The two of them learned that the evolution of the Pokémon was a great success.

Evolution is the sublimation of life and one of the common pursuits of all Pokémon.

This is true even for the legendary Pokémon. Unfortunately, they are already strong enough to a certain extent, and it is extremely difficult to further evolve.

Rayquaza and Mewtwo both watched the evolution of the walking grass seriously.

They learned from Su Lu that they can both undergo super evolution. Observing the evolution of other Pokémon may bring them some insights.

And Su Lu immediately exchanged a crystal of time and recorded this scene.

With the blessings of all Pokémon, the evolution cocoon of white light gradually solidified.

The walking grass evolved successfully!

But Su Lu's face suddenly changed, because Su suddenly remembered what Pokémon it was after the evolution of the Walking Grass.


It's the Smelly Flower!

A foul smell suddenly spread.

Even the sky garden of the "Hundred Fruit Garden" could not suppress this kind of stench.

The sense of smell of Pokémon is much more sensitive than that of humans, especially the grass hedgehog Shaymin, whose sky form is a dog, and the sense of smell of canine Pokémon is naturally needless to say.

If the stench is a kind of polluted breath, Shaymin can still purify the polluted air through its innate ability, but the smell of the Smelly Flower is not pollution, but a special plant hormone.

So Shaymin was also very straightforward. After smelling the smell, he shouted "Shaymin is going to die~", and then straightened his body and lay down directly.

Other Pokémon were not much better, and they all took several steps back. This effect was more effective than the pressure of Rayquaza and the oppression of Mewtwo...

After Su Lu smelled the stench, he felt a headache.

"It seems that I need to let Vilepocket learn some sweet scents."

Just when Su Lu was thinking this, Vilepocket began to emit flashes again!

Su Lu:? ?

"This scent?"

It turned out that the Sun Stone that Vilepocket carried with her once again induced Vilepocket to evolve!

Originally, with Vilepocket's level, it could not evolve twice even with the Sun Stone, but the Sky Garden had plenty of energy, and there were a lot of tree fruits that provided plenty of grass energy, so in the perfect environment, Vilepocket actually evolved twice in a row!

When the light faded again, a beautiful Pokémon with two bright red flowers on its head and green and yellow leaves like a skirt appeared in front of everyone.


Vilepocket made a soft sound.

Psyduck's face turned red all of a sudden!


Su Lu patted Psyduck's head.

"You two are not from the same family~"


Psyduck looked at Sulu with disdain. Duck is just simply admiring, right?

The strong stench disappeared, replaced by a faint floral scent.

"Congratulations on your evolution, Melissa." Sulu squatted down and said to Melissa.


Melissa smiled and danced a sun dance in response.

After Melissa's dance, the sunlight seemed to be more dazzling.

The evolved Melissa can also be a member of the Sunny Team. Of course, Melissa herself is not very willing to fight.

Even if it evolves into Melissa, farming is its original dream.

Other Pokémon also stepped forward to congratulate.

"I helped you record the evolution process. It's beautiful, right?" Sulu used the power of waveguide to stimulate the picture.


Melissa looked at the scene of her evolution and jumped happily.

Not only Melissa, if there is no accident, Sulu will record it when any Pokémon evolves. This is everyone's precious memory.

The evolution of the beautiful flower seemed to have stimulated the trumpet buds and vine monsters, shuttlecock grass and eggs.

In their opinion, if the walking grass can evolve by farming, then they should be able to do it too, right? It turns out that farming is a kind of practice! Evolution can be achieved without fighting?

At this moment, they understood.

Rayquaza pulled Mewtwo aside to exchange ideas.

Both first-level gods wanted to understand mega evolution. They had never seen evolution before, so it was naturally difficult to understand. Now they finally have a reference target. Although it is not a super evolution, it is also an evolution that relies on props, and it has a certain reference value.

Roar~ (I think super evolution should be... blah blah)

Mewtwo nodded (You are right...)


"Mewtwo, I will trouble you to plant these fruit trees in the future.

"Is it okay to take out the seeds and send the fruit to the factory?" Su Lu asked.

As long as the fruit seeds are not leaked, it will be okay even if other people know the method of making energy cubes.

After the factory opened, Su Lu did not think that the production method could be kept completely secret. It could not be fully automated, and keeping it secret was almost impossible.

"No problem." Mewtwo replied seriously.

Although Su Lu has many Pokémon, Mewtwo also knows that it is the Pokémon closest to humans, so it is willing to take on more responsibilities.


After dealing with the fruit, Rayquaza conveyed some information to Su Lu.

Gradually, Su Lu frowned slightly.

Because Rayquaza told Su Lu that the breath in the space-time rift is more intense, and the things inside may come out soon.

"Then Rayquaza, don't leave the Tianyun Forbidden Land too far recently, and monitor the movement of the space-time rift at all times. Don't worry when we solve the things inside. "Su Lu said.

Raykuza showed a look of understanding.

Then Su Lu opened the system again.

He went to Z City to pacify the large space-time rift, and Su Lu's accumulated number of draws reached 60!

So Su Lu also planned to draw directly while in Tianyun Forbidden Land.

Although 60 draws are not as good as the previous 200 draws, it is not a small number.

When Su Lu drew the lottery, Mewtwo cast his eyes.

Because Mewtwo knew that it came from this way, the curious Mewtwo wanted to know what the principle was.

Unfortunately, it could not see through the brilliance condensed by the system.

One by one Items and Pokémon were condensed one by one.

Pidgeot, Paras, Furball...

Most of them were Pokémon with only ordinary potential.

However, Su Lu still had an unexpected gain!

[You got a [Level 2 Legendary Beast] Pokémon! ]

A Level 2 Legendary Beast!

Although Level 2 Legendary Beasts are set to be worlds apart from Level 1 Gods, they are also beyond the reach of ordinary Pokémon. Generally speaking, only the champion's trump card can match them.

The condensation of Legendary Beasts is slightly slower than that of ordinary Pokémon.

Under the gaze of many Pokémon, Level 2 Legendary Beasts finally appeared.

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