The sound of something falling to the ground was deafening.

Boom, boom, boom!

It was the sound of something falling to the ground.

Xia Muyue, wearing a hood, raised her head, and some water droplets had condensed on her windbreaker.

She looked into the depths of the thick white fog, and with her superhuman hearing and perception, she noticed the huge sound echoing in the white fog.

"There is something there." She murmured.

The Champion Governor sent people to explore. Now there are only two kings who know the information of the Sky Seat. Hu Yunzhi is old, and Xia Muyue's blood can reduce the prying of the beasts, so Xia Muyue took the initiative to ask for Ying and entered the Tianyun Forbidden Land alone.

In the fog, it seems that something smelled Xia Muyue's breath.

A black shadow suddenly fell down.

It landed on Xia Muyue and collided with a light curtain.

"Another king-level beast lord." Xia Muyue frowned.

After entering the Tianyun Forbidden Land, almost every small area lord is a king-level beast. It is worthy of the name of the forbidden land. Ordinary king-level beasts can't go far.

Unless the champion comes, it is difficult to investigate in depth.

But each champion is the governor guarding a province. How can he be used at will? If he is trapped in the forbidden land, it will be troublesome.

Only people with special blood like Xia Muyue can go so far in the forbidden land.

She fought with the beast lord, and other beasts would only think that it was a fight for territory among their own kind. If ordinary humans came in, they would be attacked by the crowd.

"Liuli, death rainbow."

The colorful butterflies flying around Xia Muyue reflected colorful light, and finally gathered into black light. The scorching black light shot towards the beast lord in the fog.

After the beast lord fled in panic, Xia Muyue took a breath.

The compass was useless. There was fog everywhere. She walked towards the pillar of heaven and the rumbling sound based on her memory.

Boom boom boom~

Under the continuous bombardment of the original power, the blood stone monster that had no way to attack the Sky Splitter had been smashed into a real stone.

And Su Lu's system store points also directly increased by 5,000 points.

Although some stone blocks began to be mixed in the original power, it still did not reach the level of meteorites.

But Su Lu still gave his praise generously: "Well done, Sky Splitter."

Sky Splitter also nodded happily. He finally found some ways. The next thing to do is to continue training.

The pieces of the bloodstone monster's body were dragged back to Poké Valley.

After all, it was a king-level lord beast. Even its stone body contained a lot of energy. Perhaps it could be used to cultivate some Pokémon or directly used as nutrients for planting trees and fruits.

"The bloodstone monster should be evil and rock-like. It would be great if we could make an attribute detection instrument."

Rayquaza began to train and properly clear threats around Poké Valley.

In Xia Muyue's ears, there was a rumbling sound like a meteorite falling to the ground, guiding her like a compass.

However, the sound was far away, and she didn't know how long it would take to reach it.

But there was an intuition in her that the answer she wanted might be where the sound came from.

"Liuli, Tongyou, can you still hold on?" Xia Muyue asked.

The colorful butterflies flying around Xia Muyue flapped their wings. In Xia Muyue's perception, the glass-colored butterflies told her that they could continue to fight.

Xia Muyue's originally dark shadow also emitted a little star-like light and a pair of soft eyes.

In Xia Muyue's shadow was her second king-level beast, Tongyou Guangying Beast.

Xia Muyue actually subdued far more than two beasts, but she was only 19 years old after all. In just two years of training, she could only train Tianguang Liuli Butterfly and Tongyou Guangying Beast to the king level.

So she didn't summon other beasts.

"The lords of a small area are all king-level. Is this a forbidden area?" She frowned and said.

After driving away a beast whose strength was probably lower than that of the king, she continued to move forward.

When passing through the beast territory, the king-level lord beasts attacked one after another, not only Tianguang Liuli Butterfly and Tongyou Guangying Beast, but even Xia Muyue herself felt extremely tired.

Through her own bloodline ability, she can almost perfectly control her beast, but this kind of telepathic communication that can command the beast as if it were her own arm will also

This makes her consume more energy than ordinary people.

The only good news is that the fierce beasts that have not come into contact with her will recognize her as a 'fierce beast', so after she occupies a territory, other fierce beasts of the lord will generally not take the initiative to attack her without special circumstances.


"Yes! Rayquaza, I found the feeling! That's it, you can do it, continue to condense larger meteorites."

In just half a day, Rayquaza went from only being able to mix fist-sized stones with the original power to being able to condense basin-sized stones.

In this way, it may only take two or three days for Rayquaza to condense a qualified meteorite.


Rayquaza is also happy that he is gradually beginning to master new skills.

But in the next two hours, the meteorites condensed by Rayquaza no longer changed.

Rayquaza's original high enthusiasm seemed to have suffered some setbacks.

And Su Lu saw the condensation of meteorites again and again, and he actually had some insights. It was a pity that Su Lu did not have the energy of Pokémon, otherwise he might be able to release skills.

Su Lu wanted to tell Rayquaza about this feeling, but found that the insights could not be described in words...

This feeling made Su Lu very uncomfortable.

Until the end of the day's training, Su Lu comforted Rayquaza.

"Skills are not achieved overnight, don't be discouraged, we still have a lot of time."

Rayquaza nodded and continued training.

Then after the training, Rayquaza sent Su Lu back to W City.

On the way back, Su Lu kept thinking about how to tell Rayquaza about his insights.

Superpowers can indeed allow Su Lu to communicate directly with Pokémon, but after all, information can only be transmitted through text or pictures.

Like this "feeling", Su Lu feels that it is difficult to convey it to Pokémon.

At night, Psyduck and Walker have already gone to bed.

But Su Lu opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

"No wonder so many Pokémon trainers train with Pokémon, maybe it's to convey their 'feelings' to Pokémon." Su Lu said with some emotion.

Convey? Su Lu suddenly thought of something.

Then he opened the system store. Although he had to buy tree fruits in the past two days, his points were only a few thousand points.

But in the past two days, with the efforts of Rayquaza and the contribution of the forbidden beast, the store's points have risen to 20,000 points!

"20,000 points? Just enough."

Su Lu chose to confirm the purchase.

Suddenly, Su Lu began to radiate a light golden energy.

This is what Su Lu has just exchanged.

[Seed of Super Power]!

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