The road was already very long, but the ground was still very dry.

Su Lu in the car watched the construction department beastmasters with the barbarian bull beasts on the roadside controlling the beasts to push the light wall like a road roller to level the land.

There are also clay puppets to control and pour good cement into the building frame, and with some machinery, the speed of road construction is so fast that even the most difficult building materials can be solved by the beastmasters.

No wonder Xia Muyue gave such a short initial completion time before, this world already has a complete beastmaster work system.

Beastmasters are also divided into categories, but only combat department beastmasters have star ratings, while other life department beastmasters have only four levels: apprentice, elite, expert, and master. Each level is determined by length of service and exams.

The life-oriented beast masters who were transferred by the Beast Taming Alliance to build the city were at least elite-level life-oriented beast masters.

After getting in the car, Psyduck stared at the steering wheel held by Xia Muyue with a sharp gaze, while Xie Mi in Su Lu's arms was tapping on Su Lu's mobile phone. Although Xie Mi could not read, he could still learn by watching videos.

Perhaps it was because Psyduck looked at her a little numb, Xia Muyue finally said helplessly: "Psyduck, if you want to drive, just drive, just follow the navigation."


Psyduck laughed, and then took over the steering wheel with telekinesis.

And Xia Muyue finally had time to communicate carefully with Su Lu. With her serious temperament, she would not make any movement as long as Su Lu did not take the initiative to talk to her while driving.

Xia Muyue took out a crystal with a faint seven-color glow from the bag beside her and handed it to Su Lu.

"This is a sample of the summoning stone I got after removing a useless space-time crack yesterday. See if you can use it. If you can, I will apply for it for you. The space-time crack is not big, so the quality of the summoning stone is not very good."

Su Lu took the summoning stone. Xia Muyue also introduced this thing to Su Lu.

Although the summoning stone cannot allow the beastmaster to summon again, it can strengthen the beast and even develop the ability of the beastmaster to a certain extent!

Some advanced evolutions and strengthening abilities require the participation of the beastmaster, but most people in this world are ordinary people. After all, there are only a few people like Xia Muyue who are born with the talent to induce super evolution.

Most people who want to master special evolution or strengthening need to develop their potential through some special methods! And the summoning stone is an important development prop.

Therefore, the value of the summoning stone can be imagined. It is not only the material needed for the awakening of the beastmaster, but also the strengthening material. This is why the Beastmaster Alliance strictly controls it.

However, in Xia Muyue's opinion, this quality of summoning stone would at most be used by Su Lu to strengthen the newly acquired beast, and he would not use it himself, because Su Lu's energy was obviously higher than hers. With her ability, she could not use this low-quality summoning stone to improve her ability, let alone Su Lu, who was much more powerful than her.

But after Su Lu got the summoning stone, the system that was originally used for lottery and store actually moved again!

[Summoning energy detected! Consuming summoning energy can make additional draws! Current progress (3%)]

Su Lu's expression seemed calm, but there were surging waves in his heart.

Accumulating enough summoning energy can make additional draws? ! In other words, as long as there are enough summoning stones, Su Lu can even empty the lottery wheel in one day!

The speed of collecting Pokémon by yourself will also be greatly improved!

As for the problem that too many Pokémon would be difficult to manage, it would not happen to Su Lu, because now Su Lu already has four kinds of extraordinary energy, and can easily sense and contact his own Pokémon. Even for training, Su Lu only needs to use the power of super-control to contact Pokémon and be with them.

If you are lucky, you can even get several mythical beasts in a day!

Originally, I thought this system was moral, but now it seems that krypton gold is still needed! ?

Xia Muyue looked at the summoning stone in Su Lu's hand that gradually turned into a transparent stone, and was somewhat silent. Su Lu's ability is so powerful, and this low-level summoning stone is still effective for him? How terrible is his talent potential?

Is it really as City Lord Hu thought, that the Rayquaza was entrusted to him by an old senior because of Su Lu's outstanding talent?

But then Xia Muyue denied this idea, because she had seen the bond between Su Lu and Rayquaza before, and it was impossible for a beast entrusted by someone else to be able to be in a short time.

The emotional connection between the two.

"What exactly is his talent..." Xia Muyue was filled with curiosity, but she did not ask her own question, because she knew that this was an extremely important secret for everyone.

"The system is triggered by the summoning stone, and it is conceivable that the summoning stone can be used again." Su Lu recalled the scene when he summoned the stone. At that time, even the empty shell of the summoning stone was sucked clean. In fact, if Su Lu had not controlled it this time, perhaps this summoning stone would not have left a transparent empty shell.

"It seems that the summoning stone is still useful to me now." Su Lu said.

"I will help you call it."

After becoming a quasi-city lord, Xia Muyue's power has also increased a lot. After all, the city lord can nominally mobilize the city-level beast control alliance department at will without violating the rules.

Resources such as summoning stones can naturally be mobilized, as long as the 'empty shell' is returned for verification.

"How much is it?" Su Lu asked.

A summoning stone of this level can provide 3% of the summoning energy, so 34 summoning stones of the same level are needed to perform an additional summoning.

"Since it is a space-time crack that has not been cleared for a long time, the energy is accumulated. Now the space-time cracks destroyed have a total output of more than 200 pieces. After the entire territory is cleared, it is expected to produce more than 4,000 pieces. I can call half of them, and the other half will be stored by the Beast Taming Alliance for students to awaken in the future." Xia Muyue said.

A space-time crack that has not been cleared for a long time only produces more than 200 pieces? It seems that the output of summoning stones is lower than I thought.

In fact, what Su Lu didn't know was that an ordinary student in the Beast Taming University could only receive a summoning stone of this quality in two months to improve himself.

Even for the city lord, summoning stones are relatively scarce. After all, even if humans cannot use this thing, it can be used to improve the potential of summoned beasts.

"What do I want to exchange? I'm not talking about this batch, but more." Su Lu asked.

Xia Muyue had promised before that the first batch of summoning stones in the new territory could be given to Su Lu, but Su Lu now wanted to get all the summoning stones!

"I can't exchange them." Xia Muyue shook her head.

"The summoning stones are used by the cities themselves under the joint supervision of the Beast Taming Alliance. There is very little circulation between cities, and the Beast Taming Alliance prohibits the sale of summoning stones."

"Is that so?"

It seems that summoning stones are really hard to get. Maybe I can go to the space-time crack to explore. Although it is said that only the Beast Taming Alliance has the means to condense summoning stones, maybe the system can also absorb them directly.

Thinking of this, Su Lu wanted to go directly to the space-time crack to take a look...

"Are there any space-time cracks that are about to be destroyed?"

Xia Muyue nodded, and lightly tapped the navigation with her finger, and the original destination was changed to a space-time crack that was judged to have no value to retain.

As for the construction of factories and research institutes? It's the same when I go to see it later.

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