The best way to win the championship is to win the championship.

"Haha, don't lose heart, I will train you to be the strongest duck in the world." Su Lu smiled and patted Psyduck's shoulder.

Psyduck's potential is actually not bad. It has shown the potential of the king level on the system panel before. If it fully develops its mental power, it will be the king at the bottom and has the hope of winning the championship!

What is the level of champion? In the Pokémon world, the Pokémon held by the champion are all standard gods.

A strong champion can even fight against the legendary beasts, which is already a very remarkable potential.

Quack! (It's a deal!)

Is it still a conceited duck? Or is it because Psyduck has developed its potential and become smarter?

Su Lu opened the system again and took a look. Psyduck's potential has become the king...

It is probably in a headache state now, poor duck.

And Rayquaza can't wait to eat everywhere.

So Su Lu controlled Rayquaza, grabbed a few fierce wolves, took only the meaty thighs, peeled and roasted them.

It was Su Lu's plan to go out of the city today, so he also brought a lighter, but Su Lu did not bring seasoning.

Well, next time for sure.

However, even if it was just roasted without seasoning, it exuded an attractive aroma.

"No wonder fierce beast meat is delicious and nutritious. I heard that eating more fierce beast meat can also enhance physical fitness!"

Su Lu is still just an ordinary person now, so he was full of meat. Even if he wanted to continue, his stomach would not allow it...

After eating the fierce beast meat, Su Lu felt warm all over his body, as if he had endless strength.

Psyduck is an omnivorous Pokémon and can eat meat. Due to its small size, it eats less than Sulu. But when it heard Sulu say that eating meat can make it stronger, it struggled to pick up a piece of meat and stuffed it into its mouth with a crunch.

Four legs were roasted in total, and three and a half were eaten by Rayquaza.

Sulu looked satisfied.

"Are you full?" Sulu asked Rayquaza.

Rayquaza nodded.


"I'm full, but isn't the energy high?"

After all, it is a mythical beast, and Sulu understands that it has higher requirements.

Juvenile quasi-gods Yukira and Iron Dumbbell also have to eat rare ores, not to mention mythical beasts.

So either eat more advanced beast meat or energy cubes?

"Energy cubes? That's right."

Thinking of energy cubes, Sulu opened his system store.

The store points that were originally 0 have now become 181!

A total of 23 wolves were killed, so each wolf provided about 9 points.

Su Lu chose to only display the items that can be purchased.

Pokeball: 100 points


"I must have a Pokeball, so that I can be guaranteed that Rayquaza doesn't have to stay in the atmosphere every day."

Su Lu spent 100 points to buy a Pokeball without hesitation, and the familiar red and white Pokeball appeared in Su Lu's hand.

"I don't know if other beasts can be captured with Pokeballs."

Su Lu felt that it was unlikely. The target of the Pokeball was Pokémon. If it could capture other creatures at will, it stands to reason that humans could also be put in, but Su Lu had never heard of capturing humans...

The Pokeball can have an effect, which is also inseparable from the biological nature of Pokémon.

Other things that can be purchased in the store include some ordinary fruit. Although fruit also has an effect and can make energy blocks, the minimum method of making energy blocks is 3000 points.

Eating the berries directly seemed wasteful, so Su Lu exchanged all the remaining points for energy cubes.

As for the Pokémon rations that can only fill hunger, they were not within Su Lu's consideration.

81 store points, only 81 energy cubes...

"It seems that I still have to find a way to grow berries myself and establish an energy cube industry chain. Purchasing from the system all the time will delay my exchange speed for other things." Su Lu thought, and then distributed the energy cubes to Psyduck and Rayquaza.

However, Psyduck, lying on the ground and touching its belly, shook its hands with difficulty.

Gah~ (Duck can't eat it, can't eat it at all)

So the energy cubes belonged to Rayquaza.

After eating all of them in one bite, Rayquaza narrowed his eyes.

The system's products must be fine products.

This made Su Lu curious about the taste of energy cubes. Will he eat one himself next time he exchanges?

People should also be able to eat energy cubes... right?

Now Rayquaza has enough satiety and energy.

Then Su Lu took out the Poké Ball, and Rayquaza also understood Su Lu's

Lu meant it, nodded, lowered his head and stretched out his claws to nod at the Poké Ball in Su Lu's hand, and then turned into a white light and entered the Poké Ball.

Rayquaza·Really Get!

Then Su Lu looked at the wolf corpses around him, and he couldn't help but think of the food at home. Yesterday was a special day, so there was meat, and this morning the food at home had returned to normal.

Su Lu also looked, there was almost no meat in the refrigerator...

The meat of fierce beasts that can strengthen the body will hardly fall into the hands of ordinary people. It is usually bought by beast masters to cultivate their own beasts.

As for ordinary meat, the land in the city is tight, and it is difficult to use a large amount of land for breeding, so there is not much.

"Take some home."

Looking at the twisted wolf corpses on the ground, Su Lu sighed with some regret.

Killing fierce beasts requires evidence to get points in the Beast Taming Alliance. It can be the head of the fierce beast or the complete body. It only needs to be certified, and the body still belongs to the owner.

Therefore, many beastmasters who go out hunting will drive out of the city, and even prepare a few empty cars to transport goods.

But Su Lu is alone now, and he has no car, so he can only take a small amount of fine meat back.

Su Lu does not doubt that Rayquaza can take away all the wolf corpses, but he just registered Psyduck today, and it is somewhat inappropriate to expose Rayquaza in the opposite hand. Isn't it obvious that there is something wrong with him?

No one in this world can be summoned twice.

But what Su Lu did not notice is that after Rayquaza disappeared.

Psyduck quacked in confusion.

(Duck's stomach is so bloated, what happened?)

Under the dragon's might, Psyduck's headache never stopped. As soon as Rayquaza disappeared, its symptoms were relieved...

Psyduck turned over with difficulty and saw Su Lu with an embarrassed look on his face.

Quack quack? (Su Lu, what's wrong with you?)

"I'm thinking about what to do with this meat."

Quack quack!

Psyduck suddenly patted his now round belly!

A silvery-white light emanated from his eyes!

All the remaining wolf corpses were actually suspended!

"What is this? Telekinesis? Yaya is so strong!"

Pikachu seemed a little embarrassed by Su Lu's praise, blushed a little, and proudly puffed out his belly, bouncing it up and down...

Ga~ (Just kidding! Yaya is the main force!)


"Let's go! Let's go home!"

One person and one duck staggered back and forth towards the city.

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