The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Synchronous evolution? Is this the girl's trump card? But even so, it's not enough..." Hu Yunzhi shook his head.

If Xia Muyue's trump card is just this, it's better to stop after this battle. The remaining beast lords are not easy to deal with.

Hu Yunzhi is a king who has successfully opened up the territory. Naturally, he knows what kind of strength is needed to achieve Xia Muyue's original goal.

Occupying this area, as long as it can resist the subsequent beast siege and remove the space-time rift, it is still possible to build a small town.

A larger area, that's a fool's dream...

"Lord Hu, let's get started." Xia Muyue said.

Hu Yunzhi nodded.

The group of spiked crocodiles was the weakest target they chose, and they had news about the spiked crocodiles in advance, so they knew the weakness of the spiked crocodiles.

Just after Xia Muyue arrived, spikes wrapped in water suddenly shot out from the water.

The spikes were extremely fast and had great impact.

Xia Muyue dodged quickly and hid in the thorn fortress that Hu Yunzhi had created. The three early stage spiked crocodile guards seemed to have sensed the death of the lord, and the violent color in their eyes became more intense.

After joining Xia Muyue, the two began to counterattack.

With thorns as a barrier, Xia Muyue's beasts were the main output.

This time Xia Muyue also brought more beasts. Xia Muyue brought some smaller beasts, some with wings, and some with concentric circles...

If Su Lu saw it, he would probably think that Xia Muyue should be a beastmaster specializing in the fairy system.

Beams of light attacked the Spiked Mad Crocodile Lord.

In fact, there was one thing that Xia Muyue and Hu Yunzhi had not expected. The Spiked Mad Crocodile was a fierce beast with water evil attributes, and Xia Muyue's natal beast, the Skylight Glazed Butterfly, happened to be a beast of the insect and fairy system.

The energy of the insect fairy can restrain the evil attribute four times! In other words, the Skylight Glazed Butterfly can deal four times the damage to the Spiked Mad Crocodile!

This bonus has reached an unreasonable level.

If the Spiked Mad Crocodile was not now in their home waters, and there were three Heavenly King-level beasts, it would probably die after just a few attacks from Xia Muyue.

Seeing Xia Muyue frantically suppressing the Spiked Mad Crocodile, Hu Yunzhi was also a little surprised. She somehow thought of the attribute restraint that Xia Muyue had talked to her about before...

After Xia Muyue joined, the Spiked Mad Crocodile gradually fell behind and also fell into a frenzy.

The violent red energy on his body turned into black mad energy!

He began to attack desperately.

Even the extremely solid and regenerative thorn field was torn apart by these three spiked mad crocodiles!

Several beasts hidden in the thorns by Hu Yunzhi were also injured.

After the spiked mad crocodiles went berserk, although Xia Muyue was better at hitting the spiked mad crocodiles, she was also more likely to be injured by the spiked mad crocodiles.

After the last spiked mad crocodile lord in the middle stage of the Heavenly King was killed, even Xia Muyue felt sore all over.

"Don't relax! There is one last wave." Hu Yunzhi reminded loudly.

Xia Muyue, who was already exhausted, also cheered up.

The lord of this area has been killed, which is equivalent to releasing the space-time rift, from which a large number of fierce beasts may emerge, and fierce beasts from other areas in reality may also flock here.

If they were unlucky, they would even attract several Heavenly King-level beast lords. With their current state, it would be difficult for the two to continue to deal with the negative number of beast lords.

If that was the case, they would have no choice but to retreat.

But suddenly, Xia Muyue seemed to have thought of something, and an idea came into her mind, and she began to call Su Lu.

Su Lu, who was still watching the battle on the edge, felt Xia Muyue's call, and took the initiative to use the power of super-control to feel Xia Muyue's current thoughts.

"So that's how it is? It's convenient." Su Lu said.

Then a hidden wave passed through the sky, and a faint dragon's might emanated.

Humans couldn't feel it, but the beasts were keenly aware of something. A large number of weak beasts stopped after sensing the breath.

This also led to the fact that there were not as many beasts attacking as imagined. Even if there were some who didn't know how to live or die, they were intercepted by the beast masters on the edge.


At the riverside, Hu Yunzhi, who had been waiting for a long time, was a little puzzled. What would happen after killing the lord?

It is a well-known fact that the beast tide is coming, but it has not happened yet.

Is this Xia Muyue's method?

But even so, it is not enough.

Hu Yunzhi used his crutch, and all the beasts that were hidden before appeared. There were walking trees, fruit-like creatures, and creatures that looked like dead grass...

They were all Hu Yunzhi's beasts, but most of them were now injured to varying degrees.

"King Xia Tian, ​​can you tell me the truth? What trump cards do you have? If you don't have stronger combat power, then stop here, otherwise you won't be able to defend even if you open up the territory." Hu Yunzhi said seriously.

Starting a business is difficult, and maintaining a business is even more difficult, especially with the successful construction of the city, the number of humans has increased, and the aura has become stronger, which will attract more powerful beasts to attack. Even the strength of opening up the territory is very difficult, so how can it be defended?

And Xia Muyue's mind still flashed Su Lu's figure.

Originally, she planned to start from a small city, just like the old kings like Hu Yunzhi, expanding the city territory as her strength gradually expanded, but for him, large cities were only the beginning.

So Xia Muyue said firmly: "Yes, I have an extremely powerful trump card, this area is not a problem."

"That's good..."

Originally, Hu Yun wanted to say, 'I hope you don't be too ambitious', but after seeing Xia Muyue's firm eyes, she didn't say it.

Because this kind of eyes can't be emitted by people without absolute confidence.

"Killing the lord is just the beginning. We need to clear all the beasts in this area, otherwise ordinary people can't do construction and inspection. Go out and call your partners in." Hu Yunzhi said.

The two of them have already chewed the hard bones, and the rest are some fat meat.

This is the spoils of war that belongs to Xia Muyue alone. As for the benefits obtained by Hu Yunzhi, they will pay through the cooperation between the two cities after the city is built.

Xia Muyue nodded.

After killing the lord, hunting companies would usually conduct sweeps and captures. Ferocious beasts themselves represent interests, and the area is too large for Kaijiang Tianwang to handle alone.

Then the expedition team thoroughly searched the original city ruins and found everything valuable.

Finally, the ruins were demolished and the city was rebuilt.

But now Xia Muyue has given up the hunting cooperation with all hunting companies.

Because this piece of profit has been given to one person by her, which is also one of the costs of the other party's move.

"Tidy up, don't let people see you tired." Hu Yunzhi reminded, and all her beasts also held their heads high.

Even after this battle, her beasts need to rest for at least one or two months to recover their peak combat power, but they still need to show the best side to ordinary people, because they need to see hope, which is the meaning of Kaijiang.

Xia Muyue nodded.

When the two walked out of the range of the space crack, they caused a huge cheer.

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