After a long time, the family was busy.

Su Lu did not rest immediately after returning home.

Instead, he took out the super mind crystal he got during the day.

"The mental power and wave power can barely be trained, should I improve the super power or the power of the evergreen?" Su Lu thought.

After Su Lu's understanding, a super mind crystal can only improve one kind of extraordinary power.

Su Lu carefully sensed his super power and the power of the evergreen.

But this perception, Su Lu found something wrong.

"My power of the evergreen seems to have become stronger? But why is this?" Su Lu was a little confused.

If the previous power of the evergreen could temporarily increase the level of Pokémon by 10 levels, now it can be increased to 13 levels!

It is normal for the superpower Su Lu to have a certain growth when he is learning from Mewtwo. Although the wave power does not have Lucario as a reference, it can also be trained.

The strengthening of the power of Changpan seems very sudden.

Su Lu carefully explored the fluctuations of the power of Changpan with the power of wave.

Then Su Lu was surprised to find that the power of Changpan seemed to have a new connection besides himself!

Following this connection, Su Lu explored and finally pointed to the forbidden land of Tianyun, or Poké Valley!

The power of Changpan on Su Lu was actually connected to Poké Valley!

"So that's it!" Su Lu suddenly realized.

The two most famous bosses who got the power of Changpan are Sakaki and Xiao Huang.

It is not difficult to see from the two that the power of Changpan is a blessing from the earth to people! Or it can be said that it is a special power given by the recognition of Pokémon in a region to people.

Although Su Lu had the power of Changpan before, it was just a rootless source.

But now that Poké Valley is the only home for Pokémon in the world, and the number of Pokémon is increasing, Poké Valley has also produced a weak Evergreen Force, and then connected with Su Lu!

With the expansion of Poké Valley and the reproduction of Pokémon, the Evergreen Force on Su Lu will naturally become stronger!

After thinking about this clearly, Su Lu was still quite happy. The improvement of Evergreen Force was secondary, and the most important thing was the recognition of Pokémon.

"Then use it to improve the Overpower, and there is no way to improve the Overpower."

Su Lu took out the Super Mind Crystal and touched it with the Overpower.

After being touched by the Overpower, the strange liquid flowing in the crystal began to transform into the same Overpower as Su Lu in an instant.

The energy of the same source was naturally easily absorbed by Su Lu.

Half an hour later, Su Lu's super power has also been greatly improved. The super power that was originally only used for telepathic communication seems to be able to interfere with reality after being strengthened, and can be sealed and strengthened.

Although Su Lu's super power is not strong enough to seal a powerful Pokémon like Hoopa, ordinary ordinary-level beasts are no longer a threat to Su Lu.

Moreover, Su Lu's super power can strengthen Pokémon again. Now even Su Lu doesn't know to what extent he can strengthen a Pokémon with his super power at full power.

"It's a good thing, but it's a pity that it's not easy to get. I don't know if I can exchange it for the corpse of a dominant beast. I can ask Xia Muyue tomorrow."

After absorbing the super mind crystal, Su Lu began to write a new training plan.

"Rayquaza needs to suppress the Forbidden Land of Skycloud, and Mewtwo needs to conduct research and protect Pallet New City, so I need additional combat power. Otherwise, if Rayquaza and Mewtwo are kept busy and their strength is not improved, it will be a loss.

Thunder God is indeed a good choice, but Thunder God also has a mission now. He is just a Pokémon, and the process of constantly generating electricity is also a kind of exercise."

Su Lu typed the word "Legion" on the computer.

A single Pokémon is naturally no match for the legendary beast.

But the combat power of the Pokémon after the legion should not be underestimated. In the Pokémon world, the champion legion can even compete with the perfect first-level god.

For example, the Rainy Day Team and the Sunny Day Team are the prototypes of the Pokémon Legion. If the scale is expanded and energy resonance is generated, it can be called a legion.

"It is also a feasible way to form a Pokémon army with Pokémon willing to fight as the core and other Pokémon as auxiliary."

"The core Pokémon of the Sandstorm Team, Bangiras, is already there, so the training of the Sandstorm Team can be put on the agenda."

Su Lu typed the three words Sandstorm Team.

"Sunny Team..."

The shadow of the sunflower flashed in Su Lu's mind...

"Let's plan for now."

"There are also the Rainy Day Team and the Volcano Team..."

Su Lu carefully divided the Pokémon he had now. Fortunately, he still remembered the skills and configurations of each team relatively clearly.

"Cooperation is secondary. First, the energy of the Pokémon must resonate. Otherwise, it will just be a group of scattered sand. In the future, let all Pokémon of the same attribute resonate with energy every day. It will be a daily task." Su Lu thought.

"And we can also form some unconventional legions, such as the giant legion, the super evolution legion, etc..."

Thinking of this, Su Lu got excited and typed on the computer, considering the possibilities.

Suddenly, Su Lu found a special file in the computer.

It was the training plan for the grass-type beast that Hu Yunzhi gave him before.

Su Lu clicked it and had read the content.

The first half is the training method of a single grass-type beast. The fast evolution of the walking grass is also partly due to the secret book.

The second half is the training direction of the 'Thorn Beast Taming Team', which is a prototype of a grass-type army.

Su Lu couldn't use it before, but now he can use it as a reference.

"This world also has a beast taming army. The two are connected and can be used as a reference. It seems that I need to collect some secrets of this world."

Xie Mi, who didn't have to farm because of the danger of fierce beasts, pawed his body with his little feet in his sleep, and Psyduck had already fallen asleep with his little duck brother.

Su Lu fought all night and typed out a 30,000-word training plan...

But Su Lu was still energetic.

If it weren't for Xia Muyue's phone call, Su Lu felt that he could continue to come up with a 20,000-30,000-word training plan.

"Su Lu, the Poké Company is open today, remember to come early." Xia Muyue reminded.

Poké Company is a very important link for both Xia Muyue and Hu Yunzhi.

No wonder Xia Muyue attaches great importance to it.

"Oh, by the way, it seems that we have to attend an event today."

Su Lu also remembered what Xia Muyue said yesterday.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

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