayquaza gradually approached the Sky Pillar.

The closer he got to the Sky Pillar, Su Lu found that the nitrogen mist on the atmospheric shield flowed slower, which also meant that the wind around seemed to disappear.

"Yes, if there was wind, this Sky Pillar could not be built so high. No matter how good the material was, it would be bent by the wind." Su Lu said thoughtfully.

And Rayquaza seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes began to sharpen.


Su Lu was stunned, "The sky here is affected by creatures with similar powers to you?"

Rayquaza is a first-level god in charge of the sky! He began to maintain the sky at the beginning of the existence of the Pokémon world, and now Rayquaza actually sensed similar abilities to it?

So there is also a creature here that can be called the Sky God?

However, Rayquaza only noticed this power when he was close to the Sky Pillar, so in this area, the opponent's power should only act on the Sky Pillar.

Compared with the range of the sky that Rayquaza can affect, the opponent's strength should be weaker than Rayquaza.

But in any case, it is necessary to take a look.

Rayquaza flew to the side of the Sky Pillar. The Sky Pillar is not a sealed pillar, but a building with a lot of hollows.

It is also because there is no wind around the Sky Pillar, otherwise even if the Sky Pillar can stand up, it cannot stand firmly in the building.

Su Lu flew up around the Sky Pillar on Rayquaza.

In the Sky Pillar, the layers of space are connected by spiral stairs, but there are no creatures in each layer of space, only stone tablets.

In this way, Rayquaza carried Su Lu to the top of the Sky Pillar.

The height is about 9,000 meters, which is higher than the world's highest peak.

At the top of the Sky Pillar, there is actually a garden. There are a few trees growing on the huge disc. In addition, there are some strange block buildings with runes.

This place is shrouded in a strange atmosphere. The altitude should be extremely cold with scarce oxygen, but now it is as warm as if it is still on the ground.

Due to the altitude, there are fewer clouds and fog than on the ground, so the sunlight is more abundant.

"This is a good place to plant fruit trees. If there is no such thing."

Su Lu looked up at a huge space-time crack.

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