After the death of the queen insect, a large number of fierce beasts rushed over, and finally attracted the attention of others. Everyone reacted and came to a place not far from the territory of the demon insect. Due to the previous fierce beast riot, even the reporters who were originally guarding outside the territory also stayed away from this dangerous place, and the soldiers stationed also hid in the fortress. After the fierce beast riot ended, they immediately got out of the simple fortress and continued to guard this area. Seeing that there were not too many fierce beasts near the garrison line, the people who came later were also very curious why the defenders did not stop the fierce beasts this time. "Why haven't the two Heavenly Kings come out yet? Are they injured?"

"Yes, the subsequent waves of ferocious beasts have also stopped. The two Heavenly Kings should have solved the Demon Insect Territory, right?"

"Brothers! Get ready. There will be more ferocious beasts in the Demon Insect Territory. We should need more corpse movers. We are going to make a big profit today!"

"Successful again? How is it possible? Even if there are two Heavenly Kings, they shouldn't be able to take down two places in a row?"

"We have known the strength of City Lord Hu for a long time. It should be that King Xia Tian still has some powerful trump cards."

"By the way, I learned from the soldiers guarding the garrison that in addition to the two Heavenly Kings, there was also a young man who followed them in. In this devil's territory, it seems to be called Su Lu? "" Is the two cards of the two heavenly kings? "" Hahaha, do you want to laugh at me? The rotation is used with nostrils! "" I go, brother is so ruthless? "" That's certainly, even if I say that the vow is vowed, don't you want to get it? "" Hurry up! " So, even if the vision is good, it is impossible to directly look at what happened, because the way of light may be changed. A large number of wooden tricycles were loaded with beast meat that had been cut into countless pieces, and slowly drove towards the outside world.

Many corpse transporters were familiar with this type of tricycle, and even used it personally.

But if there were only a few or a dozen wooden carts, it would be fine, but now the number of wooden carts was actually thousands!

What's even more amazing is that there was no sign of anyone operating a large number of wooden tricycles, but the handles of the wooden tricycles were shining with bright white telekinetic light.

"Why are the two kings on the tricycles!"

"And that boy."

"There are so many beasts!"

"I think I recognized that corpse, it's an elite-level raccoon."

"And the green poisonous lizard, the explosive bear..."

Finally, everyone finally saw the brightest boy in the tricycle group.

Yaya stood alone in the position of "driver"! The driver's seat is the last stubbornness of the duck...

"Oh! I finally know why the two kings want to bring this boy with them. This duck is much more useful than a corpse carrier."

"Is it here to clean up the battlefield? Maybe it can also give the boy some ideas?"

"Although I don't know the specific strength of this duck, but it can control so many tricycles at once, I'm afraid its strength is close to that of the king?"

"Brother, that's because you didn't observe carefully. The duck's ability does have a large range of influence, but its lethality should not be satisfactory." A sharp-eyed reporter said, and the beastmasters around him and reporters from other channels also looked at him.

"How do you know?"

"Haha, let us explain it to you in detail. You see, although all the tricycles are controlled, only the handles are shining with white light, so the duck's driving ability is not as strong as everyone thinks, otherwise it would cover all tricycles.

And you haven't noticed that these tricycles will also bump, so the strength of this Psyduck's mental control should not be high. The control strength of the same area is not great, so even if it can lift tons of objects, it can't do it.

, because the force per unit area is not large..." The reporter analyzed it very well.

But he immediately changed the topic again: "Although the lethality may be relatively weak, just based on this move, it also shows the potential of a king. Now the spirit power of this beast named Psyduck is so strong. If it continues to develop and condense its spirit power, it may have the opportunity to enter the king level. Maybe this is why the two kings took this boy with them. "

After listening to the explanation, a group of people showed a look of sudden enlightenment. It turned out that the effect of controlling thousands of cars was achieved through thousands of mental coverage points!

It's no wonder that he was brought along as a king seed.

But it's not so easy to become a king. Normally, it takes a team of quasi-king-level beast masters to become a king. Of course, there are also beast masters like Xia Muyue who have two or three mid-level kings who can become kings.

But even so, Psyduck's potential is enough to make ordinary beast masters envious.

"I admire you. You can see so much information just by looking at it. May I ask your name? ”

“Strawberry News Gold Medal Reporter Li Ming! Welcome to my news live broadcast room~” Li Ming said with a row of shining teeth in one direction, which was his photography team...

Of course, Psyduck was just an interlude, and everyone was more concerned about the two kings.

After discovering that the two kings did not even have a single scar on their bodies, and the beasts they carried seemed to be only slightly tired, cheers rang out again.

Huh? Psyduck looked at the cheering crowd in confusion, and then puffed out his belly! These people must be praising it!

Psyduck ran two more times before transporting most of the beast corpses out. There were also some demon insect corpses buried in the ground, which had to be handed over to those companies for disposal.

Before transporting most of the beast corpses, Xia Muyue and Hu Yunzhi controlled their beasts to cover up the traces of the battle again. , so that even if someone enters later, they will only think that the two kings left such a large trace of battle.

After the transportation of the fierce beasts was completed, the expedition team and the mopping-up team were allowed to enter the original territory of the demon insects.

And Su Lu and the other two left directly from the other side of the territory of the demon insects and continued to the next area. No one thought that the two kings would continue after conquering two places in a row...

The people who entered the territory of the demon insects found that the blood moss that was originally bloody was now pulled up by the roots one by one.

The officials of the Beast Taming Alliance also began to organize beast masters with fire beasts to control the beasts to spray flames to burn the earth and kill all the remaining eggs of the demon insects.

And when they approached the central area, after seeing the huge pits covered with thorns, everyone finally understood the "power" of the two kings.

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