The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Is something wrong?" Su Lu asked Xia Muyue, who was sitting opposite him.

Generally speaking, this young city lord would not take the initiative to find him if there was nothing important.

Xia Muyue nodded, as if she was looking for something, and was a little disappointed when she didn't find Su Lu's Pokémon.

Originally, she wanted to touch Su Lu's cute beasts.

But business was more important.

"I'm here to inform you to attend the opening ceremony of Pokémon Company tomorrow, and I've reported the information you gave me and the body of the six-winged banshee, Su Lu, as a reward."

Xia Muyue took out a golden crystal.

After Su Lu received it, he swung it in the sun for a few times. There seemed to be golden liquid swaying inside the crystal.

"This is a super-mind crystal, which can improve the supernatural power of any creature. It is the reward for reporting information this time."

"It can improve supernatural power? That's not bad." Su Lu nodded, and then reacted immediately.

"You mean all creatures?"

"Yes, including humans."

"That's really good, how to use it?"

"Just use supernatural power to feel the super-mind crystal."

Su Lu put away the super-mind crystal and finally found a way to improve his four supernatural powers.

Su Lu is relatively good at Pokémon, but he is a little confused about the four supernatural powers of wave power.

Psychic and wave power are okay. At most, he can train himself as a psychic and wave Pokémon, but Su Lu has no way to deal with the power of Changpan and the power of super-counter, but these two supernatural powers are the most important.

"Is this thing precious?" Su Lu asked casually.

If it wasn't so difficult to get, Su Lu would like to get more.

"One Super Thought Crystal can allow a trainer to touch the threshold of extraordinary evolution, and it can only be produced in a large space-time rift."

It seems that it is not easy to get...

Extraordinary evolution is the advanced evolution that the champions can perfectly use.

In other words, a Super Thought Crystal is equivalent to a test ticket to the champion.

"You came to me, it should be more than just giving me things, right?" Su Lu continued to ask.

"Well, according to the investigation of the Beast Taming Alliance, the problematic space-time rift is not just the large space-time rift in Z City, but also a large number of space-time rifts have been stimulated by the people of the Advent School. After being stimulated, the space-time rifts are growing at a very fast speed, so it is very likely to form a huge tide of ferocious beasts in the future."

"Ferocious beast tide..." Su Lu thought, touching his chin.

"In that case, although my identity has not been exposed, Rayquaza has already demonstrated its powerful strength in front of the world. If the Advent School notices it, they will either bypass us or launch the most violent attack." Su Lu analyzed.

The Beast Taming Alliance of City Z can capture the trajectory of Rayquaza flying in the sky, so it is only a matter of time before it is captured by forces in other regions.

This is a foregone conclusion after Rayquaza officially appeared.

Recently, there have been many more people going to the Tianyun Forbidden Land to explore and try to find the traces of Rayquaza.

And the appearance of Rayquaza was also in Su Lu's plan. He now has enough strength and has Mewtwo as a trump card, so Rayquaza doesn't need to hide it.

Xia Muyue nodded in agreement. This is exactly what she wanted to say.

"According to the test, the beasts in the east of Pallet City are gathering, and a beast tide will occur in about a week."

In the beast tide, the power of a certain king who did not want to reveal his name was small, but the power of the quasi-god that exceeded the champion was enough to shake a war, so Xia Muyue came here mainly to ask Su Lu for help.

"I know." Su Lu nodded.

Xia Muyue left, she still had a lot of things to do, and the sudden beast tide disrupted her plan. Originally, after the Baoqi Energy Factory was built, she could expand Pallet City around the energy factory, but now she had to build a defense line first.

After Xia Muyue left, Su Lu asked Mewtwo to teleport herself to the top of Rayquaza again.

Rayquaza, who was still training himself, was stunned, but immediately reacted and put on an atmospheric shield for Su Lu.

"Go to the east and have a look."


Rayquaza flew over the Tianyun Forbidden Land and flew to the east.

Further east of the Shinshin Castle is an area that has never been recovered since its fall.

Beasts have taken root and developed in this area for many years, and space-time cracks have become a stubborn problem, and even turned into large and small forbidden areas.

As Xia Muyue said, the Eastern region, which was originally like an exotic ecology, has now gathered countless beasts.

But strangely, Su Lu can hardly see the space-time cracks.

Logically speaking, a large number of beasts can only emerge from the space-time cracks, so the denser the beasts are, the more likely there is a space-time crack.

"Is it hidden..." Su Lu thought.

After reading the information of the six-winged banshee, Su Lu already knew that those wearing black robes could even enter the space-time cracks before the space-time cracks were opened.

Moreover, these beasts seemed to have completely lost their minds under the influence of a strange force and became machines that only knew how to kill. Even the oppression of the Sky-Splitting Seat could not make any changes to the beasts.

The Sky-Splitting Seat exhaled a few times casually, and the destructive light swept away a large number of beasts.

But for these fierce beasts scattered in a large area, Rayquaza, a first-level god, seems a bit weak, and it is impossible to cover the entire eastern region with one attack.

The current Rayquaza cannot do it for the time being.

So we can only wait, wait for all the fierce beasts to gather together, that may be easier to deal with.


Finally, after finding out the situation, Su Lu returned to Poké Valley and summoned all Pokémon. Even the Thunder God who was still generating electricity was brought back by Mewtwo.

"Everyone, after a period of time, there may be attacks from fierce beasts, so we must prepare in advance and protect our homes." Su Lu mobilized all Pokémon.

Compared with Pallet New City, Poké Valley or Tianyun Forbidden Land will be hit earlier.

At this moment, all Pokémon looked at Su Lu seriously.

Even if some of them don't like fighting, when their homes are threatened, all Pokémon will stand up without hesitation.

This instinct seems to have been engraved into the bones of all Pokémon.

"Although we have Rayquaza and Mewtwo protecting us, everyone still needs to be able to protect themselves to a certain extent. Moreover, we also need to deal with the ferocious beasts in the Tianyun Forbidden Land."

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